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venomous gas takes range

Mac B

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i already typed this in a /support report and then got redirected here.... why have "in-game support" that doesn't actually work "in-game".... can i report the /support system as bugged??? so many times i get told to go to the forums or to discord (and then say "to hell with it and them" it must not be important.... except today i'm crying about it).... oi.... is this how anyone gets bug hunter? i know you're not ever supposed to mention it but some people want it and this seems like a miserable way for anyone to ever think of trying..... this whole process feels ass backwards



weirdo slotting bug

Windows: i just got venomous gas on my corruptor. it is a pbaoe toggle that accepts range enhancements and this doesn't do any good for how a pbaoe works unless this is also back sliding into the actual effective area, but i dont think so.... anyways, pretty sure the power shouldn't accept range..... have a great day! be excellent!


i know that the power accepts range because i bought a range SO enhancement and slotted it into the power as i was trying to figure out the best slotting for the power since i have NEVER played ANY poison sets in this game


the reply....




Thanks for reporting this, it does sound interesting. I checked the wiki and it shouldn't take range. If you feel it is a bug that needs reporting please go to https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/32-bug-reports/


GM Crumpet
Game Master






you guys have fun

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53 minutes ago, Mac B said:

i already typed this in a /support report and then got redirected here.... why have "in-game support" that doesn't actually work "in-game".... can i report the /support system as bugged??? so many times i get told to go to the forums or to discord (and then say "to hell with it and them" it must not be important.... except today i'm crying about it)...


Important to remember that the GMs are volunteers and they cannot fix bugs, nor is it their job to report bugs to anyone. They are there for immediate issues like your mission won't complete, or an item vanished from your inventory, or you're stuck in geometry, etc. They send you to the forums for bugs because this IS the place to report bugs.


Anyway, yes, you're right that it shouldn't take Range enhancements. It's a leftover from the power originally being the Mastermind version, which IS Ranged.

Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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The reason for this is venomous gas was originally ported over from MM's Noxious Gas. Noxious Gas is a ranged AOE that is anchored onto an ally and poison was originally a MM exclusive set then later proliferated to Corruptors, Defenders, and Controllers. The power was reworked into a. Pbaoe for Corruptors, Defenders, and Controllers.


So it's possible that each of those ATs is allowing to slot ranged enhancements by error.

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they should fix the in game support system to not accept anything other than "i need help now" and remove all systems for reporting bugs that way... perhaps put something there that indicates the only option is to go somewhere else.... it is a computer game they can add sets, they can add content.... they can change a UI


i know how to write code, i know these things are all very doable... even in an arcane system that is 20 years old... i've worked on proprietary legacy code before




also, them being volunteers doesn't make me think anything special of them... they're not effective and should make it easy for people that would be honest and effective to step into the role... 


additionally... i've used that stupid system for in-game support to not actually get in-game support when needing it.... they're slow to respond even to actual issues.....


this gem was 13 hours after the ticket was sent in - 13 hours... who is "in-game" that long? of course i logged out of my toon by then

Re: Mission not clearing

Sorry it has taken so long to respond to this ticket. If this is still an issue for you, please let us know the next time you are on this character either by hopping onto Discord in #in-game-help and asking for a GM or by replying to this ticket through your user profile on the forums.

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On 5/20/2024 at 9:07 AM, Trickshooter said:


, or an item vanished from your inventory,

i've had friends lose items out of their inventory only for the GMs to go "oh gosh, sorry.... but it sucks to be you" they don't do anything.... maybe they play favoritism for some and that is why you believe that... but it isn't a standard or ubiquitous by any means

  • Haha 1
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29 minutes ago, Mac B said:

this gem was 13 hours after the ticket was sent in - 13 hours...


free game.

don't get yourself voted off the island.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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1 minute ago, Troo said:
25 minutes ago, Mac B said:

this gem was 13 hours after the ticket was sent in - 13 hours...


free game.

don't get yourself voted off the island.

Free game managed and maintained by volunteers who have other jobs that actually pay them and their families to deal with too.

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