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Posts posted by Greycat

  1. 8 hours ago, Azael said:

     Since Emp. merits stop at Vet lvl 100, it kinda make Incarnate Powers finite.



    Emp merits do not stop at VL100. Just what you automatically get from "leveling" at that point.  It's not the resources that make Incarnate powers finite - it's that you really *can* build them all. With enough time, you could build one of every power of every level, if you so chose to.

  2. 6 hours ago, tidge said:


    All I know is:


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    • There is an implication (from History, Exploration) that Superadine originally had an extra-dimensional source
    • There is a "Fixadine" drug from Praetoria
    • Praetoria's Malaise has a different sort of chemical concoction in his Brickstown sewer mission
    • The King's Row Skulls arc calls out that the Skulls are making Superadine
    • The Family arcs imply that they are distributing it, but this doesn't appear to be part of the lore for either the non-Primal family or the high-level Family


    So... No. If there is a deeper tie to early Gold side or somewhere else, I've missed it, and I want to say (bias!) that it must be easy to miss.(*1)


    So, you have to go plaque hunting.


    The gist of it is that 'dyne does more than just buff you up and make you green. In some *very* rare instances, it lets you see and travel between dimensions - and, as I recall, drives you insane. During a raid, the Phalanx and/or Regulators learned about this and hushed it up... one of the *other* people who knew about it (again, from memory) was Dr. Webb - the founder of Portal Corp.


    (Scholastic badge, Just Said No to Superdyne, both touch on it.  Also -




    https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Just_Said_No_to_Superadine_Badge - monuments 2 and 4  )

  3. No problem with the mission itself, but there's one thing that makes me dread this mission.


    The *intense red atmosphere.* It's actually tiring to the point of uncomfortable to have to stare at for more than a few minutes.  And being in the Praetorian underground, you're going to be... even on low settings. I don't care about the "fog" effect limiting vision - it works - but just the coloration is a bit *much.* It's bothered me since live.


    Any chance this could be toned down some?


  4. 14 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:

    The tight option is kind of bland, try the leather or leather body suit for texture under the color palete. 


    Or if you really want tights, try the Olympian Guard for some texture... it's kind of a go-to for me most of the time I want tights, unless I really want the flatter look.


    (personally not a fan of the horns, but ... not my character, so I don't know if there's a reason for them.)

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  5. The answer, as always... "it depends."


    Sometimes a character starts with a name, sure. Or part of a story or a theme, and I'll start with that. Sometimes I'm making things with others. Sometimes a character can be inspired by something I saw or heard, or a new powerset (or one I haven't played in a while) or - rarely, honestly - a costume piece. Different things get different weight for each character.


    For instance, the very first character I made way back when on live (issue 3,) Memphis Bill, was me trying to find a "closest match" to a character I'd played in a PnP Silver Age Sentinels game. The look that *character* had was never going to get replicated in game (still can't, really,) so the costume creator was mostly there for "well, find something I like."  (The original costume didn't really last long past upgrading my Matrox Mystique 440 - 4 Mb card.)


    On the other hand, another - Sweet Child o'Mimes - quite obviously had costume fairly high on the list for a mime-like look or the joke would have fallen flat. Same with Celery.


    So... yeah. Varies by character.


    As far as random, while I've hit it occasionally for amusement (or horror,) no, I don't really use it. Never really have run across something I liked.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Sunsette said:

    Step 2: Replace Group Fly with Grant Flight, a Dismissible Power

    The targetable buff mechanic is annoying to keep up with in other contexts, but if you made this a 10-minute duration buff that flashed a warning on the recipient's screen at 1 minute remaining, they'd have time to remind the user they need a refresh. It wouldn't be much of a pain for a mastermind to keep these going for their whole brigade and could still provide uses in other contexts. There's a firesale on jetpacks anyway. Grant Flight should be able to keep up with Fly at the same slotting, and not grant Afterburner. 


    No "replacing," thanks. People *do* actually use this power, besides MMs. And this sounds more irritating to keep up than anything - I can't imagine trying to do so during an MSR on my MMs, for instance, especially with resummons.



  7. 22 hours ago, Rudra said:

    Per Requiem's message, no, there isn't. He is the only non-wolf anywhere in that world.


    You trust Requiem? 😉 


    Besides, something like that (a) would still be worth investigating and (b) - well, the actual Kheldian war story isn't *really* touched on a lot, and I don't think people *really* see the Nictus as a threat other than "another enemy group" (and even then mostly interact with them in Cimerora... which ... yeah, that whole storyline's just weird.) I'd like to expose more of that - and having an arc where you basically get into "an end result" of what the Nictus can do might help that out. (Or, perhaps you manage to spark what we see as Warshades there...)


    (I'm biased towards seeing more squiddy stuff in game, what can I say 😄 )

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  8. So I'm running through Maria Jenkins' missions, fighting stuff in Warrior Earth and thinking... why is it like this? That Earth, not the mission. While we have (obviously) a "deep dive" into Praetoria, we get 1-2 missions in many other dimensions that probably could have some interesting lore - or do, but nobody wanders onto the wiki to read it.


    So why not give Portal corps more of a purpose? Instead of just sticking a toe into Axis Earth for a mission or two, get a chance to fight them - or as an alternative mission, since not every character's theme is "front line fighter," run aid and suppliess to resistance groups? Get at least a full arc in Warrior Earth. Get a good look at a Nictus-ized Earth - there's got to be more *somewhere* than War Wolves. Portal could be a wellspring of missions full of "what ifs."


    And it could open up some creativity, too. Stuff that wouldn't necessarily fit with lore *now,* but might be fun to poke around in. What horrors await on Catgirl Earth? (Empress Mynx?)  What if ancient Egypt never fell, but really did conquer the world through tech and magic (yes, I do still want Blood of the Black Stream arcs, which have a *touch* of the same thing, but this is a "writ large" of that - at one point I'd created an AE which included an "Egyptron" group, so... it's been brewing a while for me.) What if there's an Earth where Hamidon really is the hero?


    Use Portal to give more of a look at some of the side lore, some of the 'other worlds,' and arcs for stuff that wouldn't necessarily fit in existing lore but might still be fun to explore without an impact on the main timeline.

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  9. Aside from the "it will be abused," it'd likely need to have someone dedicated on the dev team to go *through* those arcs and make whatever changes would need to be made for it to have that "extra reward" - then lock it down so it's not suddenly changed afterward.


    Besides, who decides what's exceptional enough content that should get rewarded like this? Even dev/player choice is, at its heart, a popularity contest. Who's gotten word out, who's been noticed, who hits a particularly vocal (and willing to rate) group - there's also content that can be quite good but requires outside context (such as ongoing RP in a SG.) A *lot* of work can go into those - and they'd never get any sort of recognition. (And yeah, I did these for a SG - large enough that some weeks I'd sometimes have three to run simultaneously to handle different aspects of a threat. Frequently. It turned into a second job. And while the SG generally liked them, they'd have made no real sense to anyone outside with all the references.)

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  10. There are a few missions that phase areas in and out. If they (for instance) did Matthew Habashy's intro mission and you DFB'd it up instead, they'd be phased in that area because they have a different' experience' there.


    It's ... honestly really annoying.

  11. 17 hours ago, kelika2 said:

    Can we get Lettered Columns and Numbered Rows?


    What if I want numbered columns and lettered rows, huh? Ever think about *that?* 😉


    Honestly, it'd be helpful, and I'm not sure if it's something someone would be able to mod in in the meantime. That said, it's not what i was thinking of when I read the title, so I'm going to threadjack a little.


    Before I say it, yes, we *can* save power customization and costume options to files. But they're a bit restricted - body type, AT/powers, etc.  But being able to save a *palette* - a saved set of colors for things - would be nice, especially if it was shareable.  Instead of saying "Hey, let's get a uniform together, with that third red, that one blue, the logo in this and that," being able to pass along "SG Pallete" where you *see* the red, green, fuscia, whatever would be kind of nice. Plus you could just have that saved so when you make Version 3 of that character, you can refer back to it, or you make a companion character you have the palette right *there.*


    (As a side note, used to take part in and offer forum... let's call them "design contests," they're not really CCs, that just picked a color palette and told people to run with it to see what they came up with. It was kind of fun, and what I had in mind when I read the title. Used to use a few sites for this... I think Kuler was one, but it looks like they got Adobe'd. But yeah, I'd hand out something like this:




    and see what people would do with it. Had to use "closest match" frequently with COH though. )

  12. 3 hours ago, Saiyajinzoningen said:

    Where is the AI uprising task force?



    While it's not a *task force,* I'm just going to mention there's at least one ... fairly sure Council, not Column, arc that starts doing a bit of the "AI uprising" thing.


    That said, while in theory I like the idea of "the team has to split up," in *practice* I see it possibly being problematic - not every team is "8 individuals who can solo entire continents," after all. (I say this as someone who, back in the day, had an RP sg large enough I could write 2-3 *simultaneously occuring* AEs and have near full teams on them, and often wished they could affect each other - so, again, I like the *idea.* I'm just doubtful about its ability to execute well in game.) Yes, the Summer blockbuster does it, but on smaller, brief tasks and without too much opposition for a character to handle, if any (typically whoever's in the server room, and patrols can be dodged.)


    About the only other thing I'd have some sort of issue with is the last, "took one for the team" bit. Mostly because ... well, while it's cinematic, it falls into the "railroading your character" trap. For instance, if I were playing this with the rest of my RP-ing folks, I'd have my Warshade do this. Why? Because if we're going down over the ocean, there's a point where it's not going to be able to divert enough to do anything *but* crash into the ocean and they can inherently teleport away. I'm one of those folks who *really* doesn't like being told what my character did without my input. (Another reason I don't do much redside, since it quite often tells you you've done something that either you wouldn't or that you *really* wouldn't.)


    So... idea for it? Like the theme. It hasn't been touched on much. This *specific* execution? Issues with some details. (and ... minor nitpick, while having something crash into a nuclear reactor would be *bad,* it wouldn't explode... not in that way, at least. But, again, I know, cinematic-logic 🙂 )


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