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What should be the rules of a hardcore solo self found challenge?


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On 2/17/2024 at 1:35 AM, Darknat said:

Hello friends, looooooooongtime player, first time poster here. I have sunk an unbelievable amount of time into this game interspersed over the last 2 decades and I wanted to try something new and fun: A Hardcore challenge of some sort! The trouble is figuring out what the rules should be. Some things off the top of my head that I have been testing today..


Win Conditions:

- Reach Level 50+Max All Incarnate Slots?


For sure rules:

- Any AT/power combo

- Must skip the tutorial (getting from level 1 to 4 is a DIFFICULT  puzzle to solve from the testing I did today)

- 1 life (obviously)

- +4/Bosses and AV Always on. 

- You can only fight overworld enemies at least +4 to yourself or higher.

- No Grouping

- No trading/wentworths

- No AE 

- No p2w vendor  xp bonus

- You can only do each arc once and no resetting missions (no abusing ouro for easy xp)


Unsure rules:

-No temp powers at all?

-x8 might be completely impossible in particular at the low levels, it basically makes missions a non-starter. Should x1 be acceptable or what would a good floor be to be a challenge at +4 but not unmanageable?

-how restrictive on p2w vendor? Should the various bonus powers be allowed? What about the purchasable temp powers?


I am happy to hear any suggestions that would make this more interesting, again this is just for fun to give the game a little bit more challenge, I already have some characters in mind that may be able to pull it off under the for sure rules as is.


I say, use the p2w as much as possible and minimal to no AT attack powers.  Slot off attack power like health.

I went to Ouroboros all i got was this lousy secret!


COH bomp bomp: 



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17 hours ago, Darknat said:

I can't block you, I can ask you to leave.


You can block people on the forums, it's just weirdly hard to find.  It you hover your cursor over the poster's name or icon on a post (but not in their profile, for some reason), you'll get a pop-up with an 'Ignore' option. 

Reunion player, ex-Defiant.

AE SFMA: Zombie Ninja Pirates! (#18051)


Regeneratio delenda est!

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16 hours ago, Darknat said:

The nukes and shivians are just particularly strong regardless of your character choices. I don't think there is too much risk of running out of missions with side swapping as a consideration. Also thanks!


Keep us apprised!

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