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I played live from launch until just after CoV was released. I came back after the game went FTP and played until lights out. Seems there's a bunch of stuff I either missed or just never knew. Little things really...


For instance, I recently learned how to set a power to auto-fire when it's regen is up...


I recently read a thread where people were talking about auto-completing a mission. Is this possible? How?


Any other secrets I should know?




I left live somewhere around i12 or i13 (not quite sure, it wasn't a clean break). Things I learned coming back to Homecoming. Not sure what was implemented live or was added by the HC team.


  • You can combine 3 inspirations of a single kind into a single inspiration of any other kind.
  • You can save your costumes out as files and reload them. Same with power customizations.
  • Oh, yeah, you can customize your powers now.
  • You can invite your own alts to your supergroup with /altinvite
  • If you have a mission you've outleveled in your mission log, try abandoning it and retaking it. Often the new version will be re-scaled to your current level (I think up to some max per contact).
  • The little chat balloon in your chat window is a popup menu, chock full of a bunch of fun emotes and stuff. You can also use it to change your difficulty setting and effective team size.
  • Oh, yeah, you can change your difficulty and effective team size now.
  • You can use the auction house from just about anywhere with /ah
  • You can change a bunch of settings, including your alignment, by talking to Null the Gull in Pocket D.


About auto-completing missions, go talk to the contact. You can only do this once a day (or every three days?). This is independent of you abandoning missions, which you can do at will.


I played live from launch until just after CoV was released. I came back after the game went FTP and played until lights out. Seems there's a bunch of stuff I either missed or just never knew. Little things really...


For instance, I recently learned how to set a power to auto-fire when it's regen is up...


I recently read a thread where people were talking about auto-completing a mission. Is this possible? How?


Any other secrets I should know?

Talk to the contact that gave you the mission, there's an option to auto complete.  Though it's timed so you can on do one every few days?

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History.



I played live from launch until just after CoV was released. I came back after the game went FTP and played until lights out. Seems there's a bunch of stuff I either missed or just never knew. Little things really...


For instance, I recently learned how to set a power to auto-fire when it's regen is up...


I recently read a thread where people were talking about auto-completing a mission. Is this possible? How?


Any other secrets I should know?

Talk to the contact that gave you the mission, there's an option to auto complete.  Though it's timed so you can on do one every few days?

Once every 3 days.

I used to play under the handle @Purple Clown, back on Live. Now I play under @Lunchmoney


I'm in the UK and play on Reunion.




  • You can combine 3 inspirations of a single kind into a single inspiration of any other kind.

-- Live

  • You can save your costumes out as files and reload them. Same with power customizations.

-- Live, I think

  • Oh, yeah, you can customize your powers now.

-- Live

  • You can invite your own alts to your supergroup with /altinvite

-- Dont know

  • If you have a mission you've outleveled in your mission log, try abandoning it and retaking it. Often the new version will be re-scaled to your current level (I think up to some max per contact).

-- Live

  • The little chat balloon in your chat window is a popup menu, chock full of a bunch of fun emotes and stuff. You can also use it to change your difficulty setting and effective team size.

-- HC, I think

  • Oh, yeah, you can change your difficulty and effective team size now.

-- Live, via Hero Corp Analyst

  • You can use the auction house from just about anywhere with /ah

-- Live with the requisite Vet badge, 84 months

  • You can change a bunch of settings, including your alignment, by talking to Null the Gull in Pocket D.

-- No idea



I used to play under the handle @Purple Clown, back on Live. Now I play under @Lunchmoney


I'm in the UK and play on Reunion.



Alt Invite is new for HC.


Null the Gull is not new (added in issue 20.5), but his ability to change your alignment is, as well as the entire dialogue tree starting with "Can you make me more powerful?"  On Live, he could only had "Alter how speed buffs/debuffs from other friendly players affect you.", "Alter how group travel powers affect you.", "Change whether or not you are asked to confirm Mystic Fortune.", and "Show your progress towards the Dimensional Warder badge." as options.


The Emote menu was on Live, but adding the difficulty options to it is new for HC.  On Live you had to visit a Notoriety Contact (Hero Corps Field Analysts bluside, Fortunada Fateweavers redside, and Goldside's contacts are all different) to change your difficulty.  You can still visit those NPCs on HC and they still give the same options, but they're kinda pointless (in the same way trainers-as-tailors made most tailors pointless).


You can type /ah and access the auction house from anywhere but a base or a mission.


Mind.  Blown.

Marijuanaut | Man of Granite | Xuku




  • You can save your costumes out as files and reload them. Same with power customizations.

-- Live, I think

  • Oh, yeah, you can customize your powers now.

-- Live



Definitely Live.  I recreated several of my characters from live by using costume and powers files I had saved from before sunset.

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