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Everything posted by biostem

  1. I've been playing a demon/dark MM, and as soon as I got my 2nd demonling, (the ice one), I noticed that he always goes straight into melee, while the fire one stays at range, so maybe it's just a weird quirk of certain T1 minions?
  2. Thanks! I will certainly try that. I'm wondering if there's a way to say something like "give a respite to the weakest pet" or something, though that may be too hopeful. I suppose it'll get better as I level, because right now, twilight grasp, (or w/e the dark miasma heal is called), is a bit unreliable as a team heal...
  3. Hello there folks! I just found CoH:H, and having been a player from '04 to '09, it's like that old shirt you thought you lost, but finally found, and I'm loving being able to play once again! That being said, masterminds were my favorite AT, and I'm just getting back into the groove, (currently playing demons/dark). I'm only level 12 ATM, but it's quite fun. Anyway, it seems very dodgy trying to give my pets inspirations, so I was wondering if anyone has a bind or other advice that may make things a bit easier. Thanks once more!
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