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  1. Wasn't there a spreadsheet tracking the builds? Anyway, any chance there's a SS/WP brute around? High RES and some DEF is the main goal.
  2. You got the name Mystical? Good get!
  3. I agree with this sentiment to a degree....but I think Victory being added is a positive as it brings more CoX players together. It's too bad the various dev teams didn't combine efforts. I have VERY quickly looked over other servers and they have done some good work. Putting all of these teams together would probably result in a very kick ass product. I also don't know how much effort was put into porting Victory over - if it wasn't too much extra work then so be it. I am all for adding Victory and more players to HC. Welcome to the Victory shard! Until all are one.
  4. I do think different mechanics should be added. Maybe nothing extreme but variety is good. There are lots of adjustments the HC team could make to old content but I don't think they have a big enough team to change old and add new all the time. Maybe stick to adding some new wrinkles to the new content? There is a bit of variety in dealing with bosses and big fights and HC did add some cool stuff with hard mode additions. It would've been cool if the hard mode stuff was just a new SF or trial or TF. The ITF and Lady Grey are already solid TFs and fun enough to play. The hard mode ideas would've been fun in a new TF etc... It could've made the Aeon SF better and fun...but I digress. I don't think I totally agree with the OP but I do like his line of thinking. It'd be great if HC changed it up a bit. This doesn't mean make it more difficult...just different.
  5. Ah yes, my bad. The berets and hats. Right...
  6. There is no I in team! maybe a 'me' if you move some letters around...and so on... lol
  7. Thanks to the HC team for providing this update! Long overdue and nice to see. Another note on the Khelds - I am a fan but why are people shocked that so few are made? There are two types of Khelds and you can only vary them so much. When you get 3 builds per toon, you don't have to keep making one. VEATS have more options so maybe a similar situation here? I'll admit, I am not a huge fan and don't play them a lot so... Also, will we finally get actual, new costume pieces?! I don't think that has really happened with HC. Maybe an unpopular comment here: can we please have a change in the way you design your SFs, story arc missions and so on?! I will say I really dislike most of the stuff HC has added in this area. Maybe I'm the only one. Please look at how the Live devs evolved their designs - the iTrials are mostly fun, DFB and DiB are fun, Yin TF is good, Sutter is ok - could be better but solid premise and so on. I hope HC looks at that and really considers it when designing arcs, TFs etc. Thanks again to the HC team. You guys do an amazing job and I do appreciate your efforts!
  8. I have a question. How big is the Victory dev team and will they now work with the HC dev crew? It would be great if they could join forces and make some decent content. Maybe some actual costume pieces too.
  9. Many of the older TFs are terrible. Synapse and Citadel are a couple of the worst.
  10. I hate KB 99.9% of the time. The only time I like it is I'm solo, in trouble and want to KB a foe. I team all the time and there is nothing more annoying than herding the enemy group and then seeing them blown all over the place. It's annoying AF (as the kids say). Anyway, I'd like to see this option instead of having to slot the proc to deal with this insanity. Also, I'd love it if any new powers did not have KB. It really is annoying!
  11. So many great costumes. I have been checking them out! I may have missed it but has anyone posted an idea for a poltergeist type costume? I'm also looking for a firefly type theme. I'd love to see some ideas! 🙂
  12. The one problem with these threads is that you'll always miss several people. This is my shout out to them (as well as to the many named here). There are so many that form teams, put up with the complainers and put their time and effort into scheduled events. This is what keeps the game going. That and a lot of great people I enjoy teaming with every now and then.
  13. OP, my honest suggestion: stop playing CoX. Take a break. Play some other games - there are lots that are very cheap or free on Steam. HC hasn't put out too much intriguing stuff and it's a lot of the same old so that doesn't help either. Take a break. I'm sure you'll be hungry for this game in a few weeks or so.
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