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About Takehai

  • Birthday 04/26/1973

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  1. Hi, all! I'm one of the several people trying to maintain/keep organized the Everlasting Yellow Pages. No, I am not the owner, but I do make an effort to keep it organized and useable. Due to the increasing size (over 260 entries!) I have thought that some of the incorrect/incomplete information needs to be deleted, as many people actually regularly use it as a resource for their RP. As of 04/16/2022, I have fixed the sheet after it has been broken (again!), and it has come to my notice that several entries have incorrect base codes, and have had incorrect base codes for well over a year. I will leave them for now to give people a chance to update them, but I am going to delete them within a few months to remove some of the confusing clutter. If you are the owner of one of these bases, or know the owner, please update the listing! As a reminder the Everlasting Yellow Pages are located at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nw-npzUY2NGc6SFoHa1ByWw202gI8DlT0ZDTQwoR7YM/edit?usp=sharing Also, if you are the real world owner of any of the bases that do not have an owner listed, please list your Global Name in the listing so you can be contacted if there are issues. We love that so many people have created bases and roleplaying venues, but people need to know who to contact. I am heavily considering deleting entries that do not have an owner listed, as well as the heavily incomplete entries, not because your efforts aren't appreciated, but because we want to know you are still around to maintain it. I am also considering adding an email field for those who aren't in game much, but still maintain their bases. This would be completely optional, however. As a gentle reminder, if you delete the character that is the Owner of the SG, the base is deleted as well. This has likely caused some of the issues. Thank you for your time!
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  2. Use /stuck or dismiss it, then re-summon it. 😉
  3. Mercy and Nova Praetoria are actually pretty easy to explore and get the Accolades for. Just not as _fast_ as Atlas is. Atlas has 5 of the 8 badges right around City Hall. Mercy has them a bit more scattered, but they are all just as accessible as the ones in Atlas. Nova Praetoria is where it gets more time consuming if you don't have a Flight power. It _is_ possible to get all the exploration badges there without flight, it just takes some patience, since Tyrant's tower is too tall to make it up with one jump of the prestige jump packs, you have to land partway up and wait for the 60 second cool down to elapse. Otherwise, you can always buy a jetpack power from the T2W vendor in the Magisterium plaza and fly to the top.
  4. Virtue Verse is an active, updating wiki. They welcome everyone to put up characters and content. Just flag it as with the appropriate tags for Homecoming and Everlasting or other shards. If you want to put up a page and don't have a login, since the account creation isn't working on site, go to their Discord to request an account: https://discord.gg/sheFXcV They only ask that you host your own images off site, as those can get a bit storage intensive.
  5. Go to http://islandrum.eekstudio.com, @Mangahas a version of the old wine skin client there (the link is below the MacOS 12 link, there is no accompanying picture). Unfortunately, he no longer can support it as he doesn't have a machine running any of the older OS, so if that doesn't work, you may have to look at upgrading your computer.
  6. @jackalcoh: @Manga is adding to IR to support future patching functionality, and unfortunately one of the Island Rum versions was bugged, and was not properly installing IR updates. You may have that version. Go to http://islandrum.eekstudio.com/ and download the latest version for your OS. A new version (for Catalina, at least) was just uploaded 09/17. Once it is downloaded, it should automatically ask if you want to replace your current version. Once it is re-installed, you will have to go through re-enabling it if you are on MacOS 10.14 or later as it will consider it a new program so the security protocols will block it. And if you haven't already updated your wine to 5.0, IR will say it cannot detect the game client. Just click Install. You may have to restart your Mac after IR updates and installs before it will launch the game.
  7. Unless you have a REALLY slow computer or internet, shouldn't take longer than 10-20 minutes to download and update. Manga had to release a few patches tonight, so make sure you are using the latest IR version for your OS. Also, you can back up your custom costumes by copying them to another folder. I do so all the time. Open the coh folder inside the Application folder on your Mac, and there should be a Costumes folder. Just copy that folder into another directory, or your desktop. I also suggest copying the folder that is named after your account, the "data" folder, the PowerCust folder, options.txt, keybinds.txt, and wdw.txt. All of those are customizations you've done in the game. Any Screenshots you've taken will be in the Screenshots folder.
  8. Manga is working on it. We are up to a third patch tonight. (If your installer doesn't automatically update, you may need to manually download from islandrum.eekstudio.com ). He was saying he might be having to release several patches tonight. Latest update included a script to install the newest wine (5.0) and updated home-brew, due to upcoming patches in Homecoming needing the updated versions. Manga was just trying to get ahead of the curve on updating Island Rum to support. He is on Discord talking with some of us at in the #setup-install-help thread.
  9. Manga pushed out another update, and I think it broke it more. He's been replying on Discord. Crossing fingers he puts out a 3rd update.
  10. That's because those are saved in a plain text file on your computer that the game reads when it launches to determine what order to display them in. If you delete your entire CoH folder, you got rid of that file as well.
  11. MacOS Catalina: Island Rum updated, now it doesn't see the current game files unless I tell it to rescan, and then it wants to re-download everything. When it tries to download, it gets stuck downloading bin.pigg (the very first file) over and over, never moving on to the next file on the list.
  12. One of the things I noticed in this thread is that many of the people wanting this mission dumbed down, most of them seem to be running with x2, x3, or more mob spawns. Having played this several times, I can tell you that might be part of the problem. This mission spawns larger than usual ambush spawns. In most of the game, ambush spawns usually are 2-3 mobs. In this mission they actually spawn 4-6 mobs. Multiply that accordingly, and there is part of your problem. Not saying this is the whole problem, of course, that ambush AI problem is bad, and I agree it should be tweaked. But having played it solo with defaults on a dark/dark Dom and a Elec/Elec Tanker, my main problems on the Dom were more mobs than I could keep CC'd, and the tanker running out of End from having to fight so many mobs in succession. Also, drag the mobs over to Master Midnight. He's there for a reason. Just some thoughts to add to the mix.
  13. I think I remember the original Devs talking about why this didn't exist already, and it was because of a limitation of the game engine, not because they didn't want it to happen. Even though it sounds like a simple thing, it would require an enormous amount of redesign and rebuilding of the core programming of the game. Maybe if a we can get the licensing of the IP, it can be worked into a CoX 2 engine.
  14. I wanted to note that the Auction House/Black Market stores items in stacks of up to 10 identical items, and unlike your Inventory or the Vault, each _stack_ only takes up _one_ storage slot in the AH. By lvl 20, you should have more that 150 slots in the AH, and you can access it from anywhere in any zone by using the /AH command. You can't use it during an instance of any sort, but otherwise you have nearly unlimited access. So, you can store over 1500 items in the AH by lvl 20, and access them from anywhere you can use the /AH command. And the AH lets you store items in it indefinitely. You don't even need to post them for sale. It will also automatically combine stacks as long as that won't make the stack go over 10. I have characters running around with AH inventories well over 350+ pieces of salvage...
  15. So a request/suggestion from a die-hard role-player: I love how many Costume Change Emotes we have, and although we have an enormous amount of choices, there is kind of a lack of "Dark" emotes. Most of the emotes involve light or flashes of light to obscure the character avatar. We have all sorts of Darkness-based powers in the game, but don't really have any costume change emotes that match Darkness themes. The closest we currently have to darkness is the Presto Change, Murder of Crows, Oil Strike, and Smoke Bomb emotes. I realize this is asking much, as our Devs and GMs are all volunteers, and animations aren't easy to cobble together without the original Developer's tools, but maybe just doing a color shift on the existing Light Magic or Cast emotes might fill this (perceived) hole?
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