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Aracknight last won the day on June 23 2023

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About Aracknight

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  1. Can we add other flying minipets to this request like the ws/pb squid pets (for example)?
  2. What happens to all the character names that this would churn through? Do they autodelete upon logoff if defeated? If so, doesnt remaking the same name skirt the rules? Wont, if you suck at this game, you all hit the perceived "all the good names are taken" wall faster?
  3. Imo, given gamers and their fascination with pushing boundaries of rules, decorum, and common sense, such a creation would lead to meta-pvp where people would get set up to die, i.e. "accidentally" pulling too many mobs, dissolving teams when teammates are sidekicked and in an area their true level should have no business being in, and god forbid you enter an actual pvp zone. Presumably making 50 mean something again precludes exp boosters and not grouping for fast easy exp to get there, and with everyone slowly, inexorably giving in the paranoia of everything in the game trying to end their career, no more teams form, the alphas at the top start feeding on each other, and there's nothing left to do but dfb and street sweeping in Atlas Park. Congratulations, youve made love not warcraft.
  4. This should go in the Suggestions forum where it can get the attention and evisceration it needs. No thank you.
  5. Got 'em. Thanks for the tip.
  6. Do you have to defeat them all on the same run or can you get some and repeat and get it that way?
  7. Ps when i said 9 tier 9 powers would be insane, i meant in the bad, "this should not be "way. I feel like language betrayed me on this one. Sorry for any confusion.
  8. I mean, if at x level i could choose a primary or secondary tier 1 power from whatever setand at the next level choose a tier 2 power, etc, that might be ok. Could mix up a nice batch of ranged and melee powers without "needing" an epic set. That could be fun. But no, 9 tier 9 powers would be insane
  9. This is a wonderful description of the location, denizens, and issues that inhabit that specific forum. I haven't seen a more accurate description that didn't also include the words "a wretched hive of scum and villainy."
  10. I make a motion to rename Adrenal Booster Brawndo.
  11. It's got what plants crave!
  12. I kind of like the idea of the taunt being replaced with a ranged attack that fits the power type (fire, ice, energy, a rock, whatever) with the taunt added in. Maybe scrappers could get an ST version, brutes a Cone, and Tankers a TAOE? Obviously not a nuke but a little something damagy could be nice.
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