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Reposting from old forums for easier reference, have not retested all aspects on Homecoming so YMMV

The Inspiration Maker's Guide


Search for #1 to go straight to binds and macros, #2 to go to movement versions of the binds, #3 to go to straight to multi-command POPMENUS, and #4 to go straight to consolidated POPMENUS


I made a short guide soon after the i12 launch for kheldians about using the then new inspiration changing system to help with status effect issues of the AT. It included macros and binds to turn available inspirations into break free's. Some people rather less short-sighted than I mentioned that the guide had potential for all the AT's, not just kheldians; so I decided to make a more comprehensive and (hopefully) helpful guide for anyone who finds he or she has a unique inspiration need for any character. If you have a tanker, for instance, that you find has no need of break free's or catch a breath's (purple and blue "pills"), but only really ever needs accuracy or damage inspirations, then this will give you the ability to turn those useless inspirations into something useful for you on the fly. (Mid-battle if I need a certain inspiration, I find it takes too long to right-click the excess inspirations, go down the list to what I need and maybe even accidentally clicking on the wrong thing).


Here, then, is a list of macros and binds to help you with your unique inspiration needs. They are divided into sections based on type, each getting three macros (for small, medium and large versions of the inspiration) and a bind you can use to execute the inspirations after you have made them.


Notes: If you are not used to making macros or binds, the following might make your head spin a little. Don't worry; all you have to do is

1 find the one you want based on the sections,

2 highlight the parts from /macro to the second " you see after it,

3 hit [Control+C] on your keyboard,

4 go into the game and click on your chat bar,

5 hit [Control+V] and hit enter.

A nifty little grey button will appear in your power tray which you can now click to make your inspirations.


    --The binds will work from smallest to largest, so each time you use the bind the smallest version available of the inspiration will be executed until there are none left, at which point it will start to execute the next size inspiration (one execution per use of a bind; so if I wanted to use my bind for two damage inspirations, I would have to hit the bind twice).


    The macro commands work once per click per inspiration type, but on all different inspiration types available. (I can convert a group of small reds, a group of small yellows, a group of small blues into break free's all at once, but not two groups of small reds into two break free's with the same use of the macro; it must be used twice for that)


    For the added movement binds or POPMENU commands, scroll past these. I recommend using the movement binds as the most efficient method of combining.


    All my binds here are bound to the letter "u" (as in "use"), but they can be bound to different keys, such as the ESC key, especially appropriate for the use of break free's (thanks to _Granny_ for that )

    Example: /bind ESC "inspexecname escape$$inspexecname emerge$$inspexecname break_free"


    Unfortunately, consolidated commands are too long, so I cannot combine the three sizes of macros into one macro.


    A macro, according to my testing, will not both change inspirations into another type and execute that inspiration at the same time.


    Sometimes there isn't enough room for all the inspiration names given the macro limits; so the ones that do not fit at the end are set off with brackets so you can swap them for others at your discretion. (The POPMENU version of these commands at the bottom is apparently not bound by this constraint, so they can fit in all inspiration types)


    I have not included macros for making "wakies" because if you are defeated, using the normal inspiration changing method is fine, and hopefully you do not need to make several awakens all the time on the fly.


    For the very longest macro commands, replacing (for example) [inspcombine escape phenomenal_luck] with [inspcombine restoration phenomenal_luck] may not work because the length of the word "restoration" (as opposed to the shorter "escape") makes the command go over the macro limits.


    For those of you who will be replacing some command names, I highly recommend copying the command to a word processor to make the changes and then copy from there to the game, as it can be difficult to edit these things in-game.




OK, here we go.



#1:Binds and Macros


ACC (Accuracy)


/macro SAcc "inspcombine enrage insight$$inspcombine luck insight$$inspcombine catch_a_breath insight$$inspcombine respite insight$$inspcombine sturdy insight$$inspcombine break_free insight$$inspcombine awaken insight"


/macro MAcc "inspcombine focused_rage keen_insight$$inspcombine good_luck keen_insight$$inspcombine take_a_breather keen_insight$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement keen_insight$$inspcombine rugged keen_insight$$inspcombine emerge keen_insight" (not enough room for [inspcombine bounce_back keen_insight])


/macro LAcc "inspcombine righteous_rage uncanny_insight$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck uncanny_insight$$inspcombine second_wind uncanny_insight$$inspcombine resurgence uncanny_insight$$inspcombine robust uncanny_insight$$inspcombine escape uncanny_insight" (not enough room for [inspcombine restoration uncanny_insight])


/bind u "inspexecname uncanny_insight$$inspexecname keen_insight$$inspexecname insight"



DAM (Damage)


/macro SDam "inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage$$inspcombine catch_a_breath enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine break_free enrage$$inspcombine awaken enrage"


/macro MDam "inspcombine keen_insight focused_rage$$inspcombine good_luck focused_rage$$inspcombine take_a_breather focused_rage$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement focused_rage$$inspcombine rugged focused_rage$$inspcombine emerge focused_rage" (not enough room for [inspcombine bounce_back focused_rage])


/macro LDam "inspcombine uncanny_insight righteous_rage$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck righteous_rage$$inspcombine second_wind righteous_rage$$inspcombine resurgence righteous_rage$$inspcombine robust righteous_rage$$inspcombine escape righteous_rage" (not enough room for [inspcombine restoration righteous_rage])


/bind u "inspexecname righteous_rage$$inspexecname focused_rage$$inspexecname enrage"



DEF (Defense)


/macro SDef "inspcombine insight luck$$inspcombine enrage luck$$inspcombine catch_a_breath luck$$inspcombine respite luck$$inspcombine sturdy luck$$inspcombine break_free luck$$inspcombine awaken luck"


/macro MDef "inspcombine focused_rage good_luck$$inspcombine keen_insight good_luck$$inspcombine take_a_breather good_luck$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement good_luck$$inspcombine rugged good_luck$$inspcombine emerge good_luck" (not enough room for [inspcombine bounce_back good_luck])


/macro LDef "inspcombine righteous_rage phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine uncanny_insight phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine second_wind phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine resurgence phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine robust phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine escape phenomenal_luck" (not enough room for [inspcombine restoration phenomenal_luck])


/bind u "inspexecname phenomenal_luck$$inspexecname good_luck$$inspexecname luck"



END (Endurance)


/macro SEnd "inspcombine insight catch_a_breath$$inspcombine luck catch_a_breath$$inspcombine enrage catch_a_breath$$inspcombine respite catch_a_breath$$inspcombine sturdy catch_a_breath$$inspcombine break_free catch_a_breath" (not enough room for [inspcombine awaken catch_a_breath])


/macro MEnd "inspcombine focused_rage take_a_breather$$inspcombine keen_insight take_a_breather$$inspcombine good_luck take_a_breather$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement take_a_breather$$inspcombine rugged take_a_breather" (not enough room for [inspcombine emerge take_a_breather] OR [inspcombine bounce_back take_a_breather])


/macro LEnd "inspcombine righteous_rage second_wind$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck second_wind$$inspcombine uncanny_insight second_wind$$inspcombine resurgence second_wind$$inspcombine robust second_wind$$inspcombine escape second_wind" (not enough room for [inspcombine restoration second_wind])


/bind u "inspexecname second_wind$$inspexecname take_a_breather$$inspexecname catch_a_breath"



HTH (Heal)


/macro SHth "inspcombine insight respite$$inspcombine luck respite$$inspcombine catch_a_breath respite$$inspcombine enrage respite$$inspcombine sturdy respite$$inspcombine break_free respite$$inspcombine awaken respite"


/macro MHth "inspcombine focused_rage dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine keen_insight dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine take_a_breather dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine good_luck dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine rugged dramatic_improvement" (not enough room for [inspcombine emerge dramatic_improvement] OR [inspcombine bounce_back dramatic_improvement])


/macro LHth "inspcombine righteous_rage resurgence$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck resurgence$$inspcombine second_wind resurgence$$inspcombine uncanny_insight resurgence$$inspcombine robust resurgence$$inspcombine escape resurgence" (not enough room for [inspcombine restoration resurgence])


/bind u "inspexecname resurgence$$inspexecname dramatic_improvement$$inspexecname respite"



RES (Resistance)


/macro SRes "inspcombine insight sturdy$$inspcombine luck sturdy$$inspcombine catch_a_breath sturdy$$inspcombine respite sturdy$$inspcombine enrage sturdy$$inspcombine break_free sturdy$$inspcombine awaken sturdy"


/macro MRes "inspcombine focused_rage rugged$$inspcombine keen_insight rugged$$inspcombine take_a_breather rugged$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement rugged$$inspcombine good_luck rugged$$inspcombine emerge rugged$$inspcombine bounce_back rugged"


/macro LRes "inspcombine righteous_rage robust$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck robust$$inspcombine second_wind robust$$inspcombine resurgence robust$$inspcombine uncanny_insight robust$$inspcombine escape robust$$inspcombine restoration robust"


/bind u "inspexecname robust$$inspexecname rugged$$inspexecname sturdy"



BF (Anti-status effects)


/macro SBf "inspcombine insight break_free$$inspcombine luck break_free$$inspcombine catch_a_breath break_free$$inspcombine respite break_free$$inspcombine sturdy break_free$$inspcombine enrage break_free$$inspcombine awaken break_free"


/macro MBf "inspcombine focused_rage emerge$$inspcombine keen_insight emerge$$inspcombine take_a_breather emerge$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement emerge$$inspcombine rugged emerge$$inspcombine good_luck emerge$$inspcombine bounce_back emerge"


/macro LBf "inspcombine righteous_rage escape$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck escape$$inspcombine second_wind escape$$inspcombine resurgence escape$$inspcombine robust escape$$inspcombine uncanny_insight escape$$inspcombine restoration escape"


/bind u "inspexecname escape$$inspexecname emerge$$inspexecname break_free"



Update: Movement binds

The following is possibly the most efficient way to make inspirations as you go, because it uses the movement keys to do the combining while you move. Credit is due to Stratos for this brilliant idea I swapped Stratos's binds around, made them for all inspiration types, and made mousechord (clicking with both left and right mouse buttons) the way to use your inspiration. Also, you can add "powexecname hasten" to every command for going forward, which is a frequently used tactic for freeing up your autoexec command (of which you can only use one). (If you don't have hasten, don't worry about it; I took it out of the commands because I got tired of seeing "recharging" above my character's head every time I pressed or released w). With these, other than just moving normally, no extra button pushing or clicking is involved other than using mousechord to execute an inspiration.


Make bindfiles for the following sets of commands and put them in your bind folder. Copy/paste the commands instead of retyping them to avoid errors.


#2:Movement binds



w "+forward$$inspcombine enrage insight$$inspcombine luck insight$$inspcombine catch_a_breath insight$$inspcombine respite insight$$inspcombine sturdy insight$$inspcombine break_free insight$$inspcombine awaken insight"

a "+left$$inspcombine focused_rage keen_insight$$inspcombine good_luck keen_insight$$inspcombine take_a_breather keen_insight$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement keen_insight$$inspcombine rugged keen_insight$$inspcombine emerge keen_insight"

d "+right$$inspcombine righteous_rage uncanny_insight$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck uncanny_insight$$inspcombine second_wind uncanny_insight$$inspcombine resurgence uncanny_insight$$inspcombine robust uncanny_insight$$inspcombine escape uncanny_insight"

space "+up$$inspcombine bounce_back keen_insight$$inspcombine restoration_uncanny insight"

mousechord "inspexecname uncanny_insight$$inspexecname keen_insight$$inspexecname insight"



w "+forward$$inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage$$inspcombine catch_a_breath enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine break_free enrage$$inspcombine awaken enrage"

a "+left$$inspcombine keen_insight focused_rage$$inspcombine good_luck focused_rage$$inspcombine take_a_breather focused_rage$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement focused_rage$$inspcombine rugged focused_rage$$inspcombine emerge focused_rage"

d "+right$$inspcombine uncanny_insight righteous_rage$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck righteous_rage$$inspcombine second_wind righteous_rage$$inspcombine resurgence righteous_rage$$inspcombine robust righteous_rage$$inspcombine escape righteous_rage"

space "+up$$inspcombine bounce_back focused_rage$$inspcombine restoration righteous_rage"

mousechord "inspexecname righteous_rage$$inspexecname focused_rage$$inspexecname enrage"



w "+forward$$inspcombine insight luck$$inspcombine enrage luck$$inspcombine catch_a_breath luck$$inspcombine respite luck$$inspcombine sturdy luck$$inspcombine break_free luck$$inspcombine awaken luck"

a "+left$$inspcombine focused_rage good_luck$$inspcombine keen_insight good_luck$$inspcombine take_a_breather good_luck$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement good_luck$$inspcombine rugged good_luck$$inspcombine emerge good_luck"

d "+right$$inspcombine righteous_rage phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine uncanny_insight phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine second_wind phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine resurgence phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine robust phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine escape phenomenal_luck"

space "+up$$inspcombine bounce_back good_luck$$inspcombine restoration phenomenal_luck"

mousechord "inspexecname phenomenal_luck$$inspexecname good_luck$$inspexecname luck"



w "+forward$$inspcombine insight catch_a_breath$$inspcombine luck catch_a_breath$$inspcombine enrage catch_a_breath$$inspcombine respite catch_a_breath$$inspcombine sturdy catch_a_breath$$inspcombine break_free catch_a_breath"

a "+left$$inspcombine focused_rage take_a_breather$$inspcombine keen_insight take_a_breather$$inspcombine good_luck take_a_breather$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement take_a_breather$$inspcombine rugged take_a_breather"

d "+right$$inspcombine righteous_rage second_wind$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck second_wind$$inspcombine uncanny_insight second_wind$$inspcombine resurgence second_wind$$inspcombine robust second_wind$$inspcombine escape second_wind"

space "+up$$inspcombine awaken catch_a_breath$$inspcombine emerge take_a_breather$$inspcombine bounce_back take_a_breather$$inspcombine restoration second_wind"

mousechord "inspexecname second_wind$$inspexecname take_a_breather$$inspexecname catch_a_breath"



w "+forward$$inspcombine insight respite$$inspcombine luck respite$$inspcombine catch_a_breath respite$$inspcombine enrage respite$$inspcombine sturdy respite$$inspcombine break_free respite$$inspcombine awaken respite"

a "+left$$inspcombine focused_rage dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine keen_insight dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine take_a_breather dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine good_luck dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine rugged dramatic_improvement"

d "+right$$inspcombine righteous_rage resurgence$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck resurgence$$inspcombine second_wind resurgence$$inspcombine uncanny_insight resurgence$$inspcombine robust resurgence$$inspcombine escape resurgence"

space "+up$$inspcombine emerge dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine bounce_back dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine restoration resurgence"

mousechord "inspexecname resurgence$$inspexecname dramatic_improvement$$inspexecname respite"



w "+forward$$inspcombine insight sturdy$$inspcombine luck sturdy$$inspcombine catch_a_breath sturdy$$inspcombine respite sturdy$$inspcombine enrage sturdy$$inspcombine break_free sturdy$$inspcombine awaken sturdy"

a "+left$$inspcombine focused_rage rugged$$inspcombine keen_insight rugged$$inspcombine take_a_breather rugged$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement rugged$$inspcombine good_luck rugged$$inspcombine emerge rugged$$inspcombine bounce_back rugged"

d "+right$$inspcombine righteous_rage robust$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck robust$$inspcombine second_wind robust$$inspcombine resurgence robust$$inspcombine uncanny_insight robust$$inspcombine escape robust$$inspcombine restoration robust"

mousechord "inspexecname robust$$inspexecname rugged$$inspexecname sturdy"



w "+forward$$inspcombine insight break_free$$inspcombine luck break_free$$inspcombine catch_a_breath break_free$$inspcombine respite break_free$$inspcombine sturdy break_free$$inspcombine enrage break_free$$inspcombine awaken break_free"

a "+left$$inspcombine focused_rage emerge$$inspcombine keen_insight emerge$$inspcombine take_a_breather emerge$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement emerge$$inspcombine rugged emerge$$inspcombine good_luck emerge$$inspcombine bounce_back emerge"

d "+right$$inspcombine righteous_rage escape$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck escape$$inspcombine second_wind escape$$inspcombine resurgence escape$$inspcombine robust escape$$inspcombine uncanny_insight escape$$inspcombine restoration escape"

mousechord "inspexecname escape$$inspexecname emerge$$inspexecname break_free"


These should all work, but feel free to test them and give me feedback.


I hope you all get good use out of that; it took me a while to put together.




--Mr. Microcosm

  • Thanks 1

Had to split the popmenu part into a second post... so



A POPMENU version of these binds appears, at least at the moment, to not be bound by the constraints of the binds; this means we can fit every inspiration type into our command without running out of room. For more information on how the POPMENU works, go here and here. {Links currently broken}

After you understand how they work, make a POPMENU for each inspiration type, so you can load whatever you need for any given character by making a macro [/macro Def "popmenu defense"] or a bind [/bind mousechord "popmenu defense"]. There are two kinds of menus listed below, the first has each tier inspiration split up, and the second has all three tiers consolidated into one command. This has not been thoroughly tested, but results so far say that this will work. Obviously only pick one of the two options for your menus. Name each .mnu file the simple name put above the menus copied below for simplicity. In case you didn't pay attention in those other threads, you have to make sure your .mnu file is not saving as a .txt file, and they have to go in this file location even if you have to make these folders:

City of Heroes > data > texts > English > Menus


copy the part beginning with // up to the } and paste it into your .mnu file, which you are naming appropriately, right?



#3:Menus with multiple commands



//Accuracy Inpsiration Combiner


Menu "Accuracy"


Title "Combining"

Option "Insight &1" "inspcombine enrage insight$$inspcombine luck insight$$inspcombine catch_a_breath insight$$inspcombine respite insight$$inspcombine sturdy insight$$inspcombine break_free insight$$inspcombine awaken insight"

Option "Keen Insight &2" "inspcombine focused_rage keen_insight$$inspcombine good_luck keen_insight$$inspcombine take_a_breather keen_insight$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement keen_insight$$inspcombine rugged keen_insight$$inspcombine emerge keen_insight$$inspcobmine bounce_back keen_insight"

Option "Uncanny Insight &3" "inspcombine righteous_rage uncanny_insight$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck uncanny_insight$$inspcombine second_wind uncanny_insight$$inspcombine resurgence uncanny_insight$$inspcombine robust uncanny_insight$$inspcombine escape uncanny_insight$$inspcombine restoration uncanny_insight"


Title "Use"

Option "Accuracy &4" "inspexecname uncanny_insight$$inspexecname keen_insight$$inspexecname insight"





//Damage Inspiration Combiner


Menu "Damage"


Title "Combining"

Option "Enrage &1" "inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage$$inspcombine catch_a_breath enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine break_free enrage$$inspcombine awaken enrage"

Option "Focused Rage &2" "inspcombine keen_insight focused_rage$$inspcombine good_luck focused_rage$$inspcombine take_a_breather focused_rage$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement focused_rage$$inspcombine rugged focused_rage$$inspcombine emerge focused_rage$$inspcombine bounce_back focused_rage"

Option "Righteous Rage &3" "inspcombine uncanny_insight righteous_rage$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck righteous_rage$$inspcombine second_wind righteous_rage$$inspcombine resurgence righteous_rage$$inspcombine robust righteous_rage$$inspcombine escape righteous_rage$$inspcombine restoration righteous_rage"


Title "Use"

Option "Damage &4" "inspexecname righteous_rage$$inspexecname focused_rage$$inspexecname enrage"





//Defense Inspiration Combiner


Menu "Defense"


Title "Combining"

Option "Luck &1" "inspcombine insight luck$$inspcombine enrage luck$$inspcombine catch_a_breath luck$$inspcombine respite luck$$inspcombine sturdy luck$$inspcombine break_free luck$$inspcombine awaken luck"

Option "Good Luck &2" "inspcombine focused_rage good_luck$$inspcombine keen_insight good_luck$$inspcombine take_a_breather good_luck$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement good_luck$$inspcombine rugged good_luck$$inspcombine emerge good_luck$$inspcombine bounce_back good_luck"

Option "Phenom Luck &3" "inspcombine righteous_rage phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine uncanny_insight phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine second_wind phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine resurgence phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine robust phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine escape phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine restoration phenomenal_luck"


Title "Use"

Option "Defense &4" "inspexecname phenomenal_luck$$inspexecname good_luck$$inspexecname luck"





//Endurance Inspiration Combiner


Menu "Endurance"


Title "Combining"

Option "Catch A Breath &1" "inspcombine insight catch_a_breath$$inspcombine luck catch_a_breath$$inspcombine enrage catch_a_breath$$inspcombine respite catch_a_breath$$inspcombine sturdy catch_a_breath$$inspcombine break_free catch_a_breath$$inspcombine awaken catch_a_breath"

Option "Take A Breather &2" "inspcombine focused_rage take_a_breather$$inspcombine keen_insight take_a_breather$$inspcombine good_luck take_a_breather$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement take_a_breather$$inspcombine rugged take_a_breather$$inspcombine emerge take_a_breather$$inspcombine bounce_back take_a_breather"

Option "Second Wind &3" "inspcombine righteous_rage second_wind$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck second_wind$$inspcombine uncanny_insight second_wind$$inspcombine resurgence second_wind$$inspcombine robust second_wind$$inspcombine escape second_wind$$inspcombine restoration second_wind"


Title "Use"

Option "Endurance &4" "inspexecname second_wind$$inspexecname take_a_breather$$inspexecname catch_a_breath"





//Health Inspiration Combiner


Menu "Health"


Title "Combining"

Option "Respite &1" "inspcombine insight respite$$inspcombine luck respite$$inspcombine catch_a_breath respite$$inspcombine enrage respite$$inspcombine sturdy respite$$inspcombine break_free respite$$inspcombine awaken respite"

Option "Dramatic &2" "inspcombine focused_rage dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine keen_insight dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine take_a_breather dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine good_luck dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine rugged dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine emerge dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine bounce_back dramatic_improvement"

Option "Resurgence &3" "inspcombine righteous_rage resurgence$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck resurgence$$inspcombine second_wind resurgence$$inspcombine uncanny_insight resurgence$$inspcombine robust resurgence$$inspcombine escape resurgence$$inspcombine restoration resurgence"


Title "Use"

Option "Health &4" "inspexecname resurgence$$inspexecname dramatic_improvement$$inspexecname respite"





//Resistance Inspiration Combiner


Menu "Resistance"


Title "Combining"

Option "Sturdy &1" "inspcombine insight sturdy$$inspcombine luck sturdy$$inspcombine catch_a_breath sturdy$$inspcombine respite sturdy$$inspcombine enrage sturdy$$inspcombine break_free sturdy$$inspcombine awaken sturdy"

Option "Rugged &2" "inspcombine focused_rage rugged$$inspcombine keen_insight rugged$$inspcombine take_a_breather rugged$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement rugged$$inspcombine good_luck rugged$$inspcombine emerge rugged$$inspcombine bounce_back rugged"

Option "Robust &3" "inspcombine righteous_rage robust$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck robust$$inspcombine second_wind robust$$inspcombine resurgence robust$$inspcombine uncanny_insight robust$$inspcombine escape robust$$inspcombine restoration robust"


Title "Use"

Option "Resistance &4" "inspexecname robust$$inspexecname rugged$$inspexecname sturdy"





//Break Free Inpsiration Combiner


Menu "Break Free"


Title "Combining"

Option "Break Free &1" "inspcombine insight break_free$$inspcombine luck break_free$$inspcombine catch_a_breath break_free$$inspcombine respite break_free$$inspcombine sturdy break_free$$inspcombine enrage break_free$$inspcombine awaken break_free"

Option "Emerge &2" "inspcombine focused_rage emerge$$inspcombine keen_insight emerge$$inspcombine take_a_breather emerge$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement emerge$$inspcombine rugged emerge$$inspcombine good_luck emerge$$inspcombine bounce_back emerge"

Option "Escape &3" "inspcombine righteous_rage escape$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck escape$$inspcombine second_wind escape$$inspcombine resurgence escape$$inspcombine robust escape$$inspcombine uncanny_insight escape$$inspcombine restoration escape"


Title "Use"

Option "MezResist &4" "inspexecname escape$$inspexecname emerge$$inspexecname break_free"




#4:Menus with consolidated commands



//Accuracy Inpsiration Combiner


Menu "Accuracy"


Title "Inspirations"

Option "Make Insight &1" "inspcombine enrage insight$$inspcombine luck insight$$inspcombine catch_a_breath insight$$inspcombine respite insight$$inspcombine sturdy insight$$inspcombine break_free insight$$inspcombine awaken insight$$Keen Insight &2" "inspcombine focused_rage keen_insight$$inspcombine good_luck keen_insight$$inspcombine take_a_breather keen_insight$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement keen_insight$$inspcombine rugged keen_insight$$inspcombine emerge keen_insight$$inspcobmine bounce_back keen_insight$$inspcombine righteous_rage uncanny_insight$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck uncanny_insight$$inspcombine second_wind uncanny_insight$$inspcombine resurgence uncanny_insight$$inspcombine robust uncanny_insight$$inspcombine escape uncanny_insight$$inspcombine restoration uncanny_insight"

Option "Use &2" "inspexecname uncanny_insight$$inspexecname keen_insight$$inspexecname insight"





//Damage Inspiration Combiner


Menu "Damage"


Title "Inspirations"

Option "Make Enrage &1" "inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage$$inspcombine catch_a_breath enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine break_free enrage$$inspcombine awaken enrage$$inspcombine keen_insight focused_rage$$inspcombine good_luck focused_rage$$inspcombine take_a_breather focused_rage$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement focused_rage$$inspcombine rugged focused_rage$$inspcombine emerge focused_rage$$inspcombine bounce_back focused_rage$$inspcombine uncanny_insight righteous_rage$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck righteous_rage$$inspcombine second_wind righteous_rage$$inspcombine resurgence righteous_rage$$inspcombine robust righteous_rage$$inspcombine escape righteous_rage$$inspcombine restoration righteous_rage"

Option "Use &2" "inspexecname righteous_rage$$inspexecname focused_rage$$inspexecname enrage"





//Defense Inspiration Combiner


Menu "Defense"


Title "Inspirations"

Option "Make Luck &1" "inspcombine insight luck$$inspcombine enrage luck$$inspcombine catch_a_breath luck$$inspcombine respite luck$$inspcombine sturdy luck$$inspcombine break_free luck$$inspcombine awaken luck$$inspcombine focused_rage good_luck$$inspcombine keen_insight good_luck$$inspcombine take_a_breather good_luck$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement good_luck$$inspcombine rugged good_luck$$inspcombine emerge good_luck$$inspcombine bounce_back good_luck$$inspcombine righteous_rage phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine uncanny_insight phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine second_wind phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine resurgence phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine robust phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine escape phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine restoration phenomenal_luck"

Option "Use &2" "inspexecname phenomenal_luck$$inspexecname good_luck$$inspexecname luck"





//Endurance Inspiration Combiner


Menu "Endurance"


Title "Inspirations"

Option "Make Catch A Breath &1" "inspcombine insight catch_a_breath$$inspcombine luck catch_a_breath$$inspcombine enrage catch_a_breath$$inspcombine respite catch_a_breath$$inspcombine sturdy catch_a_breath$$inspcombine break_free catch_a_breath$$inspcombine awaken catch_a_breath$$inspcombine focused_rage take_a_breather$$inspcombine keen_insight take_a_breather$$inspcombine good_luck take_a_breather$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement take_a_breather$$inspcombine rugged take_a_breather$$inspcombine emerge take_a_breather$$inspcombine bounce_back take_a_breather$$inspcombine righteous_rage second_wind$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck second_wind$$inspcombine uncanny_insight second_wind$$inspcombine resurgence second_wind$$inspcombine robust second_wind$$inspcombine escape second_wind$$inspcombine restoration second_wind"

Option "Use &2" "inspexecname second_wind$$inspexecname take_a_breather$$inspexecname catch_a_breath"





//Health Inspiration Combiner


Menu "Health"


Title "Inspirations"

Option "Make Respite &1" "inspcombine insight respite$$inspcombine luck respite$$inspcombine catch_a_breath respite$$inspcombine enrage respite$$inspcombine sturdy respite$$inspcombine break_free respite$$inspcombine awaken respite$$inspcombine focused_rage dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine keen_insight dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine take_a_breather dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine good_luck dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine rugged dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine emerge dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine bounce_back dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine righteous_rage resurgence$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck resurgence$$inspcombine second_wind resurgence$$inspcombine uncanny_insight resurgence$$inspcombine robust resurgence$$inspcombine escape resurgence$$inspcombine restoration resurgence"

Option "Use &2" "inspexecname resurgence$$inspexecname dramatic_improvement$$inspexecname respite"





//Resistance Inspiration Combiner


Menu "Resistance"


Title "Inspirations"

Option "Make Sturdy &1" "inspcombine insight sturdy$$inspcombine luck sturdy$$inspcombine catch_a_breath sturdy$$inspcombine respite sturdy$$inspcombine enrage sturdy$$inspcombine break_free sturdy$$inspcombine awaken sturdy$$inspcombine focused_rage rugged$$inspcombine keen_insight rugged$$inspcombine take_a_breather rugged$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement rugged$$inspcombine good_luck rugged$$inspcombine emerge rugged$$inspcombine bounce_back rugged$$inspcombine righteous_rage robust$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck robust$$inspcombine second_wind robust$$inspcombine resurgence robust$$inspcombine uncanny_insight robust$$inspcombine escape robust$$inspcombine restoration robust"

Option "Use &2" "inspexecname robust$$inspexecname rugged$$inspexecname sturdy"





//Break Free Inpsiration Combiner


Menu "Break Free"


Title "Inspirations"

Option "Make BF &1" "inspcombine insight break_free$$inspcombine luck break_free$$inspcombine catch_a_breath break_free$$inspcombine respite break_free$$inspcombine sturdy break_free$$inspcombine enrage break_free$$inspcombine awaken break_free$$inspcombine focused_rage emerge$$inspcombine keen_insight emerge$$inspcombine take_a_breather emerge$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement emerge$$inspcombine rugged emerge$$inspcombine good_luck emerge$$inspcombine bounce_back emerge$$inspcombine righteous_rage escape$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck escape$$inspcombine second_wind escape$$inspcombine resurgence escape$$inspcombine robust escape$$inspcombine uncanny_insight escape$$inspcombine restoration escape"

Option "Use &2" "inspexecname escape$$inspexecname emerge$$inspexecname break_free"



These need more testing, especially to check that they really aren't bound by the length constraint that binds are, but the ones I have tested so far work perfectly. They are, however, very temperamental, and you may need to reload the game several times before it actually picks them up.

  • Like 1

It's worth noting that, on Homecoming, you can refuse certain insp. drops at the Pay 2 Win vendors if you like, doing this reduces your over all number of inspirations received, but it can be a very valuable thing if you plan to combine inspirations to one or two types you need.


For example, my spines/fire brute really only ever needs reds and purples. I could deny everything but those, instead though I deny Break Frees and Awakens (and their subsequent tiers), and convert the remaining types in to reds or purples as needed. This allows me to almost always be sure I have enough insp. to combine, and have more streamlined commands to do said combinations (once I get my lazy arse around to remaking commands to do it).

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.


Yes remember that denying a type of inspiration doesn't mean you get something else instead, when the RNG decides you should get an awaken and you denied it you get nothing. Still useful to help limit the combining options, awakens drop less often in my experience so you rarely have 3 handy to combine.

You can also limit your drops to medium and large inspirations, again helping to get more of the same. After a certain level you get enough mediums and large you don't need the smalls.

  • 11 months later

I just saw this thread in your .sig, so I thought I'd check it out.  Good stuff, but what I found was I usually only want/need one type of inspiration in bulk and thus would convert.  Nine times out of ten, I need reds.  I keep a small number of other "potentials" (e.g. break-free's on non-mez protected toons, a purple or two on all, never any yellows or greens; I turn off rez and oranges).


I keep rez's in my e-mail (about 20 or so), so I have them at any time across all my characters.


That all said, I use a BIND chain to convert everything to REDS.  I disable Tier 1 completely, but include it here for those who may (for whatever reason) still want/use Tier 1.  I've posted this before around the forums, and it's become second nature for my right-hand/mouse-hand to extend the thumb to the NUMPAD 0 (big key).  Change it up, obviously, for your needs:



*** One-Key Combining Inspirations into REDS ***

  • T1, T2, T3 - all w/ NO rez or breakfrees, turned off @P2W.
  • Make three (3) text files in <CoH Directory>\data (ex: E:\Games\CoH\data) called SRed.txt, MRed.txt, and LRed.txt - each containing the single keybind  (Numpad 0, if you want another key, change it in the files) below:

NUMPAD0, "inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcomine Sturdy Enrage$$bind_load_file MRed.txt"


NUMPAD0, "inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_rage$$bind_load_file LRed.txt"


NUMPAD0, "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bind_load_file SRed.txt"


*** If you turned off T1 (small inspirations), then use these two (2) text files:

NUMPAD0, "inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_rage$$bind_load_file LRed.txt"


NUMPAD0, "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bind_load_file MRed.txt"


Now, in your keybinds.txt file (default game directory, not the in the .\data directory) add this to your file:

  • NUMPAD0, "bind_load_file MRed.txt"  or in-game type in "/bind NUMPAD0 "bind_load_file MRed.txt"

This is just a kick-off.  Now, in game, when you SPAM the 0 key on the numberpad, it will convert ALL tier 2's (that you have 3 of) into Reds.  Press it again and it will convert ALL tier 3's (that you have 3 of) into Reds.  Nice.  Spam Numpad0 and you're golden.  Gotta have at least 3 to combine.
Edit as desired, if someone wants something OTHER than reds, let me know and I can whip up a custom one.


  • Thanks 1

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