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Everything posted by Jawbreaker

  1. Oh yeah, the only way to go. Now if they could just tweak the CC editor so the characters could be seen from multiple angles/distances
  2. I didn't get that comment until your response to Frozen Burn, now I have to change it lol
  3. Wow thank you, that's big praise considering all the amazing costumes in this thread
  4. No incarnate system. Or at least have one that is much more open-ended for theme/RP/story elements. It pigeonholes alpha characters and on many of mine I hate taking incarnate powers because they don't fit my character's theme or backstory
  5. Divisible, Ill/MA dom. being able to cast duplicates of yourself is so fun
  6. I'd be thrilled if we could get patterns over the spectrum parts like....some other COH server.
  7. That's excellent, thank you!
  8. Super simple costume because I bought a metric S-ton of holo costumes for her. Savage/Bio stalker who's a shape-shifter.
  9. Shelved mine over a year ago, dusted her off and can't get into her now. I think I want to try a build with the TP pool for TP'ing Singy around and TP'ing mobs into more advantageous locations i.e. teammate's patches and the occasional dimension Shift. Anyone have a good/fun build for teaming?
  10. thanks, not a jerk!
  11. Is there a list somewhere for the badges awarded when you buy holo costumes? I've gotten three so far but don't want to spend any more Aether if there aren't badges that go with them. thanks!
  12. Interesting. I wonder if that's a typical type build for this combo
  13. Ok so +res is a good idea then. I was thinking that but not sure
  14. Ok I wasn't sure if I should try to build up +res for when those shots do manage to land
  15. I rolled up one of the first toons I ever made back on live, and, well..regen is frustrating me at lvl 35. So I'm thinking of going to SR instead and wondering what to build towards. Due to time restraints I either solo or PUG/speed runs.
  16. Never played Axe before, it's a fun set! Another one of my Imagica inspired toons
  17. Typically I know the vast majority of us build with +rech, +def being the main goals of set bonuses. I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried to build for max +DMG bonuses and if so, what AT/powerset and how well did it work for you? I assume defenders would be the first choice for doing something like this, but I dunno.
  18. I had zero interest in the bobblehead costume thing but now....
  19. So far I'm enjoying this one a lot! Survivable, good damage and fun to play! Thank you!
  20. My main farmer is Savage/Fire brute. Do you run one of those as well, and if so how does your bio/savage compare?
  21. I don't know if this was brought up elsewhere but the mini costume option would be a dream come true without the bobblehead. As it is I'll not be using it. I have character concepts for teeny characters, but not Funko versions
  22. Coming to Saturday mornings on CBS this fall! Seasons greetings from my Halloween toons
  23. I'm really liking the totals on this build, trying to make it work with the Sorcery pool now. I'm wondering what powers i can swap for Arcane bolt or Rune of Protection.
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