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  1. Yeah I went through a *ton* of iterations (I was running six slotted Cross Punch at one point). You really end up getting shredded in melee. Tons of deaths. -toHit, proc nukes and strong investment in self healing did wonders. Edit: I invest pretty heavily in -res procs and damage procs normally, but find it more important with /Savage dealing lethal. I've found it usually lets you finish off stuff in one less rotation or so. Dominator - Darkness Control - Savage Assault.mxd
  2. No, but I do have to run ageless to go hog wild with powers. That does take away a bit of flexibility concerning incarnates.
  3. Serxiom's build is the truth! Here's my version with a bit more damage built in, procc'ed out carrion and the like. Still S/L softcap, perma hasten, perma envenomed blades, perma carrion ect. Plant_Fire_Proc.mxd
  4. Thank you for all your testing! Do you you have a mids build for the above that you would be willing to share?
  5. Sure! Between Trick Shot, Jolting Chain and your two Melee AoEs you should clear mobs pretty fast. With Exploding Shuriken and Masterful Shot you should be able to chunk bosses pretty hard. The build is S/L softcap, but I would still cast the confuse before going in solo, in groups you should be fine, especially with all the healing. Perma hasten as well, but not perma Envenomed Blades or Hoarfrost - Good uptime though. Dominator - Electric Control - Martial Assault.mxd
  6. Thats a good point, is there a quick way to check your accuracy against +4 mobs in mids? or did you do this off the top of your head?
  7. Yeah, I have definitely at least looked at the healing proc, since its not unique. I figured with Electric and access to Hoarfrost you can make some pretty good use out of them, maybe even slap Melee Hybrid on there. With 1600 hp those things proc for 80hp, so at 3PPM x5 procs thats 1200hp over a minute. 'Course that's real rough maths that doesn't take many factors into consideration, but still thats potentially ~20hp a second on top of our other defenses with minimal slotting changes.
  8. Sure! Heres an Elec/Earth I'm workin on. Should deal damage + be survivable. Now featuring some self healing thanks to the new procs! You will need the MRB unofficial patch to look a the new enhancements. Found here: Build here: Dominator - Electric Control - Earth Assault.mxd
  9. If I can ever settle on a final build! Here's another iteration, S/L softcap this time. After speaking to another player, I realized that you can have permanent insta-snipe, so I have built towards that as well. Cooldowns are low enough for a purely ranged attack chain, trying to keep it as Blaster-y as possible. The next contemplation is weather I should slot damage procs into Seeds of Confusion and Roots, or leave the Achilles' Heel and Soulbound in the Fly Trap. That might be a question I answer after level 50. The blank slot in Carrion is the new fire damage proc. Tonituah.mxd
  10. I second that!
  11. I dig it. A little light defensively, but depending on play style, that might not matter. Having played it, whats the typical power rotation look like? Anything left standing after an opening salvo? Does the damage proc in Explosive Shuriken only proc on the primary target, or can it proc on the splash damage it does too?
  12. The duration of Spot Prey changed from 25 seconds to 10 seconds after the April 1rst patch. I apologize if this an intentional change, I couldn't find anything in the patch notes.
  13. I've been tryin to plan out a Plant/Martial and I dropped Caltrops for SS, totally don't know if its worth it. Would you mind taking a look at my build? http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1479&c=678&a=1356&f=HEX&dc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ny/All critique is welcome. I do realize that Spiritual Core is a bit of a crutch and possibly forces me to run ageless, I was trying to minimize Hoarfrost downtime.
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