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Psi/Cold Corruptor


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I like that you use the word 'mistakes'. You are clearly mentally strong enough to withstand criticism, which bodes well.


You should replace the steadfast -kb with a botz -kb in SS (it's ok to lose some recovery bonuses since you get lots of end from near-perma heatloss). This will give you 1 extra slot to get an unbreakable guard +7.5% HP. In hardmode, HP is important to avoid being 1-shotted, which is why you see HP-capped builds with their malice of the corr split into 3 sets of 2x for the HP bonus - though I don't think you need to go that far if you're also building for general content. I also think you should replace the ice mistral proc in infrigidate with a toxic damage proc in will dom (the more frequently used attack).


I suggest swapping your slotting a little:

  • TKB: 5x Decimation, overwhelming force proc
  • Will dom: 5x apoc, with or without gladiator's javelin proc from above. This is the slightly higher DPA attack so it's worth putting the stronger set here.

This will not only give you kb2kd in TKB but also better overall damage enhancement in both attacks - but maybe you do want the kb in tkb.


You should boost the lotg: def in your shields to +5 to make your buffs stronger. I have my doubts regarding the utility of weaken resolve in 4* (any -res is nice, but the duration is short) and I think if you take snow storm, you should slot it for slow instead of putting a damage proc in it. Procrates are low in toggles and much of the utility of snowstorm is preventing things wandering out of your sleet, so it's worth it to floor enemy movespeed. If you intend to play this as a general content build, then I am curious to know the reasoning behind your preference for psi scream over psinado. But in general these are either minor issues or questions of personal preference and this is a competently designed build, so good job.


P.S. I usually go spirit drain with psi/, but that route requires a completely different build strategy, losing scorp shield and reconstructing the build around ranged/aoe def and hoverblasting. Something to consider for the far future perhaps if your concept is amenable.

Edited by Zect
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6 hours ago, Zect said:

I like that you use the word 'mistakes'. You are clearly mentally strong enough to withstand criticism, which bodes well.


You should replace the steadfast -kb with a botz -kb in SS (it's ok to lose some recovery bonuses since you get lots of end from near-perma heatloss). This will give you 1 extra slot to get an unbreakable guard +7.5% HP. In hardmode, HP is important to avoid being 1-shotted, which is why you see HP-capped builds with their malice of the corr split into 3 sets of 2x for the HP bonus - though I don't think you need to go that far if you're also building for general content. I also think you should replace the ice mistral proc in infrigidate with a toxic damage proc in will dom (the more frequently used attack).


I suggest swapping your slotting a little:

  • TKB: 5x Decimation, overwhelming force proc
  • Will dom: 5x apoc, with or without gladiator's javelin proc from above. This is the slightly higher DPA attack so it's worth putting the stronger set here.

This will not only give you kb2kd in TKB but also better overall damage enhancement in both attacks - but maybe you do want the kb in tkb.


You should boost the lotg: def in your shields to +5 to make your buffs stronger. I have my doubts regarding the utility of weaken resolve in 4* (any -res is nice, but the duration is short) and I think if you take snow storm, you should slot it for slow instead of putting a damage proc in it. Procrates are low in toggles and much of the utility of snowstorm is preventing things wandering out of your sleet, so it's worth it to floor enemy movespeed. If you intend to play this as a general content build, then I am curious to know the reasoning behind your preference for psi scream over psinado. But in general these are either minor issues or questions of personal preference and this is a competently designed build, so good job.


P.S. I usually go spirit drain with psi/, but that route requires a completely different build strategy, losing scorp shield and reconstructing the build around ranged/aoe def and hoverblasting. Something to consider for the far future perhaps if your concept is amenable.

THANK YOU for your helpful insight.  I love when people tell me why they recommend slotting or choosing a power rather than just telling me to switch.


Does it show that I have a Steadfast -kb when viewed?  I have the Steadfast R/E and R/+Def when it comes up on mine.  If so I may need to look at downloading the latest Mids patch.  Would you still recommend dropping that slot if that was the case?  I will probably steal it from Weaken Resolve and add the UG +HP.


It makes sense to swap enhancements sets like you recommend in TKB and Will Dom.  To be perfectly honest, I did not realize until just now the the Overwhelming Force proc had a damage component to it.  So many builds to go back and look at now.


Does boosting the LotG boost the shields that much?  It seems to just show a 1% increase.  I have a personal preference of attuning all my IOs becasue I regularly go back for lower level content.  So if it's a marginal boost I would rather just stay attuned.


I have never used Weaken Resolve in any build.  I just picked it as a filler power.  I considered Vengeance and Victory Rush also, but leaned toward WR because it was something new, it didn't require a dead teammate and I already have Heat Loss.  I am open to other fillers.


I saw in game there was a HO that had ACC and Slow components so I will probably put a 53 version of that into Snow Storm.


My choice of Psychic Scream vs Psionic Tornado is based off of assumption and poor reading comprehension.  I saw the title and assumed it was a power like Whirlwind, which I am not partial too, so I skipped it.  The change will be made.


You will have a hard time convincing me to go away from Defensive shield powers.  Old habits and play styles are hard to break.  Although I am still considering Soul Drain.  I never was into hover blasting, probably because I am clumsy when it comes to movement in FLY/Hover. 



I look forward to your input on future builds!  Thanks again.

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On 4/6/2024 at 9:58 PM, BeowulfinIA said:

What mistakes am I making in my build.  This character will likely be used in hard mode TFs as well as normal content.

Beobot PBCD - Corruptor (Psychic Blast).mxd 5 kB · 6 downloads

I'm looking at the Cold Domination side of your build, so take my comments with that in mind.


Infridigate is a wonderful power! I've teetered on how I want to use it over the years as it's utility shines in a lot of different situations; it's able to slot up to 7 different procs, 6 of which have a 93% chance of firing (assuming no recharge is slotted in the power!). It's either a great additional attack in the rotation with added +dmg and -def and -res (when slotting the Achilles Heel proc) or it's two-slotted wonder with a 50+5 Acc IO and the Achilles Heel proc if you're short on slots. The power is a great opener in any boss fight because it sets the pace (with -speed!) for follow on attacks by enabling higher likelihood of the next attack landing thanks to it's -25% def debuff (base %, but yours is nearly -40% for 20 seconds!). It's also great against fire-typed enemies, as it drops a whopping -30% fire dmg on the target as well. It looks like you went the middle ground by getting in the cold proc and adding some great HOs to get the most out of the power before ED. You'll enjoy this power!



This Cold Domination Level 1 power has access to 7 procs in total! This is due to the Invention Origin 'Set Categories' that the power can slot - Defense Debuff, Accurate Defense Debuff, and Slow Movement all being proc-abundant sets. Note: Proc-per-min (PPM)


image.png.eb780d083662ee3f6b24106a2e861c51.png Achilles Heel: Chance for Resistance Debuff (3.5 PPM)

image.png.8821e4fd03f6b735465e1fa4ef6252e9.png Touch of Lady Grey: Chance for Negative Energy Damage (3.5 PPM)

image.png.3b459e282e1d60801d691bf4577e2f03.png Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (3.5 PPM)

image.png.5b7b2b697c5c8857242ff7fa09bb0dca.png Analyze Weakness: Chance for +To Hit (2 PPM)

image.png.bef6b94a86ea2e00aec489d2c678e8a6.png Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (3.5 PPM)

image.png.98f6d441566dd5e7049dc31877e3c1e5.png Ice Mistral's Torement: Chance for Cold Damage (3.5 PPM)

image.png.b45840c425792ecea7d2d7e1325a80b5.png Pacing of the Turtle: Chance for Recharge Slow (3.5 PPM)


Now  image.png.69a0641b5a950229ad29a757c0370875.png  Infrigidate has a 1 second cast time and a base 15 second recharge time (across all archetypes with access to the Cold Domination powerset). It's the poster child for procs! With these two points of data, we can calculate the Chance to Proc:


Formula for Single Target Attacks: ((Base Recharge/(1+Recharge Slotted)+Activation Time)xPPM/60)


((15/(1+0%)+1)x3.5/60) = 93% Chance to proc any of the 3.5 PPM procs listed above.


In my opinion, 6-slotting image.png.69a0641b5a950229ad29a757c0370875.png  Infrigidate would be a waste in most cases, but it's still cool to see all the procs fire off!


I'll touch on Ice Shield and Glacial Shield together. These are either LoTG +7.5% rech mules or you can do two-slots if you have the capacity for slots. I'd suggest going with the Gladiator Armor +Def global and/or the Shield Wall +Res in either of the two in addition to the LoTG if you are chasing easy boosts to your resiliency. While the shield's both grant mediocre +def (both positional and typed) and can be enhanced to around 20% +def, I would caution in over investing in that unless you plan to focus on either a support build or using a pet to tank/taunt incoming damage. Otherwise, it looks like what I've got on mine (those are LoTG +7.5%, but I went and +5'd them for the added defense)!




Snow Storm... I've been back and forth on this power. It's a fun power to abuse if the target it susceptible to -immob (which is nearly every enemy critter in the game!). Throwing Snow Storm on flying targets is also helpful against Sky Raiders and other flying targets. At the same time, the endurance cost is pretty high (but that is off set easily by Heat Loss) and it's debuffs are already captured by using Infridigate, Benumb, and Heat Loss. If you decide to take it, I would tell you I've had limited success in using it in teams, mostly because targets drop so fast these days because of damage cascading. If you use it on an AV and have a pocket -immobilize power, your Tank friends will thank you! Otherwise if I had to pick a power to drop to find something else, it would be Snow Storm.


Frostwork is slotted exactly how I have mine. The +Absorb proc is a global proc, so it will fire while it's in Frostwork regardless of if you cast the power on an ally. Looks good!


Arctic Fog in your build is normal in my opinion. The +Def boosts are minor, even when heavily slotted. I tend to slot the whole LoTG set in here for the endurance reduction and minor bump in Def, but you could use those slots elsewhere if you're in a pinch. The two Resistance IOs are interesting - it looks like you're using Arctic Fog defensively, so that +23% res to Fire, Cold, and Energy will stack nicely with Tough's Smashing and Lethal to give you decent cross typed damage resistance coverage. The cool thing about Arctic Fog is that when you attack an enemy, you still retain the 35.5ft of Stealth! This disappears completely when you click a mission objective though.


Benumb & Heat Loss are key powers in the set, along with Sleet. You've slotted Benumb and Heat Loss the same as I have on my Ice/Cold Corruptor build. I consider these exactly how you should do so. Benumb is such a heavy hitter with it's -regen and -dmg. 


Sleet I think you might be overslotting this one in the build you shared. The +dmg procs are a nice addition, but Sleet is not built as a damage dealing power (unless you make it one with dmg procs!). The benefits you get from the -def and -res (though I should note the Achilles Heel -res proc doesn't stack, it replaces it's debuff on a target already affected by it (think Infridigate if you keep the slotting the same)) will be where you feel the biggest impact. I would offer you an alternative slotting where you could focus more on getting the recharge down so it's ready after each mob is defeated (approx. 15 seconds or so) and stick with the two d-syncs and the Achilles Heel proc. 


Have fun, Cold Domination is super versatile and comes in clutch in many circumstances.

Edited by Glacier Peak
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51 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

I'm looking at the Cold Domination side of your build, so take my comments with that in mind.


Infridigate is a wonderful power! I've teetered on how I want to use it over the years as it's utility shines in a lot of different situations; it's able to slot up to 7 different procs, 6 of which have a 93% chance of firing (assuming no recharge is slotted in the power!). It's either a great additional attack in the rotation with added +dmg and -def and -res (when slotting the Achilles Heel proc) or it's two-slotted wonder with a 50+5 Acc IO and the Achilles Heel proc if you're short on slots. The power is a great opener in any boss fight because it sets the pace (with -speed!) for follow on attacks by enabling higher likelihood of the next attack landing thanks to it's -25% def debuff (base %, but yours is nearly -40% for 20 seconds!). It's also great against fire-typed enemies, as it drops a whopping -30% fire dmg on the target as well. It looks like you went the middle ground by getting in the cold proc and adding some great HOs to get the most out of the power before ED. You'll enjoy this power!


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This Cold Domination Level 1 power has access to 7 procs in total! This is due to the Invention Origin 'Set Categories' that the power can slot - Defense Debuff, Accurate Defense Debuff, and Slow Movement all being proc-abundant sets. Note: Proc-per-min (PPM)


image.png.eb780d083662ee3f6b24106a2e861c51.png Achilles Heel: Chance for Resistance Debuff (3.5 PPM)

image.png.8821e4fd03f6b735465e1fa4ef6252e9.png Touch of Lady Grey: Chance for Negative Energy Damage (3.5 PPM)

image.png.3b459e282e1d60801d691bf4577e2f03.png Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (3.5 PPM)

image.png.5b7b2b697c5c8857242ff7fa09bb0dca.png Analyze Weakness: Chance for +To Hit (2 PPM)

image.png.bef6b94a86ea2e00aec489d2c678e8a6.png Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (3.5 PPM)

image.png.98f6d441566dd5e7049dc31877e3c1e5.png Ice Mistral's Torement: Chance for Cold Damage (3.5 PPM)

image.png.b45840c425792ecea7d2d7e1325a80b5.png Pacing of the Turtle: Chance for Recharge Slow (3.5 PPM)


Now  image.png.69a0641b5a950229ad29a757c0370875.png  Infrigidate has a 1 second cast time and a base 15 second recharge time (across all archetypes with access to the Cold Domination powerset). It's the poster child for procs! With these two points of data, we can calculate the Chance to Proc:


Formula for Single Target Attacks: ((Base Recharge/(1+Recharge Slotted)+Activation Time)xPPM/60)


((15/(1+0%)+1)x3.5/60) = 93% Chance to proc any of the 3.5 PPM procs listed above.


In my opinion, 6-slotting image.png.69a0641b5a950229ad29a757c0370875.png  Infrigidate would be a waste in most cases, but it's still cool to see all the procs fire off!


I'll touch on Ice Shield and Glacial Shield together. These are either LoTG +7.5% rech mules or you can do two-slots if you have the capacity for slots. I'd suggest going with the Gladiator Armor +Def global and/or the Shield Wall +Res in either of the two in addition to the LoTG if you are chasing easy boosts to your resiliency. While the shield's both grant mediocre +def (both positional and typed) and can be enhanced to around 20% +def, I would caution in over investing in that unless you plan to focus on either a support build or using a pet to tank/taunt incoming damage. Otherwise, it looks like what I've got on mine (those are LoTG +7.5%, but I went and +5'd them for the added defense)!




Snow Storm... I've been back and forth on this power. It's a fun power to abuse if the target it susceptible to -immob (which is nearly every enemy critter in the game!). Throwing Snow Storm on flying targets is also helpful against Sky Raiders and other flying targets. At the same time, the endurance cost is pretty high (but that is off set easily by Heat Loss) and it's debuffs are already captured by using Infridigate, Benumb, and Heat Loss. If you decide to take it, I would tell you I've had limited success in using it in teams, mostly because targets drop so fast these days because of damage cascading. If you use it on an AV and have a pocket -immobilize power, your Tank friends will thank you! Otherwise if I had to pick a power to drop to find something else, it would be Snow Storm.


Frostwork is slotted exactly how I have mine. The +Absorb proc is a global proc, so it will fire while it's in Frostwork regardless of if you cast the power on an ally. Looks good!


Arctic Fog in your build is normal in my opinion. The +Def boosts are minor, even when heavily slotted. I tend to slot the whole LoTG set in here for the endurance reduction and minor bump in Def, but you could use those slots elsewhere if you're in a pinch. The two Resistance IOs are interesting - it looks like you're using Arctic Fog defensively, so that +23% res to Fire, Cold, and Energy will stack nicely with Tough's Smashing and Lethal to give you decent cross typed damage resistance coverage. The cool thing about Arctic Fog is that when you attack an enemy, you still retain the 35.5ft of Stealth! This disappears completely when you click a mission objective though.


Benumb & Heat Loss is a key power in the set, along with Sleet and Heat Loss. You've slotted Benumb and Heat Loss the same as I have on my Ice/Cold Corruptor build. I consider these exactly how you should do so. Benumb is such a heavy hitter with it's -regen and -dmg. 


Sleet I think you might be overslotting this one in the build you shared. The +dmg procs are a nice addition, but Sleet is not built as a damage dealing power (unless you make it one with dmg procs!). The benefits you get from the -def and -res (though I should note the Achilles Heel -res proc doesn't stack, it replaces it's debuff on a target already affected by it (think Infridigate if you keep the slotting the same)) will be where you feel the biggest impact. I would offer you an alternative slotting where you could focus more on getting the recharge down so it's ready after each mob is defeated (approx. 15 seconds or so) and stick with the two d-syncs and the Achilles Heel proc. 


Have fun, Cold Domination is super versatile and comes in clutch in many circumstances.




Thanks for your input.

  I swiped a slot from Sleet (Achilles Heel) and added an Ice Mistrals Chance for Cold Damage to Infridigate.  It is my opening attack power in nearly every instance.  Also thanks for the formula on procs.  They are one of the areas I don't really know much about, so I guess!  I have it copied to my notes now for future reference.


I also did not know about global procs.  I thought all procs had to be activated to get the benefit.



I have the Glad Armor +3 Def in mt Tough so I will probably keep the shields as they are.


Thanks again!

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22 hours ago, BeowulfinIA said:

Does it show that I have a Steadfast -kb when viewed?  I have the Steadfast R/E and R/+Def when it comes up on mine.  If so I may need to look at downloading the latest Mids patch.  Would you still recommend dropping that slot if that was the case?  I will probably steal it from Weaken Resolve and add the UG +HP.


It makes sense to swap enhancements sets like you recommend in TKB and Will Dom.  To be perfectly honest, I did not realize until just now the the Overwhelming Force proc had a damage component to it.  So many builds to go back and look at now.


Does boosting the LotG boost the shields that much?  It seems to just show a 1% increase.  I have a personal preference of attuning all my IOs becasue I regularly go back for lower level content.  So if it's a marginal boost I would rather just stay attuned.


I have never used Weaken Resolve in any build.  I just picked it as a filler power.  I considered Vengeance and Victory Rush also, but leaned toward WR because it was something new, it didn't require a dead teammate and I already have Heat Loss.  I am open to other fillers.


I saw in game there was a HO that had ACC and Slow components so I will probably put a 53 version of that into Snow Storm.


My choice of Psychic Scream vs Psionic Tornado is based off of assumption and poor reading comprehension.  I saw the title and assumed it was a power like Whirlwind, which I am not partial too, so I skipped it.  The change will be made.


You will have a hard time convincing me to go away from Defensive shield powers.  Old habits and play styles are hard to break.  Although I am still considering Soul Drain.  I never was into hover blasting, probably because I am clumsy when it comes to movement in FLY/Hover. 



I look forward to your input on future builds!  Thanks again.


I downloaded your build again and it does show a steadfast res/end. So it may actually be my client that was not displaying properly (I post from several machines and not all of them have the latest mids). Oddly, everything else looks the same.


On the subject, it is still worth it. 1) Firstly, losing the res/end piece takes you from 19.4% to 18.0% SL res. With all accolades and the steadfast piece you have 1758.9 EHP against SL damage that hits. With all accolades and the unbreakable guard 7.5% HP instead you have 1826.8 EHP against SL damage that hits, and in addition the bonus HP also works vs other damage types. Then consider that HP buffs are less common than res buffs so the unbreakable guard unique is a clear winner. 2) Secondly, if you do want a res/end piece in the power it should be a gladiator's armor res/end boosted to +5. It's a level 50 piece and pvpios never lose enhancement value or set bonuses (like purples).


About filler powers, my suggestion is actually tactics. The reason is that on homecoming, snipes (psionic lance) in their quick form do bonus damage in their quick form if you have a tohit bonus, up to ~22% tohit. This is not documented in-game, but you can test it with some yellow insps on a dummy.


Boosting the shields is whatever. I'm used to boosting the lotg: def piece to +5 since the loss of 10% regen won't make or break anything, but you should definitely keep the 7.5% rech piece attuned if exemplaring is a concern. About your epic, there is actually a strong argument for going +def shields on a cold (there's even a thematic ice epic pool with an ice shield now, if you like) in 4* because as a cold you cannot shield yourself and some groups won't bring another def buffer to shield you. Feel free to stick with it especially if you also have usability/playfeel issues with hover.

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On 4/7/2024 at 4:58 AM, BeowulfinIA said:

What mistakes am I making in my build.  This character will likely be used in hard mode TFs as well as normal content.

Beobot PBCD - Corruptor (Psychic Blast).mxd 5 kB · 11 downloads


I'll toss this on, its one of my oldest and least played toons and was built more thematically, i'd recommend a resist shield and build in defence, much easier than taking a defence shield and building in resists. I did try it with the updated scramble minds its not bad now that it can chain it'll add some extra aoe and anythings better than psy scream. If you stick to scorp you'll want incarnate lvl defence and resist built in and you'll have to sacrifice something to get those, cold lives on epic amounts of recharge for sleet/heatloss/benumb and for hardmode content i prefer to be in melee for the team buffs, theres always a kin and thats your best bet of staying alive - spammed kinetic heals. You want to be in melee at times to get heatloss on as many team mates as possible as they will most likely be running all barrier and no ageless. 


I stopped playing it as the damage isn't great, much better with elec or fire blast and soul epic.




PSY COLD - Corruptor (Psychic Blast - Cold Domination).mbd

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10 hours ago, Zect said:

With all accolades and the steadfast piece you have 1758.9 EHP against SL damage that hits. With all accolades and the unbreakable guard 7.5% HP instead you have 1826.8 EHP against SL damage that hits, and in addition the bonus HP also works vs other damage types.

What's EHP?

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7 minutes ago, BeowulfinIA said:

Taking into account everything above and personal preference I think I have decided to go with this build.  Any more thoughts?  Thanks to everyone who provided input.

Beobot PBCD - Corruptor (Psychic Blast).mbd 44.85 kB · 0 downloads

You're not likely to see the Decimation: Chance for Build Up (DCBU) proc go off in Telekinetic Blast, so you may as well either put that slot elsewhere or swap it with the Decimation: Dmg/Rech IO if you're trying to maintain the recharge set bonus. DCBU is 1 PPM, slotted in a 1 second cast time and 8 second base recharge power, with 38.6% recharge slotted. That's a 12.67% chance of the proc going off or what I would consider not worth it.


That's about all that jumps out at me. I would build this out on the beta server where everything is free and test it out before investing the billions of inf that it will cost on the live servers.

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16 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

You're not likely to see the Decimation: Chance for Build Up (DCBU) proc go off in Telekinetic Blast, so you may as well either put that slot elsewhere or swap it with the Decimation: Dmg/Rech IO if you're trying to maintain the recharge set bonus. DCBU is 1 PPM, slotted in a 1 second cast time and 8 second base recharge power, with 38.6% recharge slotted. That's a 12.67% chance of the proc going off or what I would consider not worth it.


That's about all that jumps out at me. I would build this out on the beta server where everything is free and test it out before investing the billions of inf that it will cost on the live servers.

I have the majority of this stuff hoarded in my base so I am not so worried about the cost.  I will probably change out the Decimation as you said though.  Thanks.


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Exchanges like this make it worth reading other posts! I have an ice/cold, so I learned a lot more than I did before I checked in to read! 

I very much appreciate you folks sharing what you've learned. 

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