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Umm whatever happened to my post yesterday? (earth/energy build)


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Seems we have a new board...

Unfortunately that seems to mean most if not all posts from yesterday are lost?

There was a build posted in my post about critiquing my earth/energy build that I wanted to try out... /cry

Please help me poster, you're my only hope! 

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Hello!  In the Announcements section of the forums they had posted on Monday that there would be a point beyond which new posts would not be saved.  They would be taking a backup from that point for restoration after the boards were changed.  They also posted when they had made the backup, which was sometime early yesterday morning, though I don't remember exactly when it was.


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  • City Council

Per the global announcement - we may be migrating back to SMF which would restore this post. If we end up deciding to stick with the current forums I can export the post from the old forums for the author (the old forums are technically still there, we just moved the domain to the new forum host; meaning I can go back and grab stuff that was important but posted after the migration began).


I cannot give an ETA on either solution at the moment; we will be making a decision shortly.

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  • Retired Game Master

That post is lost to the sands of time, unfortunately.  We're sticking with Invision.


You'll have to hope whoever originally posted it returns and reposts it.

Edited by GM Capocollo
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