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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. I see events a little differently. I made a post speculating what the reasons for Sony Studios making this picture might be and immediately received several rude replies in response. Then I get called a troll and taken to task by another poster for asking where someone else got a number from. Everyone sees things a little differently I guess.
  2. I've broken no rules of this forum so spare me your lectures.
  3. If I plan on making a claim, I will. I refuse to do others homework or verify claims they won't verify themselves.
  4. None of those referenced what Madame Webb's advertising and promotion budget was. If you can't cite a source, it's ok to admit you just made it up.
  5. Who estimated they spent 150% more promoting Madame Webb than they did making it?
  6. IMDB has it's estimated budget at $80 million so it'll break even with Streaming and .... do they still sell physical mediums anymore?
  7. I wouldn't know. I never saw it.
  8. Venom and Kraven are strong enough characters to carry a movie. Morbius and Madame Webb?
  9. So why did they make a failing movie then?
  10. This movie only exists to keep Sony Studios from losing the rights to make movies with the Spider-Man IP. They can't all be Beyond the Spider-Verse. They'll lose money on this just so they can make large stacks with whatever the next Spider-verse movie is.
  11. Just your regular invulnerable, immortal, insane citizen of Paragon City.
  12. You can only get the 2hr Wedding Band once per character. After that you get the 5 minute Wedding Band.
  13. I had to fix my monitored stats too. Gravity got added and everything after that entry dropped from the list.
  14. You need to send Yomo an in game email. It's one of the tabs in the chat window. The @ means it's a global character name so any character on that account can see the email.
  15. My inner miser just died a little. People ask me to go car shopping with them. I love it when it's the salesperson who doesn't look at what I marked on the contract.
  16. Because communities have historically been awesome at policing themselves.
  17. Any discussion of politics or religion should be policed. This is a videogame and it's accompanying forums. There are plenty of other places to hold those volatile discussions.
  18. We interrupt this thread for not having the required amount of Toto. You have now fulfilled your daily Toto allotment. Thank you.
  19. It's mostly the CGI effects and the script changes that made Morbius go from "good" to merely "watchable". I liked the movie but it was easy to tell were the script changes were.
  20. A Blaster has a...steep learning curve. I hesitate to call it steep because it's a short trip to the floor. You will die. A lot. You have to fight dirty. The only rules of engagement are kill or be killed. Several tactics I've learned over they years are: Enemy have nasty abilities? Hit them first, before they hit you. Don't forget to use any sleeps, holds, stuns, etc of your own to control the fight. Hit them from out of reach. Hover blasting is a time honored tradition. Run away and hit them as they catch up. Otherwise known as repositioning. Too many mobs? Aggro them and run away. Make them come to you. It'll stagger them out and leave them easier to deal with. Make sure you are running away from enemies and not into more of them. Just run away. There is no shame in coming back more prepared. And as has been mentioned, load up on inspirations. Don't hoard them, pop them like candy.
  21. American actor, director, and American Football player Carl Weathers passed yesterday at home at 76. I knew him best from his roles in Rocky and Predator. Rest in peace Mr. Weathers.
  22. Under the old system it was either Prestige or Inf. That was not a good metric for rewarding players.
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