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  1. "Never interrupt an enemy while he's making a mistake" N. Bonaparte Count me in the holding a grudge group.
  2. I find that running the game on stock graphics, maxed its an interesting mix - some textures and graphics seem completely up to date, while other bits and pieces are quite dated. On the whole though its a real credit to the original design team how well the game holds up graphically speaking. That said, once discovering cel shading I never looked back. Im not a big fan of cel shading in other games (couldnt stand it in CO), but in CoH I think its terrific. To each his own I guess.
  3. This is great.
  4. Turn on the cel shading, and CoH appears much less dated. I wasnt sure if I was going to like it but I keep it on now.
  5. 1. Just keeping the game alive is a huge accomplishment. 2. If possible maintain the donation based non-profit model. However, some form of in game incentives for donating would be great. 3. Expand, whenever feasible, game features - powersets, costume pieces, base items etc. 4. Anything that keeps people playing, and possibly drawns in new players, should be pursued. Events, rewards for getting new blood signed up, etc. 5. Merch. Coffee mug.
  6. As an aside, I didnt know cel shading was an option. Its not everyone's cup of tea but I love it and it breathed new life into the game for me.
  7. Aquan here. Thanks for the reward for honorable mention, very generous.
  8. Would really appreciate double the number of characters listed on the character select screen. I dont really have alts, Ive got lots of characters I play about equally. Would be great to have most of them on one screen.
  9. It seems to me that in the old old days of CoH runners would often come back with other enemies. They seemed to run farther and trigger other groups. This doesnt seem to happen anymore. Is this a false memory of mine? Anyway, I like the runners, and I like them bringing friends back to the fight with them.
  10. How do I go about making a donation?
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