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Posts posted by Greycat

  1. ... sort of side discussion aside...


    The main issue I could see with the OP's idea is if the mission happens to be a kill all. Putting enemies in an unreachable room would kind of put a damper on that.


    Granted, it would also make others much easier ("Do not defeat patrol!" ... patrol spawns with a Quantum whatever, who's ported away, making said patrol impossible to defeat.) But I could see it causing more issues to weed out over quite some time than not.

  2. Yes, it's six months away. But next year's anniversary is COH's 20th.


    I think we should have more than just a badge for it, don't you? (And 25th, really. Quarter century of COH and all.)


    Now, *what* I don't know. But this should be a big one - which means it'd need time to do.  Being able to see the end-of-beta event, possibly, even if just in Ouro (I know how tired people can get of invasions, after all.) Even if it's just a "close as we could get" thing. Release a special costume? What should be done for the big 140? (Dogs like COH too, after all...)


    ... and how many of us just went "20... damn, I'm old?"

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  3. 7 hours ago, Doomguide2005 said:

    Nobody has mentioned you can download and set up your own server and tweak it to your hearts content.  I''very never done it so no idea what if any limits to changing things exist or how coding/computer savvy you need to be.   But you'd literally be the only one there.  Check for posts by NOPE tagged appropriately.  If I'm not mistaken it's how some of the other public servers were created.


    It's not that hard, honestly, though some things are really dicy if you're on a lower spec "server" (I can run around zones just fine, base editing is right out. I've been tempted to build a beefier machine for hosting my own for it.)


    However, setting up itself is *really* not hard. You won't, as I recall, get any of the new-new stuff we've gotten here (unless they've updated the contents of the download,) but - from memory - you have options for "Issue 24" (as it was on shutdown) and "Issue 25" (the way Homecoming was on start, with some of the SCORE changes, Sentinels, etc.) It's been made extremely easy to set up, and the instructions and wiki are fairly easy to follow (even for non-computer folks) - they may look daunting, but it's a "take it a step at a time" process.


    Now, tweaking, editing, sharing it for others? Yeah, there's a little more complexity there. But "I just want to be 50 and run around on my own" - yeah, setting up your own server and admin-commanding your way to glory is not that hard to do 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 10/27/2023 at 11:01 AM, Drakwatch said:

    If you could make any new archetype or epic AT, what would you make?



    Remember, the "Epic AT" is more than just creating an AT - it's diving in and focusing on some specific part of the lore.


    Personally I'd start with finally bringing out the Blood of the Black Stream, and everything related to them.

    Second, and probably the easiest, I'd create a redside Nictus path with a few power changes from Warshade, primarily to explore that side of the Kheldian war lore.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 15 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    There's a mechanic for this where the league leader or team leader kicks the leeches.


    ... Assuming they're on your league, not just hanging there with pets attacking everything.


    We've had GMs come on and say flat out, no, that's not allowed.... funny how fast they get to clicking (for a little while.)

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 10/24/2023 at 5:38 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

    Do you roleplay in CoH? If so what's your experience been like? How's the community? How welcoming is the roleplay community to new players interested in giving it a try? Can you point to any good resources for them? What kind of roleplay stories are you currently involved with? If you had to change something about roleplay in the game what would you implement?


    I think Roleplay is what keeps me in COH. It's not doing X mission for the thousandth time - though we'll often use that as the basis *of* something and RP through it to use it for something vastly different.


    Experience - Generally good. Like any community, there are a few asshats. *shrug* Some people have had worse experiences, with people trying to pull BS on them long term, be abusive and the like - but I've got to say, going since live, I've only run into a couple, heard about a couple of others (and kept in mind that was hearsay.) The majority of people I've found run the gamut from "eh, ok" to RL friends I'd open my door to (and apologize for the mess) in an instant.


    Welcoming - I've been in it so long it's hard to say. I know we try to be. I've invited people along who were just standing on the fringes when we do, say, an  RP centric AE that doesn't really need a lot of backstory. I've had people tell me it's daunting trying to get started when everyone has these exceptionally long back histories, backstories, ongoing arcs, etc. - but, generally, there's no "required reading." Flip side is, there's a lot of friend-of-friend-oh-hi-come-along introductions, too, which makes it much easier.


    Resources - I know @Crystal Dragon was running "Intro to RP" stuff for a while, along with some others. Other than that, I really don't know - really, though, it's mostly a matter of how you interact with others.


    Stories - Oh lord. If I went into all of the various stories, both group and individual (as in "this is my character and why they do this,") I'd be typing for weeks.  Major ones involve someone running a shadow organization which, among other things such as arms dealing (his specialty) is involved in cloning - in part to be able to sell a disposable, deniable army to use those weapons on request, in part to use them for research, and some just to sell to whoever wants them for whatever (or to provide children/loved ones to use to gather information and/or for blackmail of people in power - the whole "You will make this into law, you wouldn't want something to *happen* would you" schtick.) Some of the clones have been freed, work on freeing others and (now) have allies, but there's a lot of digging to do to get to him.


    Alternately, a different designer drug being on the streets which, depending on the "kicker," can have different effects, using the young, partygoing population as unwitting test subjects.


    Quite a bit branches off from those, for starters.


    Changing roleplay - Honestly, it'd be "more of more of more of." More emotes. Better interaction with the environment. Smaller hit boxes. Being able to sit and be sat down on something instead of hovering somewhere over a table, for instance. Just more for our characters to do. Play musical instruments, for instance. Synchronize some emotes.

    • Like 3
  7. 3 hours ago, srmalloy said:

    So the existing 'one arm extended' snipe stance works how in bird form? Or the double-arm-forward animation from Fire Blast? You still have to animate the character mesh doing something to have a visible animation; it doesn't just magically transfer to the new mesh. And the flying animation for a bird form is going to be considerably different from the existing hover/flight animations, so attacks from those postures don't simply transfer across.


    ... I'm *idly* curious...


    WAAAAAYY back, we were supposed to have an EAT, Avilians (think I'm spelling that... think I have an extra i in there) specifically because the devs couldn't, at the time, figure out how to give players wings. They were going to be our winged AT. (They're the source of the "like human, but very light" bones you find when you recover some artifacts from the Hellions in the Hollows.) Pretty sure it was one of the first EATs that was axed, honestly, since... we got wings.


    While I *highly* doubt it after a decade plus of live development and them not being in, plus people poking around after sunset, I half wonder if there's any trace of even prototype animation buried deep in the files somewhere that would cover this. Or at least be a starting point.


    (Old EAT reference of mine, from 9/2010)


    Or, I don't know... something with the water/floating animation. But it would depend on the form and how it was handled.



  8. 1 hour ago, The Mighty Paladin said:

    Every time I suggest anything be added to the game I get the same thing a list of reasons why it's just to hard. No one here seems willing to even TRY anything. I will not be making any more suggestions. after this one: DELETE THE SUGGESTIONS AND FEEDBACK SECTION FROM THE FORUM.  it makes sense if you're never going to accept any suggestions.


    It's called "feedback and discussion."


    If you can't handle that, well...


    Besides, nobody talking about it is a dev. It doesn't *matter* whether anyone here accepts or rejects suggestions (and the "never accept any suggestions" is patently false - all you need to do is actually look,) unless they're specifically labeled as a dev (and it's easy to tell who those are)  and saying yes or no for some reason.


    And yawanna know what? Even a dev saying no isn't necessarily permanent. I fought for quite some time on live to get Sonic Dispersion's graphics changed because they were causing *actual, physical pain* to people. i was watching multiple friends disappear for days to deal with migraines, for instance. (And watching - and reporting - others getting some sick glee out of tormenting the people affected by it.)  I was a pest about it, posting about it repeatedly. One of the live devs said "no, we can't do that" - that it couldn't technically be done. And not much later... they were changed.


    So calm down, go have a juice box or whatever.  Untwist the undies. If you can't handle discussion and disagreement, just drop whatever suggestion in the forum and go do something else instead of getting worked up. Otherwise, look at what's being argued, make your case, be willing to make adjustments or explanations  and who  knows, one of them might make it in in some form.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. I have to admit I don't tend to think of Aethers as a currency but as salvage. Not sure why my head binned them that way.


    Forgotten but still in game: Vanguard merits. There's just not much use for them other than a recurring Vanguard HVAS and converting to Reward Merits. (Does *anyone* keep picking up the psi shield/psi bomb? Or Nectembo's Curse Breaker after the RWZ arcs and / or the Alpha unlock arc?)


    Redundant: Shards. Just get rid of them. I have characters with thousands of them. I do the free conversion when I think of it. Then gain more that I'll never use. I rarely craft an Alpha with them, other than the times I have way too many just sitting and say "what the heck" and craft some alpha I'll never use. Drop them and everything related and just go with threads, which drop fast enough to get you through T4 on everything anyway.


    3 hours ago, WumpusRat said:


    Which ones in particular? Most of the merit rewards seem pretty average. The only one I can think of as "a lot" is the mothership raid, but I don't tend to do those.



    I don't think the MSRs give "a lot," really. You'll get more bang for the buck - or minute - by running Hami raids. Mothership raids are so variable - you can get from (typically) 800-1200 V-merits typically, with some raids giving more (I've seen as high as 1600, rumor of 2000 or so, but not frequently) and they convert at 30-1 to Reward merits. So, for half an hour-ish, 36-40 reward merits for constant activity. A hami, which takes less time - Everlasting runs two, three times a day - gives 80 on the first run, 40 on subsequent, and a typical double raid is done in about half an hour, depending on how long it takes for hami to spawn. 80-120 merits for half an hour. (160 if you manage to swap characters and get the 80 twice. If you have six fifties, 480 merits a day over the three raids.) About the only way you match that on an MSR is joining Trix's "smushening" on Everlasting - once a year 12 hours (or more) straight of just MSR after MSR.


    And yes, I'm glad Prestige is gone. Wish the listings for it would be gone and the SG interface would be redone so it could be completely banished... it did nothing but restrict creativity (and even just plain utility) when it was around.

  10. 16 hours ago, Scarlet Shocker said:

    Mine is the Well of the Furies.


    I junk that shit. The Menders are just hippies on some trip. The real power is from within the character, not some external thing that "lends" you its power because you're already tough.


    I truly loathe that episode and it came close to ruining the game for me because it's so poorly told and such a feeble plot line so in my own head it's irrelevant and I do my own thang


    Yeah. As I recall the original "well" was in some way related to Pandora's box, hidden, absorbing the latent power/creativity/belief of humanity and occasionally overflowing and releasing it all into (basically) what we think of as "Ages of gods" and "Ages of heroes."


    The whole sentient-well-you-get-your-power-from-me is just... rgh.

    • Like 3
  11. Head bullets. What else would be in a head cannon?


    ... oh, wait. one n...


    I tend to think a good number of the masked/faceless villain groups actually are customers of one or more very efficient cloners who can put out mass quantities of cannon fodder. They don't *have* to be perfect or  mingle with the public (other than to point a gun at them,) so underneath those masks they look... uncanny. But it doesn't matter - it keeps the numbers inside these groups up to what we see them in game, and all they need to be able to do is follow orders and shoot somewhat straight. (It's also why they don't react to others running by who have obviously been in a fight. They're not designed to.)


    It's also why we don't have any sort of legal consequences for shooting, stabbing, burning, freezing, psy-ing, plant-ing, folding and spindling them - someone, somewhere, has set the system up so these clones are seen more as biological machines rather than *people,* and thus don't have things like "rights" or "due process." The worst charge any hero would have to face would be property damage.


    • Like 6
  12. 2 minutes ago, arcane said:

    Do people really not have enough free tailor tokens?


    7 minutes ago, gameboy1234 said:

    Also I power leveled up a new toon on ToT and realized the costume change fees to fill out her costumes would break me, so it's practical too.


    If it's a new character, I'd say the answer is "no, they don't."


    Granted, if I have ideas for extra costumes early, I try to get them in by level 10 so at least those are free. Plus you can just park in Icon 'til you get that day job and get some discounts...


    Eh. Not sure how I feel about it, really. On the one hand, we already turn in salvage for a slot, so tacking a free costume change wouldn't exactly be gamebreaking. On the other, discounts and such aren't hard to get - and neither is inf, so... *shrug* Not really for or against it.

  13. Alexander's a person.

    Patton's a tank and can shoot or just run over Alexander. Patton > Alexander.

    Wellington's a bomber. It can hit Patton well out of Patton's reach.

    Wellington > Patton.


    Wellington wins.



  14. Little holiday thought....


    Would it be possible to have alternate spirit tree models? Obviously they'd have to be about the same size, but a little fir Bolg "hiding" as one, a small Christmas tree, something like the fall trees (or just a bush...) for alternate graphics might be fun.

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  15. Isn't there one on an *extremely* short timer that you're essentially meant to fail as part of the storyline?


    Seem to vaguely remember that being a thing on an arc. Don't recall which one, right offhand.


    It'd be an edge case, regardless, but it'd be appropriate for that to be a "surprise" timed mission.

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