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17 minutes ago, ThatGuyCDude said:

Yes and no.  The Circle's free-floating specters were swallowed up by Mot by virtue of its control over death, feeding its power [and the last clue suggests only those in Mot's range, though by the end of the arc that range is *extreme*].  The Tsoo's Ancestor Spirits were only spared this fate because they were anchored to living hosts by way of the Incarnate Ink (speculation on my part; it's never explicitly stated but it's the only explanation that makes sense as to why they weren't also absorbed).  When Mot was defeated, everything it consumed was once more released, so the Circle could reasonably attempt a comeback... possibly with more forceful possessions like they do with the scientists outside Portal Corp.

They're also active in other dimensions, so even if everything I said is completely wrong, other Circles could rise to power.

I'd definitely love to see a Behemoth giant monster just towering over a district, or perhaps looming on a distant island in Nerva Archipelago.

The Tsoo Ancestor Spirits were being absorbed by Mot. Just like the Circle of Thorns was. What helped the Ancestor Spirits were "anchors", places that had been reinforced against Mot's influence. And I'm not talking about the runic safe areas you can find in Dark Astoria. There was another place, that has an explore badge, that was resilient to Mot's influence and some of the Ancestor Spirits took refuge there. The Ancestor Spirits also had the benefit of their living Tsoo descendants like you said, who were also working to shield the Ancestor Spirits as desperately as they were shielding themselves from being devoured by Mot. (Edit again: Most of which was predicated by the Tsoo incarnate ink and the horrific practices that went into its creation. Hua Tov gives clues as does the explore badge. Basically, the Ancestor Spirits with the Tsoo survived by being shielded by the deaths of innocents while the Ancestor Spirits that found refuge were shielded by ancient protections predating the runic safe areas.)


On 3/24/2024 at 6:21 AM, Vic Raiden said:

AFAIK the Circle was canonically obliterated in the Dark Astoria storyline, and so hard that I can hardly imagine them still be as big a deal as they used to be.

Like @ThatGuyCDude said, everyone that was devoured by Mot but not fully absorbed was released upon Mot's defeat. The weakest spirits Mot devoured would be absorbed, and thus destroyed, before Mot was defeated, so they would not have returned. The CoT on the otherhand had a hand in containing Mot since Cimerora even as disembodied spirits and so most likely were resilient to being absorbed after all that time. This would mean that the CoT would have been released with the other souls upon Mot's defeat. However, they would still be lacking bodies unless they were able to re-possess their possessed bodies. An unlikely scenario since those bodies would have been left soulless for the duration and so perished; unless those bodies were devoured as well as part of devouring the CoT spirits within them and so would have been kept as shells for their spirits even while they were contained within Mot. In which case the released CoT would have retained their stolen bodies.


(Edit: You should keep in mind that before Mot's defeat, his power was no longer constrained to Dark Astoria and he was devouring most of the world in the last few missions. And those people all come back with his defeat.)

Edited by Rudra
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Mercy: Avatar of Stheno


Port Oaks: Ghost Pirate Ship


Sharkhead: Extremely Large Slag Golem


I like these ideas! Trouble with Stheno in Mercy..its not really till you do the high level snake arc that you see the ArchVillian (great arc, and the snakes are some of the nasiest things to fight!)...but it could work.

To the person talking about the CoT Behemoth GM..there IS ArchA, the Archvillian. He pops up in a few high level redisde arc, the coolest being a fight on thorn isle. CoT also have Caleb..but I have only seen him twice!

I think a DE GM would suit Founders Falls more than Kronos, as there is not much in FF that says Malta to me..but a DE GM breating throw the hazard zone gate from Eden..makes sense!

Saint Martial..a Wailer GM. Why would a Jade Spider be in SM? I don't see it. But a Giant Wailer..yes! I reckon a Jade Spider would be awesome invading Atlas or Steel Canyon (or SKyway? That leads to Siren's Call I think?). Likewise, some kind of Longbow GM storming the Rogue isles. Most GM's are just Monsters (I guess Jurassic is DE and Kronos is Malta) but having the other side soprta invade would be awesome.

Speaking of invaions..we have Rikti. ZOmbies. Nemesis. Why don't we have Longbow and Arachnos invading the oppoiite sides, with big enough groups giving chances to spawn Hero and Archvillain enemies.



Edited by Razor Cure
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A Wailer giant monster in St Martial


The Jade Spider in Siren's Call

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I still want my giant Nictus Minotaur on the bridge charging the city gate where you exit after you finish an ITF 😄 Either that or have it in the open city where Romi normally is on the TF that similar to Ghost of Scrapyard spawns after a certain amount of romans are killed.

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On 3/31/2024 at 6:54 AM, Razor Cure said:

Likewise, some kind of Longbow GM storming the Rogue isles. Most GM's are just Monsters (I guess Jurassic is DE and Kronos is Malta) but having the other side soprta invade would be awesome.


We need a Longbow mecha giant monster to attack red side.

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