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Posts posted by Arc-Mage

  1. 8 hours ago, loganxx said:

    Simply put: I entered the mission at level 19 with one space left to level on the level display, when I finished the mission I was at level 19 and I had only one tic on my level display. There was no leveling sound nor a UP arrow in my level display.


    This not a big problem, just annoying and all that 'not fair' feeling. I've been playing the game from the beginning in 2006. I'll still continue to play.

    Yes, it happens from time to time. I've experienced it myself. As long as you get the XP and INF it's nothing to be worried about. You will continue to ding many more times past lvl 50 now too.

  2. Final mish of, Nictus Dissection 6.53

    Mission: Defeat Romulus the Warshade

    Romulus's info Window says: "Romulus is Warshade working with Longbow in the Rogue Isles...."

    The first sentence is missing an "a". it should read, "Romulus is a Warshade working with Longbow in the Rogue Isles...."

  3. 12 hours ago, Ukase said:

    I don't know if the reason would fit in your case - but I find if a team or league window is "behind" the badge progress list, the percentages won't display. If I click the league or team window down, so it's not behind the list, it shows. 


    I fixed it last night. Spent some time going over the game options. I must have turned off "Pop up Menu Help" at some point. Don't do that by the way. The "Pop up Menu Help" actually helps a lot more than you would think. Thank you for the reply tho.

  4. Just wanted to give a Shout Out to Yabba Dabba Dude. Yabba was gracious enough to spend time to help me get the Gold at the Ski Slopes this evening. After MANY runs coming in at 51 Seconds (50 Seconds or less for the Badge). He did a respec on the fly and picked up Inertial Reduction. That did the trick on my vary next run (in 45 seconds)


    So again, Thank you Yabba Dabba Dude. You are the best.

    • Like 1
  5. You can. And I do. The other players do not have to abide. It is a PvP zone after all. 


    On a side note. I only play on the Excelsior Server. At times the most populated server in the Homecoming group. I go to PvP zones on a regular basis for Temps and Bonuses. In the last year, only once have I had a problem with someone not respecting my wish to be left alone. My point is that, overwhelmingly the people playing this game are decent people who will respect your wish.


    Usually you will get killed once before you can get your text out. That's just par for the course. You are playing in a Zone designated PvP.


    I see no need for a "opt-in PvP zone." Nor do I see one being made. PvP in general is incredibly under used in CoH. There are too few PvP players playing CoH.

    • Like 4
  6. On 6/23/2020 at 1:49 PM, Heraclea said:

    Not sure if this counts as a zone geometry bug, and I didn't have the presence of mind to take screenshots, but I got the wrong map in the Founder's Falls safeguard bank mission.   Map borders were not mission borders, could not get at the place the map said the exploration badge was. No PPD outside the bank, which I hit on at random.  Was able to complete the mission; got the temp but not the badge.

    There are Radio Mishes that are, "Protect FF Bank from Robbers" that are similar to but not the same as the actual Safeguard mish. It really sounds like you where running the Radio mish.

  7. They are experiencing Network Issues. The only thing to do at the moment is wait it out. If it does not come back after the Network Problems are fixed then bug it and I'm sure they will be able to pull your toon from the backup.

  8. On 6/15/2020 at 11:52 PM, Arc-Mage said:

    A few people have told me the Time Spent in PvP Zones Badges was dropped from Five Hours to One Hour. If so, the Badges are not awarding after one hour of in the same PvP zone.

    Never mind. These are awarding properly. I thought they where listed under PvP but they are listed under Achievement.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Zer0 Hour said:

    When i switch alignment - on any of my toons - the windows no longer change color (from red to blue). As far as I know, I haven't change any settings.


    How do I change this back?

    Pretty sure you have to log out then log back into the game to get the window color change. You can also customize the window colors in the menu options. 

  10. On 4/27/2020 at 1:38 PM, ArchVileTerror said:

    I'd be happy to see this changed, if only to give the world a little more appreciable verisimilitude.

    Fan of the theBurnettwork?

    • Confused 1
  11. I thought when you did a respec, whatever unused IOs left over, you got the component price for them. Is this not true? I just did a respec and didn't get any INF for my unused IOs.


    I should preface this by stating I was trying to get the INF back on a bunch of lvl 10 IOs. 70 total.



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