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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. The only way I can think of for Confuse kills to award full anything, is if the game goes back to how it used to work at launch. Where the one that scores the final hit gets full credit (read xp and inf') for the defeated target. And if I recall correctly, that was done away with because it basically penalized teams. So to the best of my knowledge, there is no way to get full credit (read xp and inf') from targets if you have enemies confused and attacking each other unless you or your team are able to do 100% of the damage needed to defeat the targets. It is not an xp penalty thing, it is the scaling damage=reward thing.
  2. I don't think it exists as an xp penalty in the game. I think it is just the loss of xp from having something not part of the the team damaging the targets. Like how the Dream Doctor can take out targets while your ally and you still get full xp and inf' for it, but his summoned phantasms reduce the xp and inf' by the ratio of the damage they do. (Edit again: Or like how if you jump in and attack Eochai and Jack in Irons, defeating them after they've mauled each other near to death, you get pretty much nothing for doing so.) (Edit: Because I'm pretty sure the game isn't set up to make temporary "allies" count as your team members. They just stop counting as your enemies in regards to their ability to attack you, and you still get full xp and inf' for defeating your confused enemies.)
  3. Like @biostem said, they were the standard power trays at the time the game was developed and released. In fact, if I remember correctly, there wasn't even a push for different style trays until a couple years after the game launched. So not exactly a Cryptic Studios problem. (Edit: And as the Controls screen shot shows, the Live devs even went back and did their best to accommodate the new gaming mice released at the time.)
  4. Get on a team with everyone's powers colored white, (that permit it). 😶
  5. Would that even be noticed? (Seriously asking here.) Among the tar patches and the ice slicks and other ground effects? (Edit: Especially in a sea of mobs on TFs/SFs/iTrials?) I'm not sure where you're coming from with this part though. There are powers and a power set I find obnoxious as all Hell (looking at you, Electrical Affinity), but I'm not seeing the power customizations as cluttering the screen any more than the regular power animations did.
  6. More indicators other than seeing someone attacking someone is just going to severely clutter the screen, more so than the screen already gets with large teams. And if the author doesn't want everyone running around nuking everything like (s)he/they say in the OP, the only way to make that stop is to restore crashes to nukes or take away the ability to improve their recharge, and to limit Judgements to incarnate content. However, no way in hell is that every going to fly since nukes have gone crashless and have always been able to have their recharge times improved, and incarnate powers could always be used all the way down to level 45. (The incarnate availability all the way down to level 45 while exemplared/malefactored was a HUGE mistake in my book, but I seem to be in a very small minority about changing that aspect.)
  7. The dolphins took them all when the intergalactic highway was announced.
  8. (Edit: I guess a better example would have been my Blasters.... Their tray 1 is all their range attacks and their tray 2 is all their melee attacks [including from the Fighting pool which is part of their chain]. And when two or more enemies manage to get in melee range, I swap the bottom tray from 1 to 2 and use melee attacks to finish off the opposition.)
  9. What do you mean that isn't during game play? I am most definitely logged in and playing the game when I change my bottom tray. Even during combats, like I already said. The whole bit. That's me, changing my trays during combat. Not during downtime, not once at beginning of play. Edit: I also don't use key binds. (I do use macros, but that's something else entirely.) Why would I want to try and remember which key binds are applicable to which character? Or even what keys I bound in the 1st place? (Binds work great for others. Good on them. Enjoy your binds.) Especially since all I have to do is click an arrow or two to switch between the two trays I want fast button presses on.
  10. There is also the bit about the loss of texture patterns from AI upscaling. If I remember correctly, the devs posted a comparison pic of a steel floor as is and with the AI "improvement". The floor pattern that made it look like textured steel disappeared rendering the piece an almost uniform in appearance. I believe the devs said pretty much all the existing textures would have to be replaced with new textures that would be compatible with the "upgrade" to work.
  11. I actually do use the tray selection button. On my main even. My primary character, my Ninja/Dark MM, has all 9 trays open and on the screen at all times. However, I change what the bottom tray on the base 3-tray window is on a regular basis depending on what I am doing. If my current priority is fighting? I use my default set up. If my current priority is just getting around? My bottom tray becomes tray 9 and my former tray 9 becomes tray 1. So I can just press the button I want and go. And if things start attacking me while I am doing so? I change my bottom tray back to tray 1 and the former tray 9 tray back to tray 9. It all depends on what I want to be able to quick press buttons for and what I'm willing to mouse click.
  12. This was asked before. The short form answer is no. The longer form answer is that the upscaling works fine for small repeating patterns, but not the (surprisingly complex) textures we have in CoX.
  13. Actually, I see calls for Tankers pretty routinely. And I don't even have LFG channel enabled on my chat tabs. And yes, that would be an expected response because right now the meta is to simply explode large numbers of enemies and this would make that even easier. Removing the aggro limits wouldn't do what you want. It would just make it easier for teams to T9 nuke or Judgement spawns away even faster. For the game to be a challenge again given the current meta, the mobs need to be able to stand up to full incarnate teams. Pretty much by themselves. Which would be a death sentence for non-incarnate solo players.
  14. Ah. Forgot that comment had been made. (And yeah, I agree with you. On my characters that get access to AoE Holds, I take them. I will never understand some people's aversion to perfectly functional powers.)
  15. How would that be implemented? The powers themselves get flags for what types of enhancements they can have, not quantity of any given one. And enhancements can only check that by being flagged as unique. Which is where @TheZag is coming from. (And given the nature of the code itself that our devs have to slog through and work with, adding a new limitation to each and every power to make this possible doesn't have good odds of feasibility.)
  16. Huh? Wrong thread maybe?
  17. And then players would instead be asking to be able to turn that off. And then players would instead be asking for it encase the target in ice, it is the Blistering Cold set after all. Or be asking to turn off the generic struggling animation because their power doesn't let the target physically struggle against their mental hold, or their icy entombment, or pick your preference. Face it, this discussion would be had no matter what the devs did the moment procs were implemented because unless there is a way to make those procs do exactly what each and every player wants that specific proc to do and look like, it is not acceptable for others.
  18. Gotta disagree with you there. Every online game I've played that had equipment, the equipment very much changed the visuals assigned to the character. Case in point: WoW, where everyone looks pretty much identical at the end levels because they all equip the same gear. Now as for the enhancements themselves not affecting character visuals pre-IO sets? Yeah, but they also didn't include augments like 'Chance for Fire Damage" or "Chance for Hold". The basic enhancements, even from IO sets, aren't augments, they're straight effectiveness improvements. The procs? Those are all augments, with each proc designed around a specific idea for why that function occurs or around a specific damage type being added. Those should change the visuals because you are augmenting the damage or function of the power by adding those procs. They aren't generic improvements, they are added functions with a set chance to trigger (which ranges from it is always in effect to it may only occasionally affect the fight) that the power previously did not have, even when you are talking about a "Chance for +2 Hold" in a Hold power (because you are chaining a second Hold attack to be fired concurrently with the slotted Hold attack). (Edit: As compared to +42.4% damage being slotted into your damaging power. No new function or damage type is being added, you're just improving the power's inherent ability to do damage.) Because of this, I am very much against stripping the visuals from the procs. Let's just ask for more options in the way of procs so players can match them to their themes. Especially since this option is most likely far easier and less time consuming to implement even if a new set is made for every damage type that currently lacks a Hold proc than trying to take all the existing procs and break them into separate components for turning off/on. Edit again: Basically, the damage procs and the hold procs and the slow procs are separate attacks we are adding to our powers. Those attacks fire in time with our attacks when they actually trigger, but are as predefined for what they do and how as the attacks we pick up from our primaries, secondaries, and pools. To me, the OP is basically asking to be able to take an Ice/Fire Blaster, and strip out the ice and fire effects from their primary and secondary powers.
  19. I don't think I've seen the visual effects for those procs, and I do use them. Maybe I just tune them out. What are they? I don't think it's crazy to want more subtle or generic visuals, or even to want the ability to forego the effects as a hit confirm. This is just my opinion but your choice of powers (primary, secondary, ancillary, pool, inherent, temporary, incarnate) should have a bearing on your visuals but your enhancements should not. Inspirations offer generic crosshairs, shields, and ... Sim-diamond things to show your accuracy, defense/resistance, or damage are being buffed. Judgment and Interface come with an assortment of fire, ice, electric, and dark options to pick from for people who want to keep their specific theme. I can sort of agree. I do admit there have been times when I wish I could slot a Blistering Cold and not have my target encased in ice from my fire attack. However, I'm the one that slotted an ice proc into that power, so it was obviously my choice to make my fire attack have an ice effect. I am much less in favor of having the devs go through the hassle of trying separate the enhancement's coded effect from the enhancement itself so that players can turn it off, especially since it is an enhancement we don't need in our thematic powers but chose to slot anyway, and am more in favor of added sets that have different visuals. Edit: And yes, enhancements should affect our powers' visuals. That is the point of enhancing something. You augment it with something else. Using the Blistering Cold Hold proc on a fire attack example? The character augmented his/her/their/its fire power with ice, like maybe a simultaneously fired underslung freeze ray that isn't reliable enough to always trigger on their flamethrower, hitting the enemy with the double effect of hot and cold to break them. Or a mystic who tinkered with his/her/their/its fireball spell to not only roast their targets, but also drain their body temperature to weaken the target's ability to withstand the fire that sometimes causes the surrounding air to crystalize and freeze the target in ice. (And that's before you get into the fun of Chaos Mages... that I am no longer allowed to play in any D&D games....)
  20. it is a rather long recharge At 240 seconds of recharge, it has the exact same recharge as every other Controller T9.
  21. They already do? Like you said in your example, Blistering Cold's chance to hold s obviously going to be ice because it is the Blistering Cold set. So I don't understand why anyone is surprised when it triggers and encases the target in ice. Or Winter's Bite's chance for -speed and recharge. "Why is my target shedding snow and surrounded by wisps of cold?!" "Do you have Winter's Bite's proc slotted?" "Yes." "That's why." "But why?!" *face palm* Other procs specifically state what they do in the proc itself like "Chance for fire damage". So people complaining that their fire damage, negative damage, whatever proc is doing exactly what it already says it does blows my mind.
  22. Statesman was the one that insisted a character with an armor set only ever needed 1 resist power available at a time. (Despite the presence of say... the Tsoo... and their faction having every damage type plus mezzes starting at level 20. Or the fact that situation kept getting worse as you leveled up.) So it's not that Statesman never thought about it, it's more that he was actively against anyone being able to have layered resists. (It was the other devs, to the best of my knowledge, that were in favor of layered protection, but they didn't want to make it possible for armor ATs to be able to max those out.)
  23. Here's a weird thought: What if Mind Control's sleep effects broke into stun effects if the sleep was broken before its duration was up? Then the sleep powers would maintain Containment without changing the core theme of the set, wouldn't it? The only complaint I routinely hear about Mind Control is that Mesmerize and Mass Hypnosis are useless on teams because the sleep effects are immediately broken by everyone. (I don't really have a leg in this discussion since I personally do not enjoy playing Controllers most times. I'm just asking a few questions.) Edit: Actually, let's change this suggestion/question. Instead of applying the stun if the sleep is broken, apply the stun at the same time with the same duration so that if the sleep is broken, Containment isn't broken.
  24. Mind Control has pets though. Every enemy you meet. Confuse may only target a single target, but you can use it every 8 seconds instead of every 60 seconds at base value. And Mass Confusion hits a 25 feet radius area out to 80 feet away instead of just a cone. That makes for a lot of pets. Edit: Also, the T9 isn't Total Domination. It's Mass Confusion. So why does Total Domination need to feel like a T9? (I see you are moving it to T9, but since it is not currently the T9, and I don't understand the desire to move it later to the T9 position, I also don't understand why it should "feel like a T9".) (Edit again: Also, Total Domination has a base recharge of 240 seconds. Every Controller primary T9 also has a base recharge of 240 seconds. So are you shortening the recharge if you want it to feel like a T9?)
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