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General Chat is an open sewer.

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5 hours ago, Relvinian said:

Now that Homecoming is licensed by NCsoft to run and develop the game isn't it time that the open sewer which is general discussion is cleaned up?


Without going in to too much detail I was highly offended the other day by some comments in the general chat.  They were opposite of what I believe in politicially, morally, and they had nothing whatsoever to do with the game.  And it went on and one with multiple participants.  I made the mistake of pushing back against the narrative they were pusihing.  Then they started calling me hater, bigot, all that stuff.  And telling people to globaly ignore me.


Some did.  Now what is the purpose of general chat?  Shouldn't it be to discuss, general things, or game related things, etc.  But it should not be a place where you can be offensive and then if anyone complains or push back they offensive people encourage people to globaly ignore you.

The obvious solution is to remove the general chat but with each new character it resets and you have to remove it again.  Also, with every person joining the game for the first time they don't know how to remove general chat and they get to hear about how someone was abused as a kid, how Christians are bigoted, insulting Jesus Christ, whatever flavor of politics or, sorry to say woke, that someone wants to vomit on you.

My suggestion is to police the thing or to make it off by default and let someone turn it on if they choose.


Thoughts?  Suggestion?  And if you want to come at me as a person because of this post-- fine-- because i never said anything hateful previously and all i did was push back.  Here we can see it plain as day and there will be a record of what is said.


Yes, I am a Christian.  Yes my views may be different than yours but everyone has different views.



The reality is there are quite a few strange people out there who are threatened by peoples honesty and strength and they cannot stand it because they are to fake themselves and took on a persona they where taught instead of growing and evolving. This makes it so they cannot handle a healthy debate even if they disagree. They are to used to weakness and cowardliness not honesty and here in lies the issue.

Edited by StarseedWarrior
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5 hours ago, Relvinian said:

Now that Homecoming is licensed by NCsoft to run and develop the game isn't it time that the open sewer which is general discussion is cleaned up?


Without going in to too much detail I was highly offended the other day by some comments in the general chat.  They were opposite of what I believe in politicially, morally, and they had nothing whatsoever to do with the game.  And it went on and one with multiple participants.  I made the mistake of pushing back against the narrative they were pusihing.  Then they started calling me hater, bigot, all that stuff.  And telling people to globaly ignore me.


Some did.  Now what is the purpose of general chat?  Shouldn't it be to discuss, general things, or game related things, etc.  But it should not be a place where you can be offensive and then if anyone complains or push back they offensive people encourage people to globaly ignore you.

The obvious solution is to remove the general chat but with each new character it resets and you have to remove it again.  Also, with every person joining the game for the first time they don't know how to remove general chat and they get to hear about how someone was abused as a kid, how Christians are bigoted, insulting Jesus Christ, whatever flavor of politics or, sorry to say woke, that someone wants to vomit on you.

My suggestion is to police the thing or to make it off by default and let someone turn it on if they choose.


Thoughts?  Suggestion?  And if you want to come at me as a person because of this post-- fine-- because i never said anything hateful previously and all i did was push back.  Here we can see it plain as day and there will be a record of what is said.


Yes, I am a Christian.  Yes my views may be different than yours but everyone has different views.



I always just tell people who get offended to lodge a complaint with Thomas Jefferson.

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10 minutes ago, Frostbiter said:


Any discussion of politics or religion should be policed. This is a videogame and it's accompanying forums. There are plenty of other places to hold those volatile discussions.


The Code of Conduct already bans extremist politics or religious views from being aired in public chats.  But the 'policing' should come from the community.  As I said, if the OP wants to block/report 'woke' chats, more power to them.

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This must be a server unique issue. I've played on Everlasting since it was created and have general open all the time, and occasionally participate in the conversations. 


From my experience, the conversations are often related to in-game features/lore, about things like movies/TV shows, or sometimes about food.


I would echo what some have suggested about reporting and ignoring the specific individual and let the GMs sort it out.

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4 hours ago, Relvinian said:

I do that now.  Except, that deprives me of my voice in the game while leaving the ones spewing garbage free to speak.


New players who have never played the game before see it by default.


Is that what we as a community (I've been here for years) want to be the first impression of us?




You are not deprived of your voice, I read you loud and clear. They have a "code of conduct" IMO though free speech is free speech.  Dislike what you want. love what you want. the only crime is silence.  

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1 hour ago, Snarky said:

I have this odd feeling I am one of the “offenders”.  I say in general pretty much what i say here.  I lost my filters some time ago.  

I do not know why the OP brought up religion.  Maybe to shine the light on the moral height they look down from.  I would just point out the tremendous history of intolerance and persecution by almost every “religious group” in history.  And the other “sins” regularly acted out by supposedly moral religious folks.  

I do not find General offensive…generally.  I have pretty thick skin. I did have a wild thing happen in broadcast ouro yesterday.  I had just missed a MoDD.  Someone started smack talking the person who had formed it. Maybe they missed it too?  I informed them the person was one of Oklahoman’s alt, and that Oklahoman was much better liked in the community than…them.  They responded, “what are you trying to say?”   Me “youre an idiot”. (Subtlety was not working…) them “you know who i am.  I am (i forget the nonsense mentioned) and you know where to fibd me in Hawaii. Say that to me in person”. Me “you really responded to game message with a lets meet in person and fight?”   They were two terse private DMs sent to me.  They did not make much sense.  I think “boo” and “so”.  I found the entire exchange amusing. Not terrifying, not insulting, not shocking…,   I will always mention it when folks are acting dumb. It is 1) humorous 2) an opportunity to tell them to pull their pants up, they are in public 

Snarky, YOU ARE FUNNY! funny goes a long way.  Cheers

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5 minutes ago, Oz The Elderly Gaymer said:


The Code of Conduct already bans extremist politics or religious views from being aired in public chats.  But the 'policing' should come from the community.  As I said, if the OP wants to block/report 'woke' chats, more power to them.


Because communities have historically been awesome at policing themselves.

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2 minutes ago, Oz The Elderly Gaymer said:

The Code of Conduct already bans extremist politics or religious views from being aired in public chats.


No it doesn't.  First, it's a guideline.  Second, it says to avoid "controversial political or religious" content.


Good friggin' luck!  These days a pop star can't date a football player without someone seeing a secret political conspiracy.


I think I could say "Good Morning!" in General Chat and get reported for attempting to promote a sun-worshiping religion.  Which would be ridiculous.  I worship the Giant Meteor.  May its righteous holy fire soon cleanse the world!!

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2 minutes ago, ZemX said:

I think I could say "Good Morning!" in General Chat and get reported for attempting to promote a sun-worshiping religion.  Which would be ridiculous.  I worship the Giant Meteor.  May its righteous holy fire soon cleanse the world!!


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What if we had Xitter tier Free Speech Absolutism, but in EXACTLY the same way it is on Xitter, where you're good to go so long as you don't say anything Elon doesn't like? Now... Let's pretend all the Homecoming Staff are Elons, and now we can have chat just like Xitter has.

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59 minutes ago, UltraAlt said:


Have you bothered to read the Code of Conduct?




You don't have total freedom of speech here.


You don't have the freedom to create a character that has a copyright either.


There are limitations.


Read the Code of Conduct.




Yes, I have read it and If you bothered to read elsewhere in my post, I state multiple times, there is freedom of speech provided it doesn't go against the EULA... the opening statement was the set up to all that as a basic principle.  😛  

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I turn General off asap and my gaming experience is better for it. If other people want to be rude, nasty, cruel, bigoted, etc....well, they're more than welcome to. Doesn't mean I have to see it. Remove and move on, not worth my energy to engage.

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Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior

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2 minutes ago, Krimson said:

What if we had Xitter tier Free Speech Absolutism, but in EXACTLY the same way it is on Xitter, where you're good to go so long as you don't say anything Elon doesn't like? Now... Let's pretend all the Homecoming Staff are Elons, and now we can have chat just like Xitter has.

Aww. But witchhunts are fun.
Any chance we can throw Elon Musk into a pond and see if he floats?
(My money's on the water spontaneously combusting...)

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  • City Council

Well, I think this discussion can wrap up now. If you (or anyone) would like to make a specific complaint, send in a ticket, preferably with some proof as to what you're alleging. 

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