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Darmian last won the day on July 1 2023

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  1. Yep, there's not a damn thing you can do about them. Can't open them to dismiss them.
  2. I pronounce it Chimera.
  3. Although why we can't just have a body option I dunno. How hard could it be?
  4. If you set an NPC as a friendly boss (non objective) and use dead slab instead of unconscious, AND have a small set of minions attached to them apparently examining the body, then the body SHOULD stay dead. Yes it's a pain. It doesn't always work either!
  5. Bridge of Forever. No worries on names! Thanks for playing!
  6. I know 😄 But...I want it. There ya go! If Reese can get there so can we. You could have an arc where you have a chance to finally track down Reese and stumble into the main events of Last Bastion. (There's sideways precedent where Chimera decides to track down Mr. G as opposed to defending Praetoria, except you'd obviously be defending Praetoria).
  7. The only danger in that is the XP would push you past many of the contacts so perhaps the levels of the zones should be raised if this is implemented.
  8. I've mained my Praetorian (in pic) Kameron Daniels and she hit 50 in 2020. Still Pure Gold and providing you can start from anywhere in Praetoria (bar one spot1), Echo Plaza or Pocket D then you CAN do iTrials AND Cathedral of Pain. Not to mention most of the seasonal events (excluding Red Widow and so on). EDIT: Blah, really should fully read all above posts before writing and repeating things. 1. Last Bastion is annoying. The only place in Praetoria a true Praetorian can't go. And it's a bad map.
  9. I've got (so far) three trilogies of Praetorian material in the form of AEs set between levels 19 and 25 (Crusader, Warden and Power) with some shading into the events of the Praetorian War. Details in my signature. They're all designed to be as close to canon as possible. I'd write more set from 25 up if we had ANY maps for First Ward and Night Ward. We don't. I've notes on a final pre War trilogy for Loyalist Responsibility and that will arrive...whenever!
  10. It was Praetoria that never had an equivalent of Viet Nam, not the Primal Earth of CoX.
  11. As I mentioned Sunday and somewhere else, I started using the exit mission clue to duplicate the debrief that the leader gets so that all the team can read it. It's not perfect because you can easily lose it on the last mission if you are not being aware of what you're clicking, plus sometimes you NEED that last clue for stuff! But that's one hacky workaround I'm using for some team play AEs.
  12. Had a fun run. Great to see it happen. Everyone else? Join in!!
  13. Well this is a great start and long may it continue!
  14. Good points @Police Woman. Breaking things into Team Play and Solo.
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