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Hey guys, I'm having some trouble designing a Champions character to City of Heroes and was wondering if anyone could help out some.  This is what I have so far, but I feel like it could be better and I'm out of ideas for it.  If anyone has any tips for the fur or a something even better it would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance!


548621399_Wildcatreference-Copy.png.389ef1b416469b4c16ae224ca1ef01a0.png                  Wildcatcoh.thumb.png.08137a28f14c14597413b03970ee7030.png

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Good idea on the Circle of Thorns pads in white to get the right looking shape Flash. zb7XgP0P_o.png


Playing off that I added the Over the shoulder cape in "Fringe" to fill in some gaps with white and then I swapped out

the collar for "Victorian 02" as it is more frilly and fur like and then added the chest piece "Ascension" over the

lion with both colors set to white so as to add more bulk... it may be a bit over the top but I kind of like it.


For the gloves I went with "Organic" as they have more of that V profile and for the belt I couldn't really find

a good substitute but the same wrapped one with padlock gets close or also I like the look of the Victorian clock

because it at least has some sort of central clasp on a white sash and it sits up higher on her hips which I like for this suit.


What do you guys think?




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For the boots the "Circle of Thorns" have the best V pattern but the "Classic Steampunk" will get you

most of the way plus they have a different color toecap which, while not bare toes, at least suggests the look.


hVTSh7dm_o.jpg    BBebsuCO_o.jpg


So something like this...




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Posted (edited)

Sure thing Nurse Midnight, using costume pieces in ways they weren't originally intended is kinda my jam. zb7XgP0P_o.png


And I didn't even have to modd anything this time. w00t!


  On 8/16/2019 at 2:23 PM, Nurse Midnight said:

These are really great. I would have never thought of using the fridge and ascension pieces. Thank you guys so much. 


Lol, no no no you want the "Fringe" back option not the "Fridge" back option. That's a totally different profile and wouldn't

fit the character concept at all... although you would always have a tasty snack and ice cold beverage handy when fighting crime.


Heck take a thermal secondary and you'd be like a flying refridgerator microwave combo.

You could be Micro Fridge Girl! E9rkOkuW_o.gif


MFG: "Oh sure you could take another empath to fill up your team, and maybe she could keep you healed but can she quench your thirst? "

"I'm packing a near endless supply of perfectly chilled Yoohoos here."


Team Captain: Gosh Fridge girl I don't know, Those 5th Column goons can be tough with

all them vampires and werewolves and such, a good healer might just make the diff...**PING PING PING**


........ are those hot pockets?


MFG: Yup.


Team Captain: Sorry !337healxorz69 but we had a last minute epiphany,

fighting evil is hard work and you can really build up a super sized appetite and...


!337healxorz69: OMG U N00b!!! J00zIz Tekken ZeTine-E Chica wit DAFridge0n HUR BACKz11!!!???!!! 

WTF ROFL BBQ?!?!?! Datz Totez-LAMEZOR fEr yA............ **BING BING BING**


................. D00Dz! Frik'N RAZzZBURRY P0pTarTZ FTW!


MGF:  Here you go. No hard feelings?


!337healxorz69: OM NOM NOMNOMNOM... ya, we cool.



This little bit of random nonsense brought to you by my half awake caffeine-starved brain. rFYv2e1c_o.gif

/e goes to brew a cuppa tea




Edited by Christopher Robin


Like the Costume Creator? Enjoy a challenge? Love to WIN?

You really should've clicked here before 6pm on Sunday the 18th!



  On 8/17/2019 at 11:51 AM, Nurse Midnight said:

Hah. Oops. Well that’s a couple of new concepts at least. 


Sure. She could be Tony Morrison's long lost cousin's sister's brother on his 3rd uncles side of the family.

Carrying a fridge while doing good deeds practically runs in their family. E9rkOkuW_o.gif





@biostem I do as well. The ones in CO just look too "plastic-y" for lack of a better word.


Like the Costume Creator? Enjoy a challenge? Love to WIN?

You really should've clicked here before 6pm on Sunday the 18th!



  • 7 months later

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