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Praising PUGs

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Today I had a ton of fun with a bunch of lowbies redside.  Some of it was preplanned but most of us hadn't teamed before.  There were a few faceplants but no team wipes.  Everyone was chill and looking forward to teaming again.


Anyone else have fun today?

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2 hours ago, ZamuelNow said:

Today I had a ton of fun with a bunch of lowbies redside.  Some of it was preplanned but most of us hadn't teamed before.  There were a few faceplants but no team wipes.  Everyone was chill and looking forward to teaming again.


Anyone else have fun today?

Heh. I mostly pug. I had good pugs today.  I had bad pugs today.  The good? 2 day old 50 and Oklahoman’s pug itrials got me 4 master badges. Pug blaster team did a kill most Market Crash and got Valet. The bad? Tried to get on a standard baf pug and ouro went sideways. The ugly? A 2 attempt run at MoLRSF that was an embarrassment at best. I cannot say more, litigation is being considered.

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Yesterday I joined a Posi 1 and then ran a Posi 2 on a new-ish Tank. I had a great team both times. The Posi 1 was one of the smoothest I've ever had, despite us having 4 support characters on the team (which often leads to a bad time with the Shadow Duplicates at the end)


Later on I ran Manticore on a Defender, and had an awesome time once again. I got lucky enough to have I think 3 Controller/Doms, so between that any my own holds and Choking Cloud I think maybe 2 Paragon Protectors managed to pop their god-modes during the entire run. And we had a high level Tank who offered to tank-stealth some of the missions (eg find the computer, rescue Councilman Birch) while the rest of us beat up spawns near the door. He even ATT'd us all to Hopkins for the final mission.


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Redside run was a ton of fun!


Truthfully haven't had that much fun in game in a very long time. Will be running more next weekend too

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The Ghost Slaying Axe. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherspectre in the room, accept no substitutes.

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19 hours ago, ZemX said:

The best thing about PuGs is the worst thing about PuGs.

What the dickens are you trying to quote here?



The Ghost Slaying Axe. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherspectre in the room, accept no substitutes.

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I meant to say at the top of the post, one of the reasons I was originally inspired to get this running was to take on @DougGraves challenge to play a Fortunata - something I'd not done


I must say I had a blast. I think it's the first time in almost 17 years playing this game I experienced "scrapperlock" and she certainly seems amazingly robust and fun to play thus far so I'm gonna give Doug a 👍 for that too!

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The Ghost Slaying Axe. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherspectre in the room, accept no substitutes.

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