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Elemental Mastermind Primary Idea

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So just tossing this out there. Yes, others have pitched similar ideas before, but I'm hoping a more detailed pitch may go further.


Winter Caller

This is a mastermind primary set that revolves around winter powers.

Tier 1     Ice Bolt

Tier 2     Ice Guards (These are basically just re-purposed Jack Frosts downgraded to henchmen tier. Attacks include Ice Bolt and Frozen Fists.)

Tier 3     Ice Blast

Tier 4     Empowerment*

Tier 5     Frost Breath

Tier 6     Snow Golems (These are basically just re-purposed Blights downgraded to henchmen pets. Attacks include Ice Bolt and Ice Sword.)

Tier 7     Winter's Chill (PBAoE, grants self and pets +5% recharge and +15% regeneration/enemies suffer -10% all speed. 30 seconds.)

Tier 8     Snow Terror (A gargoyle changed to have an ice skull and blue body. Attacks include Ice Blast and Chilling Embrace.)

Tier 9     Unleash Blight**


* - Empowerment grants the following:

Ice Guards - Ice Sword

Snow Golems - Chilblain

Snow Terror - Bitter Ice Blast


** - Unleash Blight grants the following:

Ice Guards - Frost Breath

Snow Golems - Resistance (As per Blight)

Snow Terror - Ice Storm and Freeze Ray


Fire Master

This is a mastermind primary set that revolves around fire powers. The problem is that only fire imps are actually fire in the game, so I'm fitting in the unused Magmites for more variety.

Tier 1    Flares

Tier 2    Living Flames (Basically an up-sized fire imp at henchmen tier. Attacks include Flares and Scorch.)

Tier 3    Fire Blast

Tier 4    Flame Expansion*

Tier 5    Fire Breath

Tier 6    Molten Warriors (Uses the unused Magmite model. Attacks include Flares and Fire Sword.)

Tier 7    Runaway Inferno (As per Hell on Earth, except does lethal+fire damage for the Lesser Living Flames rather than lethal+toxic. Edit yet again: Generates Lesser Living Flames around caster, using different colored Living Hellfire models. Does lethal+fire damage rather than lethal+toxic.)

Tier 8    Fire Elemental (An over-sized fire imp model. Uses AA Fireball model. [Blame @gameboy1234.] Attacks include Fire Blast and Fire Breath.)

Tier 9    Burning Empowerment**


* - Flame Expansion grants the following:

Living Flames - Fire Blast

Molten Warriors - Fire Blast

Fire Elemental - Fiery Aura


** - Burning Empowerment grants the following:

Living Flames - Fire Breath

Molten Warriors - Cauterize (Edit again: Own pets only. Maybe the MM too....)

Fire Elemental - Rain of Fire and Blaze


I couldn't come up with anything for water because I can't find anything that is actually water, with the Coralax being the closest I can get, or lightning because I can only find Gremlins for it. And I'm trying to limit the amount of new resources this proposal calls for. As it is, this suggestion still calls for modified copies of existing enemy models and either modified versions of existing powers or a whole new power be made.


Edit: And I didn't look at earth because I didn't think I could get enough variety between DE rock monsters and Minions of Igneous rock monsters. Though I really should have since the fire one is only using two different models as well....


Edit Again:


Storm Bound

Tier 1    Charged Bolts

Tier 2    Thunder Sprites (Uses Voltaic Sentinel model. Attacks include Charged Bolts and Lightning Bolt)

Tier 3    Lightning Bolt

Tier 4    Amp Up*

Tier 5    Jacob's Ladder

Tier 6    Lightning Elementals (Uses Gremlins model. Attacks include Charged Bolts and Havoc Punch)

Tier 7    Thunderstorm (Weaker version of Lightning Storm. Mobile with extremely long recharge.)

Tier 8    Storm Elemental (Uses Storm Elemental model. Attacks include Charged Bolts and Lightning Bolt.)

Tier 9    Overcharge**


* - Amp Up grants the following:

Thunder Sprites - Shocking Blast (PBAoE Mag 1 Stun, minor damage.)

Lightning Elementals - Lightning Bolt

Storm Elemental - Ball Lightning


** - Overcharge grants the following:

Thunder Sprites - Self Destruct (Explodes inflicting energy damage when defeated.)

Lightning Elementals - Lightning Field

Storm Elemental - Short Circuit and Self Destruct


Stone Born

Tier 1    Encase

Tier 2    Summon Unformed (Uses Pumicite model. Attacks include Stone Claw and Hurl Boulder.)

Tier 3    Shatter

Tier 4    Harden Minions*

Tier 5    Rock Shards

Tier 6    Stone Servitors (Uses Boulder model. Attacks include Pummel and Hurl Boulder. Does not form Rubble upon defeat.)

Tier 7    Cataclysm (As per Seismic Force, except applies to own pets only. Extremely long recharge.)

Tier 8    Diamond Guardian (Uses short Geode model, except white/translucent. Attacks include Pummel and Crystal Shards. No Shards upon defeat.)

Tier 9    Mineralize**


* - Harden Minions grants the following:

Universal - increased damage resistance.

Unformed - Stone Mallet

Stone Servitors - Heavy Mallet

Diamond Guardian - Stone Spears (Uses crystal option.)


** - Mineralize grants the following:

Unformed - Mud Pots (weakened version.)

Stone Servitors - Taunt and Earth's Embrace

Diamond Guardian - Upthrust and Seismic Smash


Sorry, still no water options. Blame @ThatGuyCDude for giving me reasons to try to make an electric and earth primary.


Edited by Rudra
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For Earth, you can use the crystalline Quartz Devouring Earth, the granite Devouring Earth, and the mushroom Fungoid Devouring Earth (up to you which order to put them in, but I think granite being last is a nice parallel to Earth Armor).

I agree there's not much to work with for water models, you'll end up with Hydra sludge soldiers or water bubble mini-Sallys... which isn't terrible, but probably isn't what people are picturing for 'elemental' henchmen.

You could do Electric with the Sprites (of Croatoa, like the Wisp prestige pets), the Gremlins (of Cap au Diable, as you mentioned), and the Lanaruu Storm Elementals (of the Shadow Shard): that might make for an interesting entourage.

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The basic idea is quite nice.  Getting some new MM classes would be cool, esp. since customization does not appear to be on the horizon.  Personally though I dislike many of the older models, like Jack Frost and the Snowmen too.  A little more effort on the graphics would help a lot imo.


Does the Guardian (crystal-like Devouring Earth) have an ice version?  I thought for some reason that model had gotten reused and put in a different mission to represent an "ice" creature.  If nothing else it might be able to be turned blue and have a strong SFX applied to it, and used in place of the Jack Frost, I think something like that would look a bit better. 


For other elemental effects don't forget about the Spells in First Ward (? Night Ward?).  They could be used too, a Fireball pet would be kinda keen.  A new texture on some of the old Magmite models would help a lot, those old models appear less "molten" and more just colored a bit. A quick search on the web for "molten magma creature" yields some nice ideas.  One thing I notice is that artists' concepts often have the creature standing in lava.  Giving the molten Henchmen a damage aura like "Hot Feet" and a strong firey or lava SFX on the ground around them could be cool.


An Air elemental could use an air based (flying).  The Light Fairy Pet model could be repurposed to a Slyph, or a player model could be used.  A heavy SFX could be applied to make the model look more "elemental."

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1 hour ago, gameboy1234 said:

Does the Guardian (crystal-like Devouring Earth) have an ice version?  I thought for some reason that model had gotten reused and put in a different mission to represent an "ice" creature. 

Not that I am aware of. There is the green Geode, red Quartz, black Sardonyx, purple Guardian, and the purplish-black, mostly clear Crystal Titan.

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13 minutes ago, Rudra said:

Not that I am aware of. There is the green Geode, red Quartz, black Sardonyx, purple Guardian, and the purplish-black, mostly clear Crystal Titan.


... worst bowl of Lucky Charms ever.

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