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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Aside from the fact every power in the game would have to be redesigned and coded for this to work? There are benefits to using DOs or SOs as opposed to IOs. First, DOs and SOs drop from enemies, so you can slot and/or upgrade as you go. You can't do that with IOs. Second, using DOs or SOs instead of IOs, particularly set IOs, gives players the ability to play the game with its original challenge. Which adding extra benefits to powers for using DOs or SOs would negate.
  2. New players can also do the tutorials which address enhancements briefly, and then the advanced tutorial for which the contact is automatically assigned at level 6 and also discusses enhancements. They can also visit any of the IO crafting tutorial contacts available at level 10 to learn even more about enhancements. (And they can also just ask. That is why we have the Help channel, to get help in understanding the game.) (Edit: And TOs and SOs also have labels that say what they do just like TOs did.)
  3. Unless you have another reason to log off in city hall, that isn't necessary. You earn Patrol XP regardless of where you log off.
  4. CO had actual vehicles for players to get around on, and they kinda sucked. Here's the problem with vehicles as travel powers: Indoor missions. Sure, Batman has his Batmobile and Batwing and other vehicles he gets around on, but when he goes inside, they sit outside for obvious reasons. Same for mounts like horses, pterosaurs, or other creature large enough to ride on. They can't maneuver inside so they sit outside. So those vehicles (or mounts in other games) are not usable inside missions. Which runs into another problem: outdoor instances. All instances are treated as indoor maps, for obvious reasons. So like in CO, you could enter a TF, whatever they called it in their game, and be on this massive outdoor map, but not be able to use your vehicle to get around because you are in an instance and that disables access to the vehicle. CO, a newer game than CoX, lacked the ability to differentiate between indoor and outdoor instances. (And per the devs at the time I was playing, could not be changed to make that distinction.)
  5. Until then, you can check the wiki for such information. Both wikis are linked on the heading bar at the top of the page.
  6. The reason why the contacts tell your character that missions/tasks are below your character is because the capabilities of the opposition is progressively no longer a threat to your character. Since the game is apparently unable to exemplar characters down to the requisite level without either having a lower level character to link to or going through the TF system, mechanically the game cannot support making enemies a threat when you level higher. You can see it every time you exemplar. Even if you discount or choose not to use the powers you have that exemplaring still allows you to use, enemies are basically a joke to your character when you exemplar down to them because the game cannot and so does not disable enhancement slots you gained past that level. So your character will always be more powerful than enemies can contend with even while you are exemplared. And the higher the level you achieved, and the more complete the enhancements you possess on the character, the less of a threat those enemies are even with you being exemplared to their level. Look at it this way, a starting hero will fight basic thugs and even sometimes be tasked with basic tasks like helping a neighbor bring their groceries in. As that hero becomes better known and deals with more world threatening challenges, those that work with said hero stop asking the hero to deal with basic thugs or helping bring in their groceries or help with the store. The hero may choose to deal with those basic thugs and the people will be appreciative of it, and the hero can still help that neighbor with the groceries or the store owner with the store and they will be appreciative, but they will also remind the hero that they can handle those things with still available help from others and they will not likely ask the hero to help them with those situations. So like @PeregrineFalcon said, the easiest way to replicate that is to lock your character at the level for the content you see the character doing.
  7. You can still put them in and fighting in your missions, just not boss/AV to boss/AV.
  8. As someone who also has alt-itis, I still oppose this.
  9. They aren't actually a faction, that is why they are not listed. However, you can still select them as specific foes in AE just like you can as allies. (Edit: You just can't use them to populate the map like you can Arachnos or other factions. For instance, Generic Heroes only has 7 characters in it. 6 bosses and 1 ally.) (Edit again: This is most likely also why they are not available for the Battle advanced objective. Since those battles are populated by minions and the generics lack minions to populate the objective with.) Edit yet again: You should probably ask for a new version of the Battle advanced objective that pits bosses against each other. This would most likely grant you the ability to pit a generic hero against a generic villain if that is what you want. The thing to keep in mind about the generics/independents though? Is they have no allies or minions in the game, so they don't fit in any faction. Hence, they are grouped as generics for lacking a faction affiliation. They aren't even allied with each other.
  10. So it is true! They are trapped in a dystopian world of their own choosing until they can level their way out of it! ... or can they get to the Pocket D and talk to Null the Gull to escape their fate even at level 1? Praetorians can access Pocket D any time they want. Studio 55 in Imperial City and SG bases give them access. However, until they go to Primal Earth via one of those 2 missions that changes them to either a Hero or a Villain, they cannot change their alignment to access anywhere else on Primal Earth. (Edit: And Ouroboros is still a part of Primal Earth, just like the Shadow Shard is, despite being another dimension itself.) Edit: Yeah, just verified. Null the Gull doesn't even have the alignment change option when you talk to him as a Praetorian.
  11. I'm not so sure that is the case. In the case of the Protector Bots, when their force fields were made AoE, yes, that behavior was added so the Protector Bots would not waste time applying the force field twice. And that makes sense. However, when you do not have the Maintenance Drone out? The Protector Bots have no problems with applying their heals, even at the same time. So if the behavior was intentional, then the Protector Bots would still exhibit the same behavior where only 1 will heal regardless of the lack of the Maintenance Drone.
  12. I do typically use secondaries with heals. My most taken MM secondary is Dark. My only consideration behind this thread is that Robotics MMs have pets that get abilities with their 2nd upgrade that they don't use as long as another, newer pet is out. And to the best of my knowledge, that is not how the pets are supposed to work. As @Doc_Scorpion points out, it more seems to be a bug in the Protector Bots' code than the Maintenance Drone, hence the new thread on the Bugs forum. I am by no means advocating for the Maintenance Drone to be gimped nor am I advocating for the Protector Bots to only shield and heal. Indeed, my preference is for the pets to use their full available array of powers, but the Protector Bots are not doing so. Even if the Protector Bots are coded to prioritize attacking, their attacks are not so fast that they cannot also heal. Especially considering how often I see them just standing there with a sizable END bar left not doing a thing until they get a new attack to finish recharging while there are pets in need of heals. Edit: And there are multiple times where I need number of heals more than I need anything else. Hence, my preference for the 2 Protector Bots with their 2 heals rather than the 1 Maintenance Drone with its 1 heal.
  13. You are addressing the wrong person. It is @swredder that is having the issue.
  14. Someone else pointed out we can just enter city hall and enter RV to get our own portal as well.
  15. If I put the Protector Bots in Passive, "green" mode, they don't attack unless I specifically order them to attack a specific target. Why would I want them to not attack? As for the 3rd paragraph? You play the way you want. In my case, I prefer to keep my pets alive, usually through a mix of buffs on the pets, heals, and debuffs on the enemies, while fitting in my own attacks, so the pets can attack and decimate the targets. So again, I am not understanding what you are trying to tell me.
  16. Link to new bug report version of this thread:
  17. Sure, but that would be why I called it a minor stealth effect.
  18. This thread is a repost from the Suggestions thread, except from the Protector Bots point instead. Prior to respec'ing out of Maintenance Drone, whenever I had the Maintenance Drone out, my Protector Bots adamantly refused to heal any of the bots. This has been verified by @Doc_Scorpion to an extent. For whatever reason, the Protector Bots just won't heal while the Maintenance Drone is in use. Edit: Link to original discussion on the Suggestions and Feedback forum:
  19. Then I shall make a bug report about the Protector Bots instead.
  20. Yeah, it was just that the tray that got cleared. I re-populated with the 2 powers I was planning on using, so that wasn't a concern. Character was a brand new level 1 and I had not done any of the tutorials. I had not expanded the power trays, so it was just the 1. What got me to report this was that it was not a log off/log on thing, but that when I zoned from Atlas Park to Ouroboros, I suddenly had empty power trays. Edit: Tackling @UltraAlt's questions. Did I have more than 1 tray open? No. What archetype did I have? Corruptor. What power sets did I have? Dark Blast and Dark Miasma. Praetorian, hero, or villain? Hero. How did I access Ouroboros? I was standing near Ms. Liberty in Atlas Park asking for a portal. Saw someone spawn a portal not too far away, ran over, and used it. So not in Pocket D or a SG base. As an aside, the sole purpose of the new character was to test for available missions in Echo: Atlas Park per another thread in the Suggestions forum. So the character has not been retained having served its purpose.
  21. That actually happens in a lot of missions. Ambushes and patrols will find themselves fighting the set spawns for some reason. So it isn't just that mission. It has been brought up before, so hopefully it is already being looked at, but who knows how hard it may be to pin down to resolve.
  22. Sorry about any confusion, I wasn't proposing a replacement for Flurry. I was commenting on how Super Speed and Speed of Sound currently work because Super Speed does have a minor stealth effect, and the fact they can be combined if the player is willing to pay the END cost for it.
  23. I'm using Tequila, not HC Launcher. And they aren't being deleted between play sessions, because it never affects characters I've played in the past few days. It affects characters that have been logged off for approximately 1 week, with the chances of it being filled in increasing the longer it has been since I played the character to a point. That is, it is never guaranteed to happen and I would say it occurs roughly 30% or so of the time to characters I haven't played in a while.
  24. So... you want incarnate powers in Recluse's Victory, but not all of them. And those that you don't want will still be there, but nerfed as opposed to the powers you do want which will function normally. I agree with @Reiska in that if there is to be a PvP zone that allows incarnate powers, it needs to be a new zone. However, if there are to be incarnate powers in said zone, then they should all work without being nerfed. You want to play with incarnate powers? You get them all at normal function.
  25. Not likely to happen even if missions are made available for players in Echo: Galaxy City. No tip mission will send you to any of the Echoes. The Echoes are not supposed to exist any more as far as the game is concerned. Now if you get to level 20+ and missions are made available in them again? Then maybe you will see tips drop in Echo: Galaxy City. No tips from anywhere else will send you there though.
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