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Easter Bunny

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About Easter Bunny

  • Birthday September 5

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  1. Base Code: HOBITON-32005 Global: @max#7719 Shard: Everlasting Special Considerations: (Note: The builder maxed out portal use in this base. To exit the Hobiton homes, use /stuck.) (Note: This base is built with the concept of short characters. When touring, keep in mind that a tall, sturdy toon may not fit everywhere.)
  2. No. 'Fraid not. Doing this would result in everything above or below the room being deleted. Thankfully the editor prompts you about this before completing the action.
  3. Base Code: AARU-751 Base Name: Aaru Builder: @Easter Bunny / @Riptide6 SG Leader: @Dusk Shard: Everlasting Theme: Other Base Code: X-MAS-7920 Base Name: Sleigh Belles Builder: @Easter Bunny SG Leader: @Easter Bunny Shard: Indomitable Theme: Other
  4. Updated very belatedly with the Float On Challenge Winner - Congratulations @Emerald Fusion!! Apologies for the tardiness of the post...
  5. Got a few entries to add from the Scourge group: Shard: Everlasting Base Code: CHATEAU-7475 Builder: @Easter Bunny Shard: Everlasting Base Code: VAULTLUXE-17647 Builders: @Easter Bunny / @BBBadger Shard: Everlasting Base Code: GIZA-3190 Builder: @BBBadger
  6. Float On Base Submission Form:Reminder, the deadline for the contest is Friday, June 28, 2024 at 6pm Eastern (11pm GMT).SG Leader's Global: Discord handle (if applicable): Base or SG Name: Shard: Passcode: Other associated contributors; up to 4 more people:
  7. Community Challenge: Float On! - A Base Building Contest - Special Guest Challenger: Everlasting Pride The Challenge: This year marks the 5th anniversary of our Pride celebration on Homecoming, and as always, we aim to find exciting and unique ways to celebrate! So this year, we’re introducing a brand new contest to have you stretch your creative muscle and show your pride: by designing a parade float! Your colors, your self-expression, we want to see it! And to tour it of course—they are meant to be seen after all! While a lot of our events have typically been on Everlasting, we’ll be checking out all of Homecoming, and awarding a prize to a winner from every shard. More importantly, you’ll be giving the Homecoming community a parade they can visit whenever they want! Because while we’re celebrating in June, Pride is all-year-round! The Details: Build a float in a NEW base! • The float should fit easily into half of an entry room sized room (1x2 squares of a base, which is 32x64 feet). • The entry room may be used, but whatever room is used should be easily visible from the entry. • The float should look as though it’s ready to be hooked up to a truck, or already hooked to a truck, to be pulled in a parade. • Decorating the room to add atmosphere is not required, but never a bad idea. • The float should be clearly Pride themed. • The sky should be visible overhead, set to the (default) Atlas Park sky. The base used must be a newly created base with a code number greater than these: - Everlasting: 34573 - Excelsior: 31596 - Indomitable: 11373 - Reunion: 9331 - Torchbearer: 14688 CONTESTANTS NEED TO REMEMBER that the Atlas Park Sky has a night cycle, so, plan lighting accordingly. It is not recommended to use Outdoor lighting, as you would not be able to light that in any way. Keep in mind that if you build outside of the base, you will need to hand light your float. Entries will be part of a “parade” base crawl, viewed as if part of a parade. Order TBD by challenger. Prizes: From the HC City Council, the Winner (Overall Champion) will receive: 500 Aethers The gold title “Pride of the Parade” Separately from HC, Everlasting Pride is awarding 1 Billion in influence to the winner! Additional Winners: Each shard will have a winner, and those winners will also receive 1 Billion in influence (from Everlasting Pride) and 40 Aethers! (Overall Champion is the winner for their shard, no additional winner will be selected.) Everlasting Pride has reserved a substantial sum to give other awards at their discretion, depending on entries, SO ENTER! Fine Print: Contest runs from June 7- June 28. Entries need to be finished by then, for tours and judging. Final results will be announced and prizes will be awarded on June 30 (Title may take a bit longer to show up). Post your base code on this entry thread by the deadline to enter One entry per player. If a player has helped in another build, that’s allowed, but may only win with their official entry. If another entry that they helped build wins, the builder who entered that base gets the prize associated with that award. Let the float building begin! - Everlasting Pride and the *Base Community Engagement Team (Group name TBD) *Disclaimer: Contest judging is subjective and everyone's tastes are different. Please be kind to our judges who volunteer their time for these community events. If you have any issues, please contact Dacy or Easter Bunny here or on Discord! Other judges were chosen for willingness to help, commitment to the theme, and because none of them were going to enter this contest.
  8. How would this work? We’re thinking of something like a committee, making decisions we all (or most of us) agree on. Once we get a group, we will do things AS a group (of course, some ideas are subject to Homecoming Council approval). So, it’s important that anyone working in this group be someone who can work well with others (And "working well with others" means that you have the ability to work with a person even if you don't personally enjoy their company; anyone can work with a friend!) If you know you don’t do well in a group setting or have difficulty dealing with some personality types, this is probably not the role for you. We don’t exclude anyone who would like to help, but you really should have the ability to work with others. Easter Bunny and Dacy are both willing to work with people whom they are aware actively dislike them, and in fact, have. People in this group will generate and suggest ideas they think would be good to implement. These could be ideas for contests, challenges, showcases, something we haven’t thought of yet, or they might see a need for creating something that would help the community, like Easter Bunny did with the directory; we hope this group of people would be a willing pool to help with all kinds of projects, and might have all kinds of skills they could use to help. So, people could pick and choose what projects suited their interests and skills. Who should consider helping out? Here are the qualities we’d like to see in people who would like to help out: 1. The ability to work with others well. 2. An enthusiasm for bases / base building. 3. Various skills and a willingness to participate in discussions and projects. 4. A willingness to share their knowledge of base building, if one of their skills is coaching others in building. 5. A good work ethic (you show up, do what you say you will do, and keep up with what’s happening) 6. The desire to help and encourage others. 7. Must be willing to abide by group decisions, even if you disagree. 8. Must be willing to use and respond to Discord. What would you do? So what do we hope to accomplish here? Well, we have a lot we’d like to do! And we’d like to be sure that we are in step with the direction the community wants to go, so, we feel like more points of view would help with this. Also, more hands makes for lighter work. What this would look like would largely be up to the people who decide they’d like to help; we haven’t even decided if this is a group, an association, or a committee! Other than just helping people, which many of you are already doing, other things we’ve found ourselves doing have included: Publicizing events Visiting lots of bases Judging bases Creating posters Creating documents Writing up announcements Coming up with events Testing new items on the test server (would not be required, it’s just something they asked of the CRs) Monitoring and responding to questions on the forums Running an (increasingly large) Discord No one person need do all of these things, but if any of these things particularly interest you, or are personal strengths, we’d love to have you step up and join us! If interested in being part of this group of base enthusiasts who want to help the community, just go to the City of Builders Discord and, in the questions asked of new members, indicate an interest in the community engagement effort. If already a member of the City of Builders, go to “Channels and Roles” and click on the box that reads “Join the Community Engagement Effort.” (First order of business: help come up with a good name for the group!) - Dacy & EB
  9. Are you someone who likes to help others? Someone who knows a thing or two about base building? Do you have some opinions about things you’d like to see done? Then maybe you would like to be one of the leaders that works with other builders to help them with building questions and works to make things better for the base building community! As you probably know, the Community Representative position was dissolved, but, our passion for the community and drive to help remain undiminished! And we think there might be other people who feel like they’d like to work in this capacity, too. And maybe you already are! So why not join forces? It would be especially wonderful to get people who primarily play or build on shards other than Everlasting. If this sounds interesting, please read on!
  10. Yes and no. Is it possible to have certain ambient fx confined to 1 room of a base? Sure. But it's not like Apply Style for the whole base. FX are just another type of item in the editor, and we are at the whim of their size. So, if you find fx that are small enough, they'll fit. And then others like the darkstar barrier are ridiculously massive.
  11. I'm immediately breaking your "rules", sorry!! This is not a post showing off my teleport room.... Instead, I just have to say - that's a good looking base ya got there! Are you willing to share the code so I can visit? Or, is it in the directory? I must see it live 🙂
  12. No need to be sorry. I recognize that it was constructive feedback and appreciate your willingness to help 🙂
  13. We understand that there are those that are unwilling or untrusting of working through Google, so we didn't make that the only way to add to the directory. But we also didn't want to advertise an "Enter Your Base Info Here" section on the wiki that encourages bypassing the directory either. The guidance we've placed on the wiki for these instances is to contact Dacy or I to have this information updated. And then, despite that, we are also continuing to monitor Michiyo's Discord for anyone out there that treats the base pages like anyone would probably assume a wiki page can be treated and does update it directly. Should that happen we would enter their information into the directory and it would feed back into the wiki on the next bulk update. Great note! We will definitely keep that in mind to inform anyone requesting a de-listing of their base from the directory that they should probably change their passcode from whatever had previously been listed for this reason. I appreciate you mentioning this!
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