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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. Usually that means you've out-leveled that zone and the radio won't give you any missions. For a Safeguard mission you need to go talk to the Detective for that zone, but you can't get a Safeguard if you've out-leveled the zone.
  2. The recipe list in the Incarnate menu has a very hard to notice scroll bar. That should really be addressed. It comes up as an issue for new 50's all the time.
  3. The newcomer experience is mostly fine in CoH. Unless a newbie picks Praetoria or a Epic AT. Those are the only areas that need a bit more direction. We all made it through our newbie phases just fine without having our hands held too much. Maybe, maybe an auction house and invention system tutorial that comes earlier than level 10.
  4. Lois Lane. She's a fairly big part of the show, along with Jimmy Olson.
  5. I meant to make a topic for this show but somehow never got around to it. The first three episodes of Season 2 are now up on Max and I'm happy this show got a second season. My Adventures With Superman is not the standard fair for entries in the DCAU which is good since it's not actually set in the DCAU. This is an alternate retelling of Superman with a more modern backstory and an anime art-style. I found it to be very enjoyable and a fresh approach to the big blue boyscout. Definitely worth a binge-watch.
  6. How do you fight the forces of good and keep your tight physic? Join us each week as the Master of Snake Mountain and a special guest star serve up delicious and healthy evil. In the Kitchen with Skeletor
  7. One's a barbarian warrior from a more primitive time and the other is a rookie cop with a wise-mouth attitude. Together they fight crime. Conan the Rookie
  8. I love reading all these stories. Makes me glad I gave up on teams back in my DDO days.
  9. You used to be able to set up the pointer options in Windows to where you could press a button and ping the mouse pointer but I guess M$ found that too convenient for users.
  10. Skulls: "You've made it through initiation so you get to pick your weapon. Axe, sledgehammer, or knife." "Give me a gun!" "Well, ok." "Wait, this thing isn't loaded." "Oh, you can't really shoot capes. Best thing to do is run up and hit them with it." "...."
  11. The brightest on all powers could stand to be turned down a notch or two. My monitor is already turned down on brightness and they still hurt to look at.
  12. No. that's what I think. Thanks for asking.
  13. The Carnival of Shadows haven't been a problem since the amount of summons the Illusionists and Master Illusionists create were nerfed to correspond to team size.
  14. I liked the XCOM reboot. Well, minus the game just creating artificial difficulty by spawning units in on you, frequently from behind. I'll try and check this one out too.
  15. Personally, I like the new Council. They aren't chumps anymore. I think Malta needs the next revamp. They've become the chumps at 50 now.
  16. I really like Elle King's music but she messed up going onstage will Dolly Parton at the Grand Ole Opry drunk. Fortunately Dolly is a class act. I suppose if people can forgive Morgan Wallen twice then they can probably forgive Elle King once.
  17. Those are open maps. You won't get way-points for hostage rescues. You'll find them in various corners of alleyways and hiding around weird architecture. They'll always be guarded by two minions. The boss will be just standing around somewhere.
  18. Earth One Batman is voiced by Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester as Batman. While he mostly did fine, he could have used a little more monotone. I didn't set out to upset anyone with this review but this was the fairest shake I could give this feature. Even the fight scenes were lacking substance. I mean, they literally hide behind vehicles and talk while vehicles and buildings are exploding around them. Just....ugh. It's like watching someone hide behind a couch in a gunfight scene and magically survive a hail of bullets.
  19. I watched this on Max the other evening and... I didn't find it to be very good. Never read the source material so not sure what it was like but this animated version of it was slow paced and hard to follow at best. This is only part one so I assume a second part is coming and I'll probably watch that in the hopes that something is explained because the exposition is lacking in part one. This is something to watch if you're bored and looking to hone the edge on that. Hands down the worst offering I've seen from the DCAU. Not recommended.
  20. The Crow is well worth a watch. It's a great movie and also a sublime slice of the 90's Goth/Emo era.
  21. I believe, and I may be wrong but lore-wise the Dark Astoria that exists for Paragon City is destroyed. Mot's DA only exists for the people Mot has pulled in and trapped. Head canon for me is that the old DA is what is actually there and Mot's DA is extra-dimensional.
  22. I'm famous locally for finishing the 20lb burrito at Maria's Cantina. My picture is on the wall. *humblebrag*
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