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Everything posted by biostem

  1. It's also ok for powersets to differ somewhat - I don't, not would I want, all powersets to be homogenous...
  2. So you've used a lot of vague statements and platitudes; What, specifically, would this proposed set look like? What kinds of FX and other such buffs/debuffs/other aspects would these powers utilize?
  3. The problem, IIRC, is how the game was originally implemented - some power attributes were hard-coded and others were inserted as variables, (or at least were able to be affected by external sources). Things like the actual radius of an AoE or the magnitude of mez effects cannot be so easily buffed - which is why every dominator control power has to have extra coding inserted to apply the extra magnitude only while domination is active...
  4. Since this is a videogame, where in-game real estate is essentially limitless, maybe have a "Hall of Fallen Heroes" location that such memorials can be added, (and expanded upon if and when needed) - make it a door accessible off of Echo Plaza or something...
  5. Most melee AT armor powers are toggles, with only a few having click-powers, (if we're actually talking about the core DEF/RES and status protection powers). I'm not sure where you're getting this tanker/scrapper thing, though - that's never been the case...
  6. Welcome to superhero/comics logic - guy with a sword much tougher than numerous thugs with guns...
  7. For me, it's all about interest; If a costume happens to be good enough, that'll get me to play a particular character. If a backstory is also interesting, that'll keep me playing. If I can get a combination of powersets that makes the character particularly effective or fun to play, even better! In some rare instances, the costume, backstory, and powersets culminate in a character that I can keep playing, (or at least coming back to), time and again!
  8. Storm blast using these hypothetical staff animations would, for lack of a better term, be "epic". If you wanted something more classically magic, energy, dark, or fire blast would probably be excellent choices as well...
  9. To expand upon this, many, if not all, of the weapon-based sets do have more organic or even magi-tech-looking models to choose from, so you're not pigeon-holed into a particular look. Even if they were, however, it is far easier to handwave a gun being magic than a set with obvious magic-themed naming, runes/glyphs/sigils you cannot opt out of, and/or weapon models that you cannot change...
  10. Agreed - I'm not as concerned about the immediate inheritors of said estate, but rather 1 or 2 generations after, where those people may not have ever personally known the deceased and/or don't care to preserve/respect their intentions when it comes to how to make money off the estate or any IPs it possesses...
  11. How is "a magic blast set" or a "magic 'anything' set", anything other than "boxed into an origin"?
  12. While not against the idea per se, the devs have stated a dislike for the "either-or" kind of option like we see in sentinel's super reflexes, so I don't see this happening, which is why a new APP with a melee focus could work, instead...
  13. Maybe it was to go along with "bottomless margarita night"...
  14. OK, so I start a TF solo, then go do some street sweeping or something. Heck, if this system picked up being in an AE or flashback via Ouro as "Being in a Task/Strikeforce", then it'd be even more exploitable...
  15. To be honest, I don't really care about the "take a knee" animation; It's the relatively long recharge time for relatively little usefulness, for powers like triage beacon. Maybe change it to a HoT and/or have it also provide some recovery. Additionally, while shield drone does provide slightly more defense than dispersion bubble, the pet is quite fragile and has a hard time keeping up with you. It could stand to be made a little tougher, or perhaps have it knock down or stun enemies that are near to it when it explodes.
  16. You could also just go with invulnerability, using any "minimal FX" options that might be available, then let your character's costume reflect any special changes or alterations to their physiology that are providing the protection...
  17. Don't fret - there will always be future opportunities to F-things up, and in even grander ways!
  18. Here's a very quick and dirty idea: Take Sentinel Ninja Tool Mastery and slightly tweak it: 1. Ninja Agility: Toggle, +DEF vs Ranged, Melee, AoE. 2. Sting of the Wasp 3. Paralyzing Blade - Take Ninja Blade's Assassin Strike power, (the quick version), have it deal a very minor amount of initial lethal damage, then some toxic DoT + a hold effect. 4. The Lotus Drops 5. Kuji-In Rin, (lower status protection values than other versions of this click power, but still perm-able).
  19. It'd be really interesting to go all-in on this idea - give them a toggle or perm-able click status protection toggle and some shields, while you're at it! If we're not going to get the oft-suggested "Commander AT", then something like this could be quite novel...
  20. For me, the reason to choose any AT, (besides their obvious connection to what powers they have access to), is what *I* want to focus on. To that end, I've been leveling up a marine/dark defender, in order to maximize the buff/debuff values, while also giving me a few solid direct attacks to fall back on. The highest values for other such powers, like the leadership ones, is a nice boon as well!
  21. It's also, in my experience, no worse than SB or ID, which are far more "spammable"...
  22. I mean, using someone's likeness without them or their estate's permission definitely seems wrong to me. That being said, I could even see that extending to only the person themselves, as you may get situations where the current owner/holder of said estate may hold positions ideologically opposed to the deceased person, and could use their likeness to have them endorse things they wouldn't while they were alive...
  23. IMHO, a lot comes down to how you perceive the purpose of powersets - what is AR or DP without their actual weapons? When we distill what is being asked for, down to it's most fundamental component, is what you want a blast set that deals lethal damage? What is one actually asking for, when they say they want "AR without the AR"?
  24. A simple mini-arc could center around Council or 5th Column staging recruitment drives around the Universities, (this initial group wouldn't be targetable, using the excuse that technically they're just petitioning/holding a rally), and heroes trying to find evidence of actual direct wrongdoing, so they can actually take them down. As a bonus, allow vigilantes to just attack them outright, but then having to face repercussions from it technically being an extra-legal attack - maybe that vigilante has to face some ambushes or perhaps even avoid some hostile PPD. A rogue could instead try to tempt the college kids with something "better" or "more fun" than would be had by falling in with some fascists. Conversely, the villain version could have Arachnos doing the petitioning/holding the rally, and our characters simply choosing to aid them in recruiting or dissuading students, (again with relevant repercussions).
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