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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Recipe_Drop_Pools You got a Pool A Rare drop from defeating enemies and a Pool C Rare Drop from defeating a boss enemy off the same boss. It can happen.
  2. You got both a rare and very rare recipe pool drop from the boss. Rare but it can happen.
  3. I have never beaten my doppelganger before he kills me at least once. He even has the nerve to open with holds. We're something like 5-5.
  4. If we're really shooting for accuracy here it would work like Fly and Afterburner. Activate Remote Bomb and it gives you a temp tray with Detonator.
  5. They put together good computers and they do good custom builds. The Ryzen 4000 is actually a processors series for gaming laptops. They came out in 2022. https://www.ibuypower.com/gaming-laptops
  6. I like Detective Selnik. It's not that much of a pain to go inside the Station. What is a pain is going across town to get to the Safeguard van.
  7. Hold up a second. Before we rule on bacon we must decide what "bacon" is. There are Brits AND Canadians around.
  8. Lost up the stream of consciousness without a paddle. Send donuts.
  9. Aferburner was added to the Flight pool in Issue 21 with the other travel power pool changes. The only origin power pool set on Live was Sorcery and it was a store purchase added in Issue 24.
  10. I played CO for about a year around 2014 or 2015 I think. I got two freeform characters Cosmic geared and just never felt like doing that slog again. I think if you yelled Dogs! in chat to this day I'd run.
  11. I don't really team in CoH but I do have this handy guide for teaming in MMOs in general.
  12. I have two immortals, one dark elf, and one vengeful spirit but no angels or demons.
  13. My signature characters are in my signature. I may have a third 50 in another month or two. Frostbiter is the only character I got to 50 on Live.
  14. I'm not high enough for this. Can I sit in the back and stick pencils in the ceiling?
  15. I honestly don't know why effect and affect are different words. I'll never keep them straight.
  16. Being functionally a set bonus, the rule of five also applies.
  17. It's a global bonus, so it should apply to any power you use that is effected by your recharge bonus.
  18. If I wasn't so busy I might try my hand at a few video tutorials. We'll see if my life settles down in a few weeks. Also need to add ATO's to the list of tutorials needed.
  19. I bought the CoV expansion and thought "Hey, Masterminds are so cool." Then I proceeded to make a Ninja/Traps MM. I think I suffered him to 20 before I rerolled as Bots/FF.
  20. No worries. I can see how my claim sounded. I might have to do a video on Malta since I claimed in General chat the other day that Sappers "tickled".
  21. How about a short video? I didn't intend to take this long making it but I hope you enjoy this. I did make a mistake and use Bitter Ice Blast at 2:12 but I did not consider it a large enough mistake to redo the video. Plus it was a minion. There isn't any music. I suggest "Do What You Want" by Bad Religion.
  22. You weren't. However, I've only agreed to one set of rules here and they are not yours. Consider me lawful/evil if you need to, but I only honor agreements I've actually made.
  23. Morbius suffered from the same reshoot issues at times. Both of these movies have been a mess. I'm very interested in seeing where Sony is going with these. I'm trying not to have some hope for Kraven the Hunter because I suspect I'll be disappointed.
  24. I see events a little differently. I made a post speculating what the reasons for Sony Studios making this picture might be and immediately received several rude replies in response. Then I get called a troll and taken to task by another poster for asking where someone else got a number from. Everyone sees things a little differently I guess.
  25. I've broken no rules of this forum so spare me your lectures.
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