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Everything posted by Jawbreaker

  2. Wow thank you so much. So glad we have multiple builds lol
  3. Now make her fabulous zookeeper father
  4. Wow that looks great! I didn't realize that about Gaussian's and tactics either! Can't wait to get this one rolling, thank you! Definitely looks better than my brute version
  5. Yeah I know the primary elec is good, was wondering more about the secondary as I don't see it used much without the elec primary
  6. Just starting out with Sentinels and I've noticed that just about every mention of /elec involves the elec primary. Does it not work well with other primaries? If not, what other primaries work well with it?
  7. I pretty much never use the entire set of a pattern but whoever designed the Mystic pattern knocked it out of the park. Plight, BS/WP scrapper
  8. The brute never had endo issues from mid-30's on, if I remember correctly. And the way it worked pre-ED was you mainly cycled the first two attacks. They recharged so quickly, with the procs not being affected by recharge negatively, he really burned down enemies quickly
  9. Yeah my brute was super tough, but now the buzzsaw gimmick doesn't work so I was more interested in damage potential, unless the scrapper is going to be gimped
  10. So i've finally decided to shelve my DM/Elec brute that I loved so much on live to a scrapper. He was a buzzsaw build back prior to the proc changes, but since that's no longer an option I'm going to try him with tasty crits instead. I lookd in the Pylon thread but couldn't find a build idea, anyone run one that could share some insight?
  11. If anything, the main thing that changes for me when a character dings 50 is Incarnate stuff. The incarnate system just doesn't work for a lot of characters I have, concept-wise. Which sucks because it can limit endgame content for me as far as teaming goes, but it is what it is.
  12. Symph/Sonic Dom. Oddly, the music note chest design disappears in the costume creator when she's not in an attack/casting pose. It seems to sink into the torso until she leans forward
  13. Map 41794 I cleared in 3.10 with my savage/fire brute. BP pet was on cooldown so didn't use it nor did I have the P2W buffs. My Rad/Fire brute did it in 2.40 again without the pet or buffs. The map seems way smoother than some of the others I've run on page 4, thanks for this!
  14. ohh that looks fun too
  15. Absolutely, definitely narrowed it down and gave me some food for thought thank you!
  16. Jump Root, Plant/Thorn dom
  17. Yeah I get this all the time and have since way back on live. Freaks you out the first time but it's always been benign for me
  18. Speed Fiend, Kin/Sonic Defender
  19. Have a concept for something with electric and plant or nature powers but unsure what route to go in. Anyone have suggestions on an AT/power combo?
  20. Ok so I rolled 2 new toons with placeholder names, then used the rename character button and got my names back. It won't let me rename already existing characters to those names though
  21. Ok so I rolled 2 new toons with placeholder names, then used the rename character button and got my names back.
  22. ohhhh eff off already! ( I mean that in the nicest way possible) Another ridiculously good submission
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