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Posts posted by Greycat

  1. 15 hours ago, DougGraves said:

    Global, help, broadcast, or just LFG for all your chat spamming?  Or even SG chat?


    Do you chat with people in CoX?


    I'll sometimes try to help (or just comment) in Help, repeat stuff if someone looks like they just came on and are looking for something advertised in LFG. Broadcast is... rare, barring inside a base (like a link to music for an event) or having an RP reason to shout stuff.


    Local - most frequent, since RP.


    General Chat - gets ripped out and thrown in the fire.


    SG and custom channels for various groups get used fairly frequently, usually to say hi and see what else is going on.

  2. This creation is not mine, of course. But I'm sure many of us from live remember Samuraiko. (No, she's not gone, so far as I know.) And while we've lost more since this was created, she made this... apparently 9 years ago. Ran across it while looking for things to add to a playlist.


    Given both our losses and the time of year, well -



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  3. 17 hours ago, BazookaTwo said:



    Wait...is mini mode easy to get on the test server? 


    The test server has a "freebies menu" so you can test things. Immediate level to 50, test full sets, etc. It's part of why people will often say if you want to see how a build performs... do it on the test server.

  4. As it's worded, I'd have to answer:


    1. No, it's a pet.

    2. Is also a pet.

    3. No, the proc isn't the power damaging, it's the set doing a chance for damage.

    4. No, or at least it shouldn't be. As you mention, it does no damage - never mentions anything about to hit.


    Those are, of course, how I'm reading it. Though you can always check on the test server, it should show up in the combat logs.


    For an ill/kin, I'd think you'd mostly have it triggering on Spectral Wounds and the hold, plus whatever pool attacks you might have. Again, going by that wording.


  5. That code has pretty much always been wonky.


    It doesn't tend to show moving mobs. It'll show jail doors, COT crystals and the like - which aren't helpful - but a patrol that's wandering the map? Nope. (Though it will sometimes mark... what I believe is a spawn point. Go there and there's nothing there, but it's marked.) I've had it not help frequently.


    So, yeah, fixing it would be nice.

  6. On 11/22/2023 at 8:33 PM, Shocktacular said:

    Also, if you have an Illusion character with PA set to mirror your appearance, does mini-mode affect the PA decoys or do they just copy your costume without being mini-fied?


    I'd be fairly certain they'd stay full size. Easy enough to test on the test server.


    Edit: As expected, nope.



  7. On 11/23/2023 at 8:41 AM, Without_Pause said:

    Nope. I think GG's game died in a whimper. I would look at the message boards of the spin-offs and GG's had the lowest amount of postings on there. Oddly enough years after CoH died I saw a user named Golden Girl on a different gaming platform's forum, and I still think it's her. 


    GG's ... thing.... was Heroes and Villains, which I'm pretty sure imploded fast. Ship of heroes is something else.

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  8. The fairly predictable answer that it's here. That we had people running it and digging into it between shutdown and the explosion of private servers, so it could be expanded on as much as we can without all the original documentation and tools, even if some decided to demonize those people.


    And thankful for the folks I've met and re-met since coming back. All the new stories to tell.

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Techwright said:


    Personal opinion:  I'd not be down for rebranding the police scanner.  It just means another group of characters (police) needing a repurposing.  What I would be down for is a second level of scanner missions:  random missions that automatically come in as tougher assignments or assignments with a higher percentage of crazy stuff happening (timers, bombs, nests of evil Kheldians, etc.)



    ... you know, honestly this would fit in *really* well with our grey alignments.

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  10. On 11/20/2023 at 11:04 AM, SeraphimKensai said:

    I was experimenting with making a map using custom critters, and because I hadn't pointed it to the right custom group, when I tried to test my map before I realized the situation, I found myself looking at a +4*8 map of nothing but FF/Sonic Blast AVs.


    A former SG co-leader of mine did something close. Expected to have a single AV in a room. Had a group of 10 show up in the spawn (I think they did something like made the enemy group the same  as the group the AV was in.)


    I started ramping up the difficulty (though not to that point...) of the AE arcs I made when the secondary team that was facing those beat them all.


    Also, you want bad? A map of FF/Sonic, pfft. Try *time.* "Hi. Was that your recharge? I'm sorry, it's not just floored, it's about 2/3 of the way to the Earth's core by now..." 


    ... the SG asked me to maaayyybe back them off a bit after that.

  11. 1 minute ago, Snarky said:

    What is great is that they are now asking for more money.  These people have to be headquartered in Port Oakes.  Marconeville I am thinking 


    Development's not cheap. *shrug* And I don't think any of them *really* knew what they were getting into. (Didn't they pretty much have to start over from scratch some years into it?)


    Yeah, I threw money at them back when they started, too, and expected it to be later than *they* thought it would be (like "I'll be playing this or beta-ing it in 5 years") but... *shrug*


    And ... no, this far in I don't expect monthly updates. I'd expect those closer to release. Quarterly, maybe.

  12. Not Dell/Alienware.


    Laptop wise, I've been fairly happy with my Lenovo Legion for the last... year and a half? Probably get another - though with a larger screen - when it's time to replace it. It'll give pretty reasonable game performance, and it doesn't look "gamery" so it fits in well with a business or school use, too.


    Tablet-PC wise, only one I really have any experience with is the Surface Pro foisted on me by work. I hate that thing. Specifically I hate its little "dock" ... thing... you plug into the side with a cable (which gets "am I about to burn myself" hot to the touch just sitting there plugged into the side, and has no strain relief on the cable,) which randomly fritzes out, makes a monitor decide to go pixelated, or forgets what it has attached to it. The Surface itself does weird things with my keyboard - and I've cycled through a few, wired or wireless - occasionally ignoring it or "sticking" randomly. I would never spend my own money on one. (The keyboard, btw, does this both attached to the "dock" and directly to the Surface Pro. Tried multiple KBs.)

  13. 12 hours ago, Scarlet Shocker said:

    I've never encountered this in game (that I remember) - is this just back story on the Wiki, or is it a significant part of storied lore? I always saw Hero Corps as mentoring newbies but that still seems... less than ideal.



    I don't know about a "significant" part of lore, but their lore is scattered through the game. Some of the Faultline (new and old) markers talk about them, for instance, since their Paragon HQ was there for a while before "mysterious power suited figures" attacked it.  They also do talk about Crey (or at least Countess Crey) supporting them.


    So, yeah, headcanon for me has pretty much always had them being a source of "raw material" for the Revenant Hero project, among other things.


    Honestly, they *could* be interesting. it's just that the only thing done with them in game is "So you want to change your settings..." and some plaques.

  14. If we did more outside Paragon / the Isles, I think we'd see more of Hero Corps - they *do* have a presence in the rest of the world with Rent-a-supers.


    They *could* have more of a presence, but they'd still be used somewhat sparingly - hired out as meta-bodyguards for various people, for instance. ("The Peruvian ambassador will be arriving with his hired Hero Corps bodyguards...")


    I will say lore tidbits seem to have some interesting hints of Crey having ideas for them. (And I'll plug my *ancient* - as in first published around AE's launch, so it doesn't really take advantage of newer toys - arc, Hero Corpse, while I mention this.)

    • Like 2
  15. On 11/17/2023 at 12:38 AM, DougGraves said:

    What content do you wish you could be playing but are not because other players are not playing it?



    I don't worry about what others are or aren't playing. *shrug* If there's something I *really* want to run, I hop on discord with my friends and say "Hey, guys, who wants to run the Commander Carrot TF?" or whatever, we arrange a time and do it.


    Honestly, most of the "content" I run now is RP related. The dev team simply cannot put out content fast enough to not have it added to the "ok, seen it, ran it a bunch" pile and run out again. Which is not a complaint about the dev team - the live team couldn't, either, and they were getting paid for it. And even if they somehow could - if we got a new mission arc or TF every week at maintenance - I think I'd still be focused more on my own characters' stories.


    (What do I wish existed? Blood of the Black Stream. And stepping out to more of the world, officially.)

  16. 9 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:
    On 11/17/2023 at 12:51 AM, A Cat said:

    Goldside I guess. But personally, I have a hard time getting into the story unless I'm on a team. Unless I'm the leader I can't read half the text, and no one wants to wait for someone to read all that anyway. So I'm more or less ok with the teaming situation as is already. 

    Very much this.  They need to make some change so that every bit of text that the team lead sees can also be seen by anyone they're teaming with, like a Clue drop or a big ol' text box that shows up on screen (although I'm not a huge fan of those; even with my new much wider screen they always post up under my map or a Pet window or something).


    So, while it doesn't share some of the clues (as I recall...) if you're looking for a lot of the mission text, contact exposition, etc?


    Hit the "i" in the red shape in the nav bar. (Yellow if it's not actually *active,* but that tends to just be for your own missions.)




    You'll get the contact text, in both regular missions/TFs and AE.

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  17. 7 hours ago, OldSchool SC Fight Club said:

     It's just such an odd thing to have him gone in the game when you had so much based around him....


    *Did* we though?


    I mean, early on, running 1-50 you didn't have any interaction with him 'til you rescued him from the Praetorians in the hero's hero arc. He was a name, sure, but he was about as involved with you as Talos is. He was basically lore, mentioned in a few places but never seen. Sister Psyche getitng killed off had more of an impact (... granted, in part because of the "Really? You couldn't find another way?" of how it was done.) At least you'd seen and interacted with her.


    I mean, *VEATs* had more interaction with Statesman (in the getting-punched-in-the-face variety, granted) than heroes did for quite a while.


    Honestly, rescuing him and the Who Will Die arc's ending, would have had more impact if he were more than a COH History quiz question. Have him show up, "Oh, I hear we have a new hero!" in the tutorial. At least have to give him some information if not fight with him or do *something* for him partway through the game. Otherwise... yeah, he just existed as lore comments, pretty much, 'til the end of *one* arc for a long time.

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  18. 14 hours ago, mcalexev said:

    It'd probably look a little weird holding it like that but, it does otherwise work as far as I've seen! Plus you don't HAVE to pick sniper rifle anywho!


    Why would I *not* pick it? That seems a bit ridiculous, honestly.


    "This model is broken with that power." "Don't take that power then!" ... no. If it's a choice between weapon model but having to skip useful powers to make it "work" or not having that weapon model - I'll do without the weapon model. Besides, I'd think it'd also look rather silly with Flamethrower and Ignite/Incinerate. Not skipping those either.


    Now, if you want to argue for a chain gun powerset, with actually appropriate powers? All for it. Open up some more concepts.  But "this looks weird with 1/3 of the set" (possibly more) ... no thanks.

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