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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. it would only require one window for each zone that was made available. How do you figure? Say for instance this is done, and using Atlas Park as the example, we get one window that looks out on City Hall. And that look is from street level. However, a player wants to have a window that looks out on City Hall from 5 stories up because their base is the 5th floor of a random building. Or someone else wants a window that looks out on the warehouse sector with it s Vahzilok and Clockwork. Or maybe the player wants a window view that shows the gate to Perez Park. Given that our bases are not actually in or part of any zone for a single window model to actually allow a look out on the desired zone, a different window for every possible location players would want views of from the relevant elevations their bases are supposed to be at would be needed. And that is before you get into any aerial bases with their zone overlook view.
  2. Uhm... how would that even work since our bases are not in or part of any zone? To do this, the devs would have to make windows with a locked view of a specific view of each zone from a specific elevation in each zone. That would require a LOT of different windows, I'd wager at least a million different windows, per zone.
  3. You don't need to block anything out to make ramps, walls, or other surfaces. You can already make ramps, walls, and other surfaces. You just have to position and angle the desired object to where it needs to be. You also are not locked into 90 degree angles. Use ALT, Shift+ALT, and CTRL+ALT to rotate objects however you want. The minimum listed degree of rotation is 1 degree, but there is also an option for rotations that aren't locked by angles. There are actually SG bases that have round corners and even tubular corridors for players to move through. Please note that I am not opposed to adding Minecraft blocks to the game for bases, I just don't understand the desire for them. So if others want to use them? More power to them. Odds are, I won't use them.
  4. So does Efficacy Adaptor and Performance Shifter. Neither of these sets have any damage components, so they also fit the request for a no damage endurance modification set. (Edit: Which is what @BrandX was talking about. Sorry, @BrandX. And like @FupDup said, Performance Shifter has a self-benefiting proc. It has a chance for +END proc in the set.)
  5. Wouldn't it be the other way around? Two Kronos Titans merge into a larger Ouranos Titan? After all, Father Sky/Heaven was the only one in size equal to Gaia. They kept getting smaller from there. Gaia/Ouranos -> titans -> giants/gods -> mortals. (Edit: Though this discussion really should be its own thread. Since it has nothing to do with the base editor and base available objects.)
  6. No. Snipers have no movement ability. That is why no matter what you do to them, they stand their ground and die. Throw an array of DoTs on them including caltrops and every debuff in the game on them, and they will not move. They will not flee from battle, they will not pursue your character, they will not shift to get an angle to be able to shoot at your character, they will not move at all except to turn in place. Because they can't. Mook Hitmen are actually lieutenant class mobs, not sniper class mobs. So they can run away, and are coded to maintain range most times.
  7. That works. So would a ToHit debuff. Too scared to shoot straight, and swinging wildly in panic.
  8. Except the basic fear effect already has expected fear effects, so trying to randomly assign an immob, a hold, a stun, and a confuse doesn't make as much sense to me. The fear effect already has a chance to make mobs run away or stand there and cower. And while I get fear-induced paralysis, it's not as strong as a hold effect. Even fear paralyzed targets will still struggle and fight when the source of the fear is physically harming them. So the hold and stun effects don't work since they would lock out the target's ability to even fight back at all even when the target is being harmed but not restrained, which I have not heard of fear being able to do. (Edit: Pain has a pretty amazing ability to snap even the most terrified person out of inaction. Even just a forceful slap to the face can get a person thinking and acting again.)
  9. If you're going to go that route, then just make it a contagious fear effect.
  10. That is entirely too OP. I can understand up to -7.5%, but not -20%. If we use -2.5% as the base value, which is likely high and either -1.25% or -0.625% would be the more likely base in my opinion, then the purple set would have a -10% value. Which makes it the highest possible value given the available base numbers. (If we use fear's base value of 1.1%, then that would make it have a value of -4.4% DEF.)
  11. What about the enemies, including EBs and AVs, that just up and run away even when they take no damage and no enemies have been injured in their group? You know the ones I'm talking about, right? The ones that you drop a Darkest Night on them, or throw a Tar Patch under them, or any other debuff, and they turn tail and run to who knows where without ever even taking a single point of damage or having any part of their spawn take so much as a single point of damage.
  12. The biggest problem with the hat salute emote in the OP, is as @srmalloy pointed out and I just checked for the game itself, is just on the male model we have 21 (22 if you count cosmic corsair for any reason) different brims of hats the emote would have to work with. Each of which has a different elevation and width for the hand to work with. And that is before you get into other head options like halos. And then there is still the question of if the emote would work even if you don't have a hat or other usable item. Would the emote just work with brimmed hats, any suitable head option that can count as a brim, or just be the generic emote that anyone can use even if they lack a hat with all the clipping that would entail? (And for anyone that wants to counter that it should work with just the cowboy hat in the game? My question then becomes which one from the game? And why not also, say, the steampunk ones since they also used that salute in movies and comics?) (Edit: And for anyone wondering how I came up with 21/22 for the count, I treat all variations of a single hat type as being the same hat. Only if the hat's position on the character's head changes do I count a variation as separate. And no, I didn't count the reversed baseball hat at all since it lacks a forward brim.)
  13. The Brute having a higher resist cap and HP base has no bearing on the Taunt/Confront debate. Tankers get the best Taunt. Brutes get the second best. Scrappers get Confront which is the third best version of Taunt. And anyone can grab Provoke from Presence if they so desire. So if a Scrapper player thinks Provoke is better than Confront? They can take it. It has no prerequisites and is even available earlier than Scrapper Confront. If you would rather have a wolf or fox summon instead? Suggest a pool power that has pets. (Though I guarantee the pets won't keep up with Controller/Dominator pets or Mastermind pets. Which is how it should be. Probably have the long recharge of the Soldier of Arachnos pets with a limited duration per summon. [Edit: And may even be limited to Underling status.... Who knows.] You can still propose it and see what happens though.)
  14. Scrapper Confront has a 70 feet range, 11.25 second duration, and a -75% range debuff (move to you effect). Presence pool Provoke has a 60 feet range, 6 second duration, and no move to you effect. Sure, Confront is a single target ability and Provoke is a 15 feet radius with a target max of 5, but not seeing the inferiority of Confront to Provoke here. I can make mobs move to me from farther away with Confront, and they will keep doing so for longer. (Edit: And if Scrapper Confront was made AoE, then what advantage would Brute Taunt have? Brute's only advantage with their Taunt is theirs is an AoE. And Tankers' advantage over Brutes, is the better move to you effect they have.)
  15. Also, MMs, Corruptors, Dominators, and Defenders.
  16. Nope. I can't speak for everyone, but every time I've had a mob decide to just bug out and hoof it to the other side of the world, no amount of taunting ever changed it. I have tried. Repeatedly. You need an immob', a hold, or a killing blow to stop them from just running when that happens.
  17. Yeah, RttC's -ToHit doesn't change based on number of enemies around you. Just the +Regen.
  18. So you want them to be able to be turned into proc cannons then. More power to the current meta. Whatever. I'm fine with more options, but also bear in mind, you're only going to get 3 damage procs on them: Explosive Strike's smashing damage, Ice Mistral's Torment's cold damage, and Impeded Swiftness' smashing damage. And the set bonuses from Force Feedback can be found in other sets that you will have to take their enhancement slots away from to feed Ice Slick or Ice Patch, so I don't get the desire for that either. Whatever though. This isn't my hill and I made my points. Let players build their characters however they want. I'm not against the OP, I just don't understand it.
  19. In my experience, so mileage will vary compared to other players, as much as I enhance my slow effects, the targets I need slowed are for their attacks, not their running. And with the near constant KD from Ice Slick and Ice Patch, I don't normally care about their recharge. Slotting KB sets into them changes it from KD to KB which would require me to slot a KB to KD proc to restore the KD effect, to get enhancement bonuses that don't help the power. What do I need an accuracy, damage, or increased KB boost on a power that does no damage, has no accuracy check, and does the preferred KD effect unless the KD is increased by enhancement into KB? Even on my Blasters. (Edit: Especially since my Blasters can fly, and I drop the Ice Patch under me for humor and target grouping. Non-flier Blasters I play will throw the Ice Patch on the targets' approach vector away from my character, and use the KD to keep them away. Though War Wolves do ignore the Ice Slick too often.) Slotting slow sets into them will not change how quickly my targets' powers recharge because there is no -Recharge component on those powers, and they already impose a -90% running speed debuff. Coupled with their -50,000% jump height, and the only means of quickly getting off them is by not falling down, flying, or teleporting. With those pwoers already giving their -90% running speed, and the floor at which slows can get mobs to, especially if they have slow resistance, I don't see slotting slow buffs as changing anything. And the accuracy and damage components on slow sets also provide absolutely no benefit on those powers for the same reason the KB sets' accuracy and damage components are worthless on them. Ice Slick and Ice Patch aren't damaging powers. (Yes, Ice Slick has that 0.1 point of cold damage, but no amount of boosting is going to get it to anything anyone or anything is going to notice. Even if only a 1st level mob.) So there are only 2 enhancement buffs I can see that help those two powers in any functional way: recharge and endurance cost. And amazingly enough, they can slot those enhancements already. Whereas making them able to slot slow and/or KB sets means players are going to be wasting enhancements on buffs that do absolutely nothing for those two powers. Let's take Ice Mistral's Torment for example. Slotting the full set will grant the power a +89.93% damage boost (which is completely wasted for doing no damage), a +39.75% accuracy boost (which is completely wasted for having no attack hit check), a +53% slow boost (which is of questionable benefit since you are starting at -90% running speed and -50,000% jumping height), to gain the benefit of +45.05% recharge (which can pretty much be made up with a single dedicated recharge enhancement) and 66.25% endurance discount (which took 3 enhancements to get but could be at 83.32% with just 2 dedicated enhancements.) Net total? Ice Mistral's Torment takes 3 enhancements to get +45.05% recharge and 66.25% endurance reduction whereas just slotting IOs will at 3 enhancements get you to +42.4% recharge and 83.32% endurance reduction.
  20. Why would Ice Slick or Ice Patch need slow enhancements? They already have a -90% running speed effect and there is a bottom to how much you can slow targets. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pets.iceslick.iceslick&at=minion_pets https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pets.icepatch.icepatch&at=minion_pets As compared to opposed to say Snow Storm's -50% (https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=corruptor_buff.cold_domination.snow_storm&at=corruptor) or Siphon Speed's -62.5% running speed (https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=defender_buff.kinetics.siphon_speed&at=defender). What am I not understanding in this drive for improved slow effects on Ice Slick and Ice Patch? (Edit: Especially since neither affects recharge in any way.)
  21. For a new set, I don't care how the devs build it as long as it is fun and works. I misread the Follow Up post, because I read it as taking Follow Up away from Scrappers. Shifted from new Blaster secondary to yet another thread to take existing things away from players enjoying them. Sorry.
  22. Point. Doesn't change my point that the OP isn't really feasible given how the game works and that it would be simpler (and better in my opinion) if Quantums were simply prevented from spawning on those missions. (Or at least forced to abide by the same 'friend until detects as enemy' mechanic the other mobs have to abide by.)
  23. Off the top of my head, I can only think of a few missions where a PC would be in disguise and sneaking around as a PB. The first mission is basically a tutorial mission where you are disguised as a Hellion on a tiny map. The second mission you are doing the same thing as a Skull on a small map. Neither of these missions should actually have any enemies (except for a lone Death Head Gunner on the Skulls map). The other missions that are hero side, despite being in disguise, the enemies very much can detect you are disguised and attack you. (Like the Freakshow mission where you wear the chameleon suit that I still have no idea how anyone could be fooled by it.) If there are Quantums spawning on the 2 missions where you shouldn't be fighting, except for the lone Death Head, then the Quantums need to be disabled for those missions. Because with how enemies are spawned on missions, I don't see any way for the Quantums to be made to spawn in an isolated room out of the way. And given the author's "that players can't access" comment, would require every map that could be used for these missions to be remade to have such a room in the first place. (There are red side missions that are similar in the very low levels, but PB's can't do those. Except maybe through Ouroboros.)
  24. Then you needed to should have made that a separate suggestion thread. I've been sitting here trying to figure out what macro you wanted to send what code for Blasters to have a claws secondary.
  25. Claws Combat for Blasters. And I though instead I have to search for a code to send the macro to another char of mine, I just get the macro in my power bar and pull it to the chat, or to email, and the code will show there. What code are you talking about?
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