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Everything posted by Jawbreaker

  1. Another one that looks better in person than screenshot, supposed to represent the static on dead TV channels from back in the day Channel Zero, ILL/sonic troller
  2. Dis
  3. I've blocked zero people...what kind of neighborhoods you hanging out in?
  4. Excellent look!
  5. That would be a killer gaming table at full size!
  6. We need new powersets ASAP. I have so many dark power combos I'm all out of combos. Scarefro, some AT TBD
  7. Just released Seafloor
  8. That's a great costume
  9. I've tried and tried to get into kinetic melee, because it has such great thematic potential and the animations are very cool. But it seems so underwhelming to actually play and I'm wondering if it would be more enjoyable if the devs could maybe lower the damage slightly and speed up the animations to give it more of that crunch factor that makes brutes fun to play. I don't know where it ranks currently in overall power set usage, but I believe it was pretty low when that report initially came out a year or two ago. Anyone else think that would be a viable change? If not, does anyone else have other suggestions?
  10. Yep. Outside Icon in Steel
  11. Yep! I've branched out with my company a little and have started doing some COH stuff as a personal project and making them available for anyone who wants one
  12. Probably why it's my favorite billboard
  13. Gotta get juiced up before spending hours standing in Icon. My favorite billboard in Paragon. I can make these available for purchase if there's enough interest https://imgur.com/a/r1VM5Rz
  14. Oh well that sounds easy enough. Thank you
  15. How do you go about unlocking the healing badges on, say, melee characters? Is Aid Other the best option?
  16. That's an outstanding costume
  17. Very cool use of the Medusa hair!
  18. Very simple design but the effect is a lot of fun to play Shadowlight, dark/fire tank
  19. Cobra Chimera. Still unsure if she'll be DP/NIN blaster or DB/NIN stalker
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