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Posts posted by Aracknight

  1. I don't have a problem with farmers.  They are friendly, they offer free rides to higher levels, which helps generate influence, and stocks the AH with recipes and salvage.  They are, in my opinion, generally very helpful and outgoing and generous in a very specific way.




    Unfortunately, that generosity, in my opinion, has reared an unintended crop alongside the goodwill, influence, and inventory, due to new players (not toons, players) being encouraged (by whatever means, some well-intentioned, some not) to solely farm, usually doorsitting, from 1-50, and not learning how to play in any other way (note: i clearly said any other way, with no judgment of right or wrong).  Players who don't know how to travel to different zones.  Players who flat out don't know how to play the game because all they have done is doorsit a farm.


    Is this everyone?  No.


    Is this even the majority?  Also no.


    But it happens enough, and has derailed enough task forces and teams for me that even a no good pug-with-anyone filthy casual like me is aware of it and bothered by it.


    Tldr: farmers good, some of their products (uneducated players) bad.

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  2. Yeah...SR has a new challenge.  I've been on two 2-star pugs, one successful, one not.  I found value in hitting and running, and, to a certain level of shame, relying on epic ranged powers to keep my distance.  Definitely avoid groups, pick off stragglers, take out surgeons and engineers, and gtfo of the way when an EB is about to go down because fake nictus me is a fucking menace.  Let the tank tank and the troller troll before engaging.  Scrapperlock is the enemy.  Certainly not soloable in my current configuration.

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  3. After an entire generation of the City's newest heroes had become hopelessly addicted to the holographic entertainment that was AE, Freedom Corps had no choice but to step in.  Some heroes had become so addicted that they could not function outside the artificial environment, becoming lost easily and unable to find their ways to hotspots of trouble or even perform basic patrol missions.  After a number of solutions were debated on, the decision was made to nuke the site from orbit.


    They say it was the only way to be sure.

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  4. Yes, I do. 


    I main an MA/SR Scrapper, and I use different builds primarily for Epic power pool options.  Build 1 is electric based, with Mu mastery, Ion Judgment, Diamagnetic interface, and so on.  Build 2 might be for a fire theme, or a mace mastery theme, and so on.  I've also played with travel differences.  If I'm adventuring in the shadow shard, I might rock flight/mystic flight instead of my usual Infiltration, and slap on some rocket boots to make it fun.  


    I've also played with a "Scraptinel" thought, where I "overslot" my epic ranged attacks and hover/fly around blasting at things as a change of pace.  Or I might do some Scranking by taking taunt and slotting Tough and Weave more aggressively.


    I really don't enjoy the alt game (I know, I'm the different kid).  I have trouble coming up with other characters I want to play, so alternate builds really give me a chance to play a little differently without having to struggle to come up with a new toon to play on, name, design in the tailor, and so on.  

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  5. The Family reminds me of Marvel's the Maggia and Hammerhead's gang.


    The Malta group's colors remind me more of SHIELD, though Hero Corps wears blue also.


    The Freakshow reminds me of the Reavers.


    The Tsoo the Hand (or the Foot!).


    Longbow reminds me of Alpha Flight (specifically Guardian/Vindicator) based on just the color scheme.


    Arachnos and Recluse are a solid riff of a Superior Spider-Man what-if story that doesn't actually exist.


    I liked someone's earlier Lost and Morlocks idea.


    The Rikti's long faces remind me of Beta Ray Bill sometimes.


    I liked Crey in the AIM/Roxxon spot.






    Wow, I'm really a Marvel guy.



  6. 19 hours ago, Six-Six said:


    What if Origins played a part.
    If you were Natural, then you get the animations we get now.
    If you were Tech, you'd have more access to gun-based weapons
    Science may be more of the Ironman/power glove or shoulder mounted weapons as opposed to guns
    Magic gives you staves, wands, spell books.
    I have nothing for mutation.

    Love this thinking.

  7. Could doesn't mean will.


    When I was a kid, I was able to do things other kids of my age couldn't.  Like whistle.  And I didn't understand why the stupid kids around me couldn't whistle.  When Sammy beat me up for asking that exact question, I began to understand that maybe everyone was different.


    Not everyone is playing or building the same way you are.  Not everyone has the same goals or thought process as you do.


    I spent a lot of time in game design trying to out-think myself too.  So I know how it feels to sit there thinking "Don't these idiots know what I could do if they did this?"


    But not everyone chases the bleeding edge.  On that, I think we can agree, and perhaps proceed from there.

  8. Full disclosure, once I got my MoAeon badge, I've never run it or been interested in running it again.  Should other task forces arise with similar difficulty, I imagine I'll feel the same about those.  I like Itrials for the incarnate salvage and threads/emps that allow me to build lots of situational options.  I run ITFs for cash to equip my second and third builds with, or other toons.  I tune with incarnate powers, not invention sets.  My build hasn't changed much since live, it's tuned just right for the baseline I want, and I flavor with incarnate powers as I see the need to.


    And in all the tabletop games I played, I never had to learn the levitate spell before learning the fly spell.  I just had to be the right level.  And I think you guys are acting like you're worried about handing out multiple t-9s when most of us are bitching about t1s and 2s.


    There is an argument to be had that says I could use my Build2 to have spirit ward, mystic flight, and rune of protection instead of the boxing, tough, and infiltration i have now.  I'd actually have a few more hit points and regen that way too.  All three powers would have value to me, even if I don't use them.  I'm smart enough to see that.  I could even have ninja run and pretend its infiltration with the ninja run stance.


    But it isn't the same, and I'd rather have builds where the key differences are the epic power pools if I want to zap or fireball or something.


    I had my time in the powergamer sun.  I was honest when i said, in the infancy of this thread, that I saw both sides.  


  9. Then I suppose we should flee, flee for our lives.


    This was contentious, and I did not enjoy it.


    I don't enjoy having three powers I had to choose that will never be slotted in my tool bar, and only one of which serves me any purpose.   I just want to be excited to choose a power and to use it.  I use every other power, when appropriate, and yet I still have to watch a timer if I'm badging in the Shadow Shard.  I'm a roleplayer, and I have to justify, if only to myself, why and where the pancake a jetpack comes from when I hit a button, when all I really needed to do was put on some rocket boots from ICON.


    I've been around games all my life.  I'm the children parents were warned about during the satanic AD&D panic of the late seventies and early eighties.  I understand power creep, I've been a GM and designed in MUDs before.


    But there is, and should be, a break point between a system's limitations and having Fun.  And useless (and by useless, i mean never used, not that they do not have intrinsic value of some kind under different circumstances) powers are not fun.

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