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Fire Farm with no timer please

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Hello, I farm mainly to lvl up my own alts and then do a few anybody welcome runs.

I am using mission number 33647, a fire mission set outdoors with the circus tents at one end with roads and crossovers leading to them.

It is a great mission for me as I get claustrophobicy  in the tunnels and the mobs size and placement and powers seem to be a great match for my spines/fire brute. Am at 287 vet levels atm.

It would be perfect except for one thing, that is that it has a one hour timer mission limit then you get thrown out.

I can clear it in the hour but have to be at it for the whole hour.

I also do get called away for real life stuff and want to remain in mish whilst afk fr bio’s or food et cetera.

Can I amend a not mine mission at all? I would prefer a no timer at all mission or a timer of 5 or plus hours on it.

Alternatively can anybody let me have the number of a similiar fire outdoors map with no timer please?

Thanks 🍩👍

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Posted (edited)

Little secret on those fire farms:  Most of them, if you figure out where the glowie is, you click on the glowie and it deactivates the timer, so you can then finish the mission at your leisure.  So on your first run, just stealth + Fly/hover (if possible) around until you find the glowie and note where it is on the mini-map.  Then you can run straight to it and click the thing and finish the farm at your leisure.


Also, as a general rule, there's no particular penalty for not finishing the mission.  You can just restart and go again, once it boots you back to the AE room.


Oh, and one final tip:  Ask for a hitter or two to help you out when you run those.  Often someone will volunteer to give you an assist.  This makes it go much faster.

Edited by Triumphant
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Hi Hero, you are absolutely spot on with the Glowie stuff.

I went back in and snooped around and found the glowie well hidden away. Clicked and got the Exit Mission message and a disappeared timer.

Bloody brilliant, thank you so much. It is a fantastic mission for my wants and is now perfect.

Love this game and more so our community, thank you again, now back to the grind 👍👏🥇🍩🍩🍺🍺

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2 hours ago, Jacktar said:

Can I amend a not mine mission at all?


Noticed this didn't get answered for you.... No, you cannot edit or change someone else's mission that they've created in AE.  

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  • 2 months later

There are a few really good maps that do not have timers.

Cults, Xtomic, Krexx, Briggs, Jetta Magenta just to name a few..  ( I personally like Cult's & Krexx ) Jetta's good for under geared farmers and those who don't want to fight EBs.)

It's easy to make custom missions once you understand the system.

But figuring out which powers to assign to the mobs is a little tricky because it affects the XP/inf.

there's not really a good current guide on it any more... 

Briggs had one but its outdated.. 




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