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Everything posted by Trike

  1. I vote no hyphen. Looks cleaner to me, especially in game.
  2. Really well done. I don’t have the brains or patience to demo edit. The spectrum-headed guy in the 3rd pic made me chuckle.
  3. How is that game? Seems to be getting near-universal praise. Now that Halo Infinite has added a co-op mode I’ve been hitting that pretty hard, but it’s the same six/seven maps over and over again.
  4. Exactly what I’ve been asking for: Midjourney now allows you to re-use the same character in different scenes. Won’t be long before all the other AI programs do, too.
  5. Pole Star This came out pretty well as I was messing about with the various patterns which combine the two primary colors with a secondary color accent. In this case Red + Blue = Purple.
  6. This is really great, a combo that I never would have tried.
  7. I use "dynamic pose" frequently, which usually results in better action shots. Usually.
  8. Her name is clearly Brasilia Waxoff. I mean, obviously.
  9. This guy is terrific. No notes. 👍🏻
  10. I really like these basic color combos you’ve come up with. This sort of thing is much more difficult to pull off than they appear. Vixenhawk in particular is an excellent use of color.
  11. They will become heroes one day, but this afternoon they are having a tea party celebrating the fact they are all 10 years old. Left to right: Little Red Riding Hood, Jack Spriggins (soon of beanstalk fame), Hansel, Peter Pan, Goldilocks, Gretel, Alice Liddle (soon to travel to Wonderland) In front: Little Bad Cub Not what i asked for, but I can improvise: art station style, oil painting, sunny afternoon, English garden setting, children's tea party, Little Red Riding Hood age 10 with Goldilocks in green age 10 with Little Boy Blue age 10 with Alice in Wonderland age 10
  12. I tried it but it wouldn’t let me click through. How do you do it?
  13. Now that’s cool. I did upscale a screenshot of my character Li’l Thor, which was pretty impressive, but for some reason it left the face alone. Sure made his hammer shiny, though!
  14. That’s mighty nice of you. I know printing these is a lot of work, and not an insignificant expense, so good on you for offering. 😎
  15. You certainly got better results than I ever have from Playground. I find that program extremely aggravating.
  16. Coincidentally last night I was trying to get the AI to generate 3 of my characters on the moon, one of them being Space Monkey from Live. Because I was again foolishly attempting 3 toons at once, the results were very not good. Yours are much better.
  17. Look fellas, just watch me and you'll pick it up. The steps are easy, listen to the beat. And one, and two...
  18. I had a hard time finding pics generated by Fooocus (what a stupid name), and most of what showed up looked Chinese, so I couldn't tell what they were talking about. Can you post more examples?
  19. It’s 37 o’clock, time to rock!
  20. Pretty much the same thing I've been doing with superheroes. Same cool and/or bonkers results. I Asked AI To Show Me What Animated Disney Movies Would Look As 1950s Live Action Films And The Results Are Truly Magical (msn.com)
  21. Awkwarrrd. But we've all been on the receiving end of weird AI add-ons. Google Shuts Down AI Image Generator After It Made "Racially Diverse Nazis" (msn.com)
  22. We play Dungeons & Dragons while they play Houses & Housecats.
  23. This is the only one I liked and it’s also the only one where I asked for specific characters. All of the above were “hero wearing silver and blue versus villain wearing red and black playing (fill in game)”. This one was “Dr. Jekyll playing poker with Mr. Hyde.”
  24. Why can’t we sit down like civilized people and solve our differences like adults? Best 2 out of 3? Heroes and villains playing poker, “boardgame”, D&D and Scrabble. Why it chose Spidey as a villain is a mystery.
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