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Everything posted by plymster

  1. For some time, I've been struggling to work with Mids Reborn (since the, really). Every time I tried to update, it would download the update files and then claim to restart the new version, but it would always fail to restart, and when I would restart, it was always the old version ( I tried uninstalling all my old versions of Mids and re-installing the latest version available ( - I can't find anywhere to install the newer versions from scratch). But to no avail. Then I finally tracked down a solution in their Discord. I don't use Discord, so this was a bit of a lift for me. After running the auto-update, when it fails to restart, I went to the Mids Reborn directory on my system and ran the "cleanup.exe" file. This replaced all the old dll files and restarted Mids Reborn, and voila! I had my brand new working version of Mids. (Now I can finally fiddle with Marine Affinity! 😀) Hopefully, this helps anyone else who has been having trouble updating to the new version of Mids.
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  2. While wandering around near city hall in Atlas Park, I came across this exchange: It makes sense that in September 2011 (when Galaxy City got scragged in issue 21), that nobody would think twice about this, but given that the Republican party is shouting these lies, encouraging bomb threats (or at least not denouncing them), and threatening deportations of legal citizens based on this same falsehood (I'm assuming that no actual Galaxy City refugees are eating pets), perhaps refugee scapegoating and villification should be removed? I'm not sure this should be addressed necessarily, but given today's highly charged political world, it might not be a bad idea.
  3. Don't forget the Fantastic Four from Arrested Development. I think that'd make 6 attempts... 🤪 https://arresteddevelopment.fandom.com/wiki/Fantastic_Four
  4. I've played a few different sappers, mostly defenders (they do the most end and rec drain the quickest, as far as I can tell). My faves are: Time/Elec/Energy - super tanky with massive def and to hit debuff, plus zeroing out all the trash mobs instantly, and the Bosses pretty quickly thereafter. The Slowed Response -res debuff is gravy for cooking AVs. Marine Affinity/Elec - Tide Pool debuffs dmg, Toroidal Bubble gives you decent res, then hit a group with Whitecap (knocking down everything to avoid alpha and triggering frenzy to further reduce dmg), then Short Circuit and Ball Lightning to kill the end to keep future attacks from coming. Plus all the dmg bonus from Tide Pool and Shifting Tides murders GMs and AVs. I've done 2 DIBs with him, and we took down the GMs at the end sequentially and still got the badge easily.
  5. Given all the Marine Affinity costumes of late, I thought I'd post a toon I made to sorta get around the power animations for my Dark/Bio Scrapper: Merimor The key for him is not so much costume related, as power customization related. By coloring the powers appropriately, I think I gave him a more watery look and feel. I also like the Leather Strap leggings that kinda look like a wetsuit. By fiddling with the colors of his Bio, Dark, and Haste powers, it ends up making him look like he's constantly surrounded by sea spray (or at least I feel like it does).
  6. I've loved viewing the costumes in this thread for some time now, so I thought I should finally add a few of my own: Here's a favorite of mine: Monkeyman And another: Jet-Strike (based on the Cyclone armor from Robotech/Mospeada) Here's another one I like: The Tick-Tock Kid, a time-travelling gunslinger
  7. I have also gotten this error twice in the last week when trying to enter my base. Prior to that, I'd never been forcibly disconnected.
  8. I've made a Dirigible Steamship as a base for my steampunk-related supergoup, Steamsters Union. I'm hoping to be able to get people to join, assuming they like this sort of thing. If you're interested, send me an in-game email "@Scarlett Scarab". I'm on most days between 8:30-1:00 pm (PDT). On Everlasting: STEAM-21178 My character's backstory is that he's from an alternate earth, where steam-related technology really took off. He and his band of adventurers were trapped by Nemesis to build weaponry for his army. They escaped, but now they're cut off from their original dimension. You really need a flying toon to be able to appreciate it properly... Here's the bridge, with a captain, a navigation map, and everything... Of course, every ship needs a big gun! Here's the main entry, on the science deck... ... complete with portal to extra-dimensional locations (Pocket D, Shadow Shard, Night Ward, etc)... ... and an invention station, enhancement lockers, and salvage lockers. There's even a quartermaster and Icon tailor to help you outfit your heroes. And when you need to travel to other areas of Paragon City or the Rogue Isles, just take a Longbow Jumpjet on the flight deck.
  9. I'm also getting the "things being black" problem. I'm also on Win 7, 64 bit. Has this been resolved? I can still play fine (once I find the "Homecoming" widget), so it's not a major issue for me. It's just weird.
  10. Based on Flashtoo's excellent idea about using Banners (and in at least one case a Supergroup Logo glass panel), I've reconfigured my storage area to be much more compact. Also, using Dacy's idea of hiding my storage bins behind some tech pipes dressed up (with keycard readers and grab bars) to look like tech lockers. For my enhancement "locker", I turned the enhancement table on its side (you're seeing the bottom of it with a "2" on it), sunk it on the wall and threw a label and a grab bar on it. Thanks a lot guys! Your suggestions helped me make my storage system even more compact and more aesthetically pleasing. Plus now, I can nearly reach all of my storage bins without having to leave my crafting table.
  11. It's interesting to see how other people approach salvage storage. I prefer not to segregate my salvage by rarity, since I usually don't know what rarity an item is in a recipe. Dacy, I like the idea of turning storage on its side to make it more of a wall. That is a great way to keep your storage from looking like just another static pile of junk. Using the storage containers as a facade for the salvage storage is likewise a great idea. I also liked the idea of disguising the combat logs as a microwave (as you indicated in your video), and hiding your icon tailor in a clothing rack. You're really a whiz with all of this!
  12. The personal storage vault isn't accessible by my alts, so I prefer salvage storage. Thanks, for the tip, though.
  13. I'm not sure if other people struggle with organizing their invention salvage, but I know I have. I've been searching for an optimal way to store a reasonable amount of invention salvage in my base, while being able to know how to best separate and organize my storage and stay under the 18 storage unit cap in bases. To that end, I set up a few parameters: Salvage Maximums: 15 of each Common (White) Salvage 10 of each Uncommon (Yellow) Salvage 5 of each Rare (Orange) Salvage By using 12 Salvage Storage units, I am able to store Salvage in the following alphabetically organized sections: A - (Alchemical Gold to Boresight) Br - (Brass to Circuit Board) Cl - (Clockwork Gear to Data Drive) De - (Deific Weapon to Essence of the Furies) F - (Fortune to Improvised Cybernetic) In - (Inanimate Carbon Rod to Luck Charm) M - (Magical Conspiracy to Photonic Weapon) Pl - (Plasma Capacitor to Rikti Alloy) Ru - (Ruby to Scope) Si - (Silver to Spell Scroll) Spi - (Spirit Thorn to Synthetic Intelligence Unit) T - (Temporal Analyzer to Volume of the Obsidian Libram) In practical terms, this means putting a section label (Large Cement Plate, I think) on all of my storage. I keep my storage near my Invention Table for convenience. The end result looks like this: I also usually leave an extra Salvage Storage near my Supercollider in case I want to Empower my toon. Hopefully someone else will find this useful.
  14. My experience is that the "/editbase <integer>" command functions like this: /editbase 0 - exits base edit mode /editbase 1 - this is the same as clicking "Edit Base" /editbase 2 - this is the same as clicking "Add Personal Items" (except it appears that it allows you to add pretty much anything) /editbase 3 - this is the same as clicking "Upgrade Plot" (ie: allows you to alter the maximum footprint of the base) For me at least, editing privileges are still fully functional.
  15. Sheesh. After seeing Infernal Jester's sweet digs, I feel embarrassed posting my efforts in creating the Paragon Air Ship: Minerva. Oh well P.A.S. Minerva Indomitable Server: MINERVA-4704 Featuring: Aleph Deck (Main Deck): Teleporters to Paragon City, Alternate Dimensions Transports to Pocket D, The Rogue Isles (if you're a villain), and Kallisti Wharf Flight Deck A small Med Bay Mission Command Headquarters Salvage Storage Invention Salvage Storage and Lab Inspiration Storage Beth Deck Enhancement Storage (up the stairs from the Invention Salvage Storage) Mission Command HQ 2nd floor Main Gun Deck Firing Range Gimel Deck Brig and Internal Investigation Office Training/Meeting Center Daleth Deck Residences (6 meager Hero Dorms) Residential Kitchen Recreational area Heth Deck Gym Arcane Garden Kaph Deck Ship Bridge/Command Center This is the PAS Minerva Here's a closer view of the gun deck and main Tower Use the shuttle if you have business in the Rogue Isles Here's a shot of the diligent workers in the Salvage Storage section The Mission Command HQ Invention Lab Paragon City Teleporters Med Bay Main Lobby Heroic Habitat Bridge Deck Internal Investigations Office (near the Brig)
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