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Posts posted by Arc-Mage

  1. Nvidea user here. This is a strange quirk of CoH that has gone on since live. If I had to guess it’s an Nvidea driver problem when working with CoH. The fan usually slows down and or levels off after a bit. In the few cases it has not slowed down I just shut down the game and restart it. This always works for me. A reboot never hurts. It is time consuming but better than letting the fan run off the rails.

  2. On 10/2/2022 at 6:53 PM, Norl said:

    I saw someone who announced on chat they were back for the first time since shutdown, and where the hell did the AE building go?  Where to go for AE?  Really?  No running around, just ding ding ding 50, then what?  Incarnate?  Probably not, but if so, then what?

    I gotta totally disagree with this. As a person who get's PLd to 50 then IO set my toons. Once you are lvl 50, due to Ouro you can play any content at any level. The game is no longer required to be played in a linier fashion. 


    And before anyone goes on about missing content, I've played every mish in the game on all three sides multiple times. I' m sure I'm not the only person who plays like this either. How you play is up to you. You folks who like the linier grind just have to let go because you no longer have to play that way in this game. 

  3. This is known and pops up from time to time. 

    First if you can I would switch over to the CoH launcher and use that instead of tequila. Tequila will be going away at some time in the future so you may as well pull that band aid off now.


    Second I may be using the incorrect terminology so forgive me. Tequila is not a certified launcher so it triggers some antivirus software. It’s nothing to worry about. You don’t have a computer virus and probably will not be hacked if using the program.


    If you are still worried about it go to the forums and DL the launcher.

  4. 7 hours ago, Greycat said:


    Except you:

    - Can't start there.

    - Have no contacts there.

    - Can't run missions there.

    - Can't even train there.


    So... "You can see the echo zone in Ouro" is missing the point of this.

    You can still run Badges and meet with your friends. 😀

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  5. I really can’t believe no one has pointed this out yet.

    The game is 17 years old. For the first 5+ years on live, it was really difficult at lower levels. I would guess most people playing today also played on live and experienced the grind of those days. It took me a year and a half to solo my main to lvl 50. I also distinctly remember running across the Hollows just to die at the door of the mish, thus being forced to respawn in AP hospital only to have to run the breadth of the Hollows again. 

    After 17 years of development the game has naturally evolved. Times have changed, the game has changed. If you don’t like the grind now turn down your difficulty if you live for the grind turn it up. 

    Those of us who have been here for a good portion of live have experienced the low level difficulty. By now we have our system of leveling down and for most of us it works despite the changes made. 

    Been there done that. I and I assume others play now for their favorite content and or play style. Difficulty by this point in the games history is lower down on the list of reasons to play CoH. 


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  6. I love the Sewer Trial. Even when it's the weekly it doesn't get played much.


    I also love being PLd. Most often I meet fun and funny people. The conversation is usually pretty great. 


    GM Hunting, although it now has a larger group following, for a long time it just wasn't vary popular. It's pretty easy to grab a big GM team now. 

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  7. If you are talking about Bug Hunter you are missing several things.


    1) You are less likely to get Bug Hunter if you ask for it. (This is a big one)


    2) Bug Hunter usually given out for finding a "game breaking" bug. Animation bugs probably do not qualify as game breaking. 


    3) You generally have to give a detailed explanation of how to reproduce the bug and when you first experienced it. 

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  8. After listening to you both, @Sir Myshkin and @Meknomancer I built it today. I changed a couple of things. But, holy crap this is an awesome build. Thanks for you constant input and challenging me to think differently about the build. 


    This is what I built.



  9. 10 hours ago, Sir Myshkin said:

    @Arc-Mage, I'm gonna be honest, *scratches head*, I don't think we're quite on the same page here. When I said my build was set to +4, I specifically referred to enemy level. Mid's can calculate accuracy against varying enemy level since it scales, and you can set that level automatically so you can see how your attacks scale in the power window in an accuracy check. I set the enemy level to +4 and work to achieve 95% accuracy based on that metric to know that I can hit a +4.


    The damage procs... you said you sacrificed in your build, I didn't sacrifice anything *shrug*


    Zapp... are you referring to the Interrupt time? You did enhance this aspect to drop the Interrupt time, but it's still a 3.564/s Arcanatime Cast no matter what. If maybe you're confusing that with Quick Form, the in-combat Quick Form ability occurs no matter what once you're engaged, it will always give you the quick option which activates with reduced damaged at a faster speed for a flat 1.584/s with no interruption.


    Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to get you to change your play style or anything cause I get the small feeling of that in what you said, I'm just trying to clear up what look like misunderstandings in how the build/powers work and find the best solution for you.

    Yes, I misunderstood what I was reading. 


    Yes, the Frankenstein builds seem like old school to me. You can probably back it up with numbers but this in no part helps my OCD in keeping as many sets complete as I can. 


    I couldn't figure out where you where coming from with the Zapp build. After pulling up my toon I noticed I slotted it completely differently than what is in the Mids. It's four slotted Devastation and two slotted Sting of Manticore. I slotted it for the +Regen.


    My play style was borked the moment VS stopped working. My build at that time was +Def and it worked pretty well although I suffered from low ACC.


    At this point I'm just meandering around between builds. I've rebuilt him maybe five times so far and not liking any of it.  

  10. 22 hours ago, Sir Myshkin said:


    Power Transfer's Heal Proc goes off nearly clockwork in Stamina and is essentially equivalent worth to 6/HPs Regen for a Blaster. Your build: 36 HP/s, Mine: 30 HP/s+PTHeal = effective 36 HP/s. Some times trying to cram excess Regen into low-HP AT's just doesn't have the same trade off as it does for things like Tankers and Brutes where the difference of 10% Regen is scaling against 100's of HP and not 10's of HP.


    Also make sure it's apples to apples (as the saying goes). I obviously took a look at your build and there were several things that I was scratching my head at going "why doesn't this make sense?" Well I discovered something about how the Mid's team has updated the program into this 3.4.6 build. It appears enemy level and certain settings like "view damage per animation, attack, or second" carry over in the import. Once I toggled that back, and reset enemy level to +4 then things started making a lot more sense again. If you're trying to compare to my build it is most definitely set to +4 and Damage Per Animation (not default Activation like yours).


    You did add Charge Up and Vengeance, but once all of those are detoggled the base average isn't the same. Procs really add up and not only did I pack in damage procs, but I also packed in -Res procs to scale up that performance. As an example, how you slotted Zapp versus how I slotted Zapp. Your DPA is 141.4 under Quick Form, and mine is 250.3 (I even turned Musculature off since you didn't have an Alpha included).


    On your defense side of things, why did you invest six slots on Hover? That power taps out at like 2.5 max defense when you could easily just put those slots into Weave and recover a much larger investment?

    I’ve made many builds with different themes. With this one I was trying to max out both HP and Regen. The build itself was suggested by another player and I modified it. 

    I noticed that about your build too, being set to +5. While money in game is no problem for me I rarely max out my toons. This is because I play regular content far more than incarnate content. So I just leave mids set to lvl 50 content. The exception to this is the toon we are discussing. All his builds are maxed out to +5. 

    The procs…somewhere over the last 10+ years I have become adverse to Frankenstein builds. Throwing procs into powers when it robs the toon of Def or Res bothers me. It may entirely be illogical and it my be solely based on nothing more than my OCD. 

    Zapp, I love my fast draw. Yes my distance is cut substantially and so is my Dmg but I love it. I love it just slightly less than my broken Voltic Sentinel. 

  11. On 9/25/2022 at 3:58 AM, Sir Myshkin said:

    Bit late to the party on this one, but for what it may still be worth @Arc-Mage:


    Electric/Nrg was a small project of mine a long while back (it sounds weird to say that now, it's already been two+ years) so the build might seem odd for having double travels and such, but it hits a bunch of standard key metrics. Just off 45% S/L/E, 536% Regen, Musculature Alpha, "Perma" Power Boost (which effectively makes it iCap).


      Reveal hidden contents


    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |




    Thanks for that. I tweaked it a bit and may change to that if Voltaic Sentinel is ever fixed. 


    I was told to lean into the Blaster part of the build and came up with this:




    The Regen and HP are both higher. The Def and Res are slightly lower but the ACC and DMG are both higher. Trade off's right? I have not tried this build out on a high end TF yet. It may be for not, but as of now it's what I am working with. 

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