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Posts posted by Xandyr

  1. MMs get Suppress Pain, which boosts Regen. Typical slotting will net you about an additional 13-15 HP/Sec.


    Corrs get Soothing Aura, which is a straight up Heal every few seconds. Typical slotting will net you a 130-160HP heal every few seconds.


    Now, granted, I realize that in the beginning, the original Devs said that if the MM version was a straight up heal like Corrs, it would be "overpowered" since their pets would be getting so many frequent heals. If one were to do the math, in the time a Corr heals for 150HP with Soothing Aura, pets/allies would receive not even half that amount from Suppress Pain. I also understand that, say, a WP tank may appreciate the extra Regen from Suppress Pain instead of a heal from Soothing Aura. 


     Is this still the case? A straight heal for MMs would be considered "overpowered"? If anything, with today's harder content, it would help level the playing field a bit. Pain Dom was initially the villian equivalent to Empathy, and back then Emp was the king of heals. Now we have more powersets (which I'm grateful for) like Electrical Aff. You can heal, buff, debuff, give Absorb, etc. From a "healing" perspective, there's really no reason to take Pain over Electrical unless it's for theme. 


      Are the Devs possibly looking at the "older" sets and possibly giving them a buff to be on par with some of the newer sets?

    And, nobody can post about MMs without asking this.....are we ever going to get any new primaries? 😃

  2. Not sure if that worked or not, so here's pictures...maybe that'll help?


    In Enchant, I have 4 pieces of Unbreakable,Imp. Skin proc, and the Steadfast +res/Def.

    Dark Empowerment has 2 Panacea (one os the Proc), Numina's Proc, and the Regenerative Tissue Proc. 


    (yes, they work on the pets).


    With the way I have my Shields, Maneuvers, Dispersion Bubble slotted ( +5'd), and with the 2 +Pet Defense IOs, the pets will be softcapped. Power Boost was added to get them to around 58-59% Defense. I constantly attack to spawn the Spectres. Life Drain gives me a decent heal as well. 


    Hopefully that answers some of the questions you had. If not, feel free to holler.


    - x


  3. I made a Nonja/Sonic, and surprisingly it is pretty sturdy. Since Ninjas already have high defenses, Sonic gives them some really good resists. Their ability to heal is icing on the cake.

     I still prefer my necro/FF tho. I need to do some experimenting with Mercs to get the best balance of defense and resists. 

  4. Hey all!

       So the last scrapper I played was StJ/SD. I enjoyed it, and like the StJ animations. Now I'm ready to move on to my next. I figured I'd go Psy for a few reasons:

    - I don't see many

    - Seems like Psi brings some control/mitigation, which will help with survivability

    - I want kind of a "retribution/vengeance is mine/pay for your sins" type of toon, and Psi attacks seem to fit the bill (wrecking havoc on the mind and body per se)


    I thought about going DA, but it would be a TON of work to get high resists, and try to offset the horrible end costs (even with using TotE:chance for end). so, I went with Bio. I know Bio (have several Bio toons,plus see sig 😃 ). If the SHTF, I can go Defensive and rely on Psi's control/mitigation to give me time to recoup.


     What's anyone's opinion about this?

    Would you put the S. Critical Strikes in Mass Levitate, then S. Scrapper's Strike in Greater Psi Blade? My thinking is that with the S. Critical Strikes(50% Crit Proc) in Mass Levitate, you'd have a much better chance of it going off since you're hitting more foes, then follow that up with G. Psi Blade for some really good damage.


     Even in Offensive Stancve, I can get my F/C/E/N.E defenses to the soft cap, so I should be able to just jump in and "go to town".


    Appreciate anyone's thoughts/inputs/ideas.


    - x

  5. Hey all! Help me choose my next MM toon! Been playing (and in love with) my Necro/FF. Love the high resists and soft capped defenses. Now it's time to move to Mercs. But pair it with what?


     I solo quite a bit (mainly because I can't find teams/friends aren't on at the time I am). So, obviously I need to be able to support/keep my Mercs alive so they can continue to pew pew. Necro/FF kinda spoiled me, so maybe Mercs/FF?


    I'm thinking of:




    Empathy (why not? Haven't played an Empath toon since Live)

    Maybe Nature?


    But, I could be persuaded to play any secondary, as long as you can point out synergies (and preferably resistances/defenses/numbers).


    So, what Mercs toon are you playing, and why?

  6. 3 hours ago, Braxx said:

    I didn't take it because I didn't have enough powers and it looked like the least beneficial when I was looking through, but i've never used it. As for conduit of pain I was going for damage buff and defense from the set. This is my first build so I didn't know any better. Thank you for your input. Any further advice would be much appreciated. 😄


    With Soothing Aura slotted like how I have it in the build I posted, it heals for approx 196 HP every couple of seconds...not counting the  chances to proc. Nullify Pain, the PBAoE Heal, with my slotting, heals for 281 HP every (roughly) 3 seconds. Combined, that's a decent amount of healing.

     Also, your DP attacks, if you put,say, the Ice Mistral Chance For Cold Damage in your attack, it will have a chance to fire regardless if you have Cryo Ammo selected or not. Meaning, any proc, even if it *should* only have a chance to proc based on the certain ammo type, will have that chance to proc NO MATTER the ammo type selected. Might be a bit of info you didn't know, didn't wanna know, or might actually give you a couple of ideas if you want to proc out your attacks.


    Oh, crap. Just realized I only slotted one set of the Defender IO...I forgot to slot Superior Vigilant Assault (has some nice set bonuses).


    Either way, I have several DP toons, and it's a fun set. The only Pain Domination toon I have is my Mercs/Pain MM, and I like it. I wish that Suppress Pain (the same as a Defender's Soothing Aura) worked like Soothing Aura. On MMs/Corrs it gives a Regen bonus,NOT a flat out heal every couple of seconds. BUT, the procs still fire off on everyone 😃

  7. I love Soothing Aura. If you slot the Panacea and Numina's procs in it, it has a chance to proc for all allies in the aura.

     Pain bringer is a great buff for a teammate. I think I put Miracle:heal/recharge, heal/end/recharge, same 2 pieces of Numina's, and 1 performance shifter (end/recharge) in it. It's especially useful on teammates that constantly run low/out of end, or on your tank to keep their health up.

     Does conduit of pain really need 6 slots? I'd just stick with the default single slot.

     That's the first things that jumped at me. I can look more in depth later. 

  8. On 1/31/2023 at 9:19 PM, Crysis said:

    @StrikerFox that's what I thought.


    So on Cold, all the powers that have any kind of +/- RES basically are unaffected.  Both ice shields, Sleet, Arctic Fog and Heat Loss.


    Basically, for /Cold, you are.....


    ....are ya ready kids?  Wait for it......








    Cold shoulder FTW 

    • Haha 1
  9. On 7/5/2022 at 10:03 PM, Voltak said:

    Yes, last Sunday was fun indeed.  

    Dark Miasma is an old but still a classic, tested, proven, reliable.  But not very many of those in combo with radiation.  I don't see a whole lot of dark miasma defenders anymore either. 

    But it sure is GREAT. 

    I love my dark/dp defender. I think it's kept me from rolling any other Defenders bc I'm afraid any others won't be anywhere close to it.

  10. 13 hours ago, StrikerFox said:

    Haven't tried it but I think the Beast/Sonic combo would be pretty legit. Bursts of brilliance when Lion's Roar activates for +6% def (unenhanced, x2 Lions) but they last for 15s with a 60s CD. Pet's def will be at around +26% M/R and +41% AoE without Lion's Roar. That includes pet inherent def + pet unique IOs + heavily slotted Maneuvers.


    Only half the pets (Lions and Alpha Wolf) get Lick Wounds to heal themselves on a 60s CD. Dire Wolf has a heal on a 120s CD. Two T1 wolves have no self heal.


    Their resists will be spectacular. Capped at +90% to S/L/C. Around +75% to F/E/N/T and +35% to P. That's with the pet inherent + IO unique auras + heavily slotted Sonic Barrier/Haven/Dispersion.


    I sort of want to recommend Thermal instead of Sonic. Less resists but heals in a more controlled/timely manner. But regardless you can probably make Beast/Sonic work well.

    After debating, I ended up rolling a Ninja/Sonic. The Ninjas have better Defenses, and a heal. Figured with that, coupled with the Resists from Sonic might be pretty decent.


    I really don't know why, but I just want a /Sonic toon. Maybe because I hardly ever see any in game?

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