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DM/Bio Soul Drain Issue


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So, looking at this combo and it was looking good until I happened to notice Soul Drain buffs literally every damage type EXCEPT toxic for some reason.  Bio's damage aura happens to be...toxic damage.  I double checked it on the beta server to make sure it wasn't just a text oversight and confirmed Soul Drain had no effect on the damage of genetic contamination.


That is a major drag as of course giving dark melee some AoE damage it otherwise lacks is pretty nice.  Should this be reported as an oversight/bug?  Or do people think this was done on purpose for some reason?  The text of soul drain certainly doesn't say anything about excluding toxic.

Edited by Riverdusk
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I mean, it's not even a Shadow Maul worth of damage you are missing? You still get 532 damage for that 30 seconds from GenCon. Darks got an End Buff, a heal, accuracy debuffs and a high damage mag 3 immob with a hella duration. Lack of AoE is not really a concern here, right? 


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At level 50 GenCon does 9.38 base damage every 2 seconds.  At max soul drain adds +150% damage (10 targets is (50%) +10% x 10)).  9.38 x 1.5 = 14.  14 extra damage in gencon x 10 targets = 140 x 15 tics during that 30 seconds = 2,100 potential damage lost every 30 seconds.  Soul drain in top builds can be close to perma.


Best case scenario of course, but I'd say that is a concern to me.  YMMV.


Still doesn't answer my question regardless.  It just seems like a strange oversight.  Probably because there was no toxic damage available in a secondary when soul drain was created, so they didn't even think about it.

Edited by Riverdusk
Slight fix to math
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39 minutes ago, Riverdusk said:

Probably because there was no toxic damage available in a secondary when soul drain was created, so they didn't even think about it.

Not only was there no secondary that dealt toxic damage, there was no such thing as toxic damage. At launch (ie, when Dark Melee was made), Vahzilok zombie vomit dealt untyped damage (which meant it was unresistable), like the blue patches in the Tin Mage TF. Players thought that was BS, so the devs made up a new damage type for it.


I believe that all damage buffs are, technically, a bunch of individual buffs to damage of each type. So Soul Drain was written to give the seven possible kinds of damage boost that existed at the time - even psionic, although there were and still are no secondaries that deal psionic damage. But I guess nobody ever updated it to include the new eighth type.

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1 hour ago, Haijinx said:

Does this apply to build up, rage and focus?

Don't believe so.  Those all seemed to be listed as [all damage].  Soul drain is the only special one I've found so far that lists out all the damage types that it buffs separate and then leaves off toxic.

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