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The salvage racks in my base have only very small, clickable areas - consistent across all the racks. I normally have to aim for the bottom shelf, to the right of whatever is on that shelf, in order for the cursor to turn into a blue hand so I can actually pull up the contents.


Similar thing with some "mission doors" - specifically the redside "jump in the copter" kind of door where you actually need to click on a space at the bottom of the ladder. Not only is the area very small for me, but I have to be at just the right angle. It is usually very challenging for me to enter those missions.


I recently upped my pointer size to 150%, but that doesn't seem to affect this at all. I have the same issue across all of my characters, and I don't really have a second machine available to compare.


Is there a setting someone to fix something like this? Any ideas appreciated.


This seems to be affected more by zoom distance when I'm playing. Sometimes I have to zoom out and kinda move my cursor a bit or even face from a different angle, but for the most part I don't have too much of an issue (possibly because I'm just used to it). I have to be careful when placing things like the Vault in bases because the click point is too high. I'm not sure how the game actually handles the points that are clickable or I might have something to add. The pointer thing likely failed because the actual group of pixels that make up its click point doesn't really change when you do that (as you found out).


+1 to having these points enlarged if possible though!

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