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Everything posted by Jawbreaker

  1. I'm sure it's bovious but I'm tired and old so how did you get teh axe AND the sword?
  2. I've never been able to find a use for that mask before, bravo!
  3. Energy/Shield scrapper
  4. Absolutely
  5. I think an equal combo of def and res for the armor, since water can be solid or flexible, stopping an impact or slowing it down
  6. I think something similar to kinetic melee, where you swirl your arms around (hopefully not as painfully slow) with water around your fists that looks limilar to water in zero G, then when your stikes land, there's a satisfying splash associated.
  7. that I scored the name Floodwall. Now can we maybe get water armor/melee sets? Pleeeeeeeeease. Unless I'm the only one that would want this
  8. Marine affinity is making me want to reroll my water/time Corr, Quench. Seen here in formal and battle gear
  9. Come team up with Blowhole, Water/Marine Corr
  10. I named one Biowhole (capitol I) and one Biowhoie while trying 2 different power combos to decide which one I'd like better, but I can't change any of them to the original now
  11. Yeah I kept trying for several minutes, it was a no go
  12. I've had a character called Blowhole pretty much since HC went wide, didn't play him much though. I decided to re-roll him for the new Marine powerset and it won't let me use the name after changing the name of the original. Was some updated list of unacceptable names added to the game later on?
  13. Was trying to make a Muppet-type head. Almost, but not quite it.
  14. Paragon's most fabulous new hero, Swordfight! 😃 WP/DB tank
  15. Thank you! I'm really happy with it
  16. What is everyone find to be the best AI platform for altering existing images?
  17. Aethercase Storm/Storm Corr
  18. Some windows upgrade occured and now when I try to screenshot in game it opens a frame around the screen with a couple of options for capturing but I just want my screenies to go into the COH screenshot folder as intended. Anyone had to fix this on their system?
  19. I saw someone post this on a Facebook group and thought the idea of being able to craft more enhancement slots with all that leftover incarnate salvage you eventually wind up with would be a great way to use it.
  20. Thank you, I love that aura but it's definitely one that's tricky to find a theme/use for
  21. I can't quite find the combo to make this work, so maybe some of the creatives in this thread can help. My mind/FF troller, Claustrophobia, needs a revamp. I wanted her costume to convey the feeling of being something that conveys her namesake, without being too bulky i.e. not an armored prison/iron maiden type costume.
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