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Posts posted by Arc-Mage

  1. 14 hours ago, ShardWarrior said:


    I read your post just fine.  As you said, people may literally have thousands of EMP merits.  So what?  This has never been an issue before nor is it likely to ever be one.  Sure, it is possible every player would cash out every EMP merit all at once.  It is also possible to get struck by lightning or win the lottery.   Again, even if that did happen, so what?  That does not mean it will crash the economy.  It should be clear now there are quite a lot of players who were converting these to reward merits for Winter IOs, ATOs or Purple Recipes or to buy recipes from the merit vendor for their alts, which is not going to cause inflation or whatever other detrimental thing you seem to be concerned about.  No doubt there are already trillionaires in the game and the economy has not crashed because of them.  

    Ok, fine. You read it correctly. You just utterly failed completely to understand the possibility I was proposing. 

  2. 12 hours ago, ShardWarrior said:

    Given the chatter I have seen about this in game since the patch, there has been an excess of EMP merits for a few years now and the in game economy has never crashed because of them.  It would not have crashed now either. 

    You didn't read my statement correctly. "The Danger is many people cashing out at the same time." Just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it wont ever happen. Maybe I'm unusual but I rarely ever used my EMP Merits and I have probably thousands across all my toons. 

    • Confused 1
  3. 15 hours ago, Krimson said:

    I have mixed thoughts on this. I never did the Emp to Reward Merit thing but I kind of understand why people would do it. But at the same time, the idea of making a disposable toon for the purpose of harvesting Empyrean Merits just does not sit well with me. 

    This. @Krimson is totally correct on this.  If I had a guess most people playing the game did nothing with Emp Merits and they just accumulated on toons.

    What happens when the game has an excess of Emp Merits? Two possibilities, people miss out on content and rewards or, the danger of a large number of players cashing out at the same time causing the in game economy to crash. 

    I really believe if we had access to the game numbers they would show few people where spending their Emp Merits and there was a huge excess of them in game. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, TheZag said:

    Double the fun.


    But this reminds me of a different mission with defeat silver mantis as an objective.  I defeated her and the objective didnt complete.  I did the rest of the mission,  went back where she was and killed 1 mob that i missed.  Then she spawns a second time and i had to kill her again and the objective completed.

      Mine happened on a outdoor map in cap au diable,  i think it was defend generators.


    She double spawns in another mish, I posted in bug reports a while ago. Her first spawn is at the end of the hall. If you jump over her to the back wall she spawns again. If you defeat the second spawn the first spawn is still active on the map. Maybe it’s one of her Super Powers? Summon Doppelgänger.

  5. No. The map missions and contacts will always be within the frame of the game. 


    You want Menu-Options-Graphics and Audio -Screen UI/Resolution to play with the size of your Game Window.  Choose Windowed mode.

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  6. On 8/10/2022 at 4:10 PM, Oklahoman said:

    I guess I don't understand the problem here, but maybe something you can get from P2W to turn it off, much like you can decline certain inspirations, etc.? Seems like that wouldn't be too hard to make, even if only @Rudra uses it. 🙂 Someone will want a badge attached to refusing x amount of Patrol XP.

    lmao, turn off Patrol XP so the toon can be tracked for a badge, for not wanting to be tracked, is still tracking the toon. 

  7. That was a feature that was added when Alien sold boxes with CoH and CoV characters painted on them. Maybe around 2006 or 2007.  Depending on what side you played on the lights in your computer would turn blue or red. Probably still works if you can find a CoH box from back then. I remember asking about it at one point and was told it was never looked at and probably could not be modified for today’s computers.

    They also had some incredibly cool Star Wars boxes. The jet black one had Darth Vader and the White one had Luke Skywalker.

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  8. Those NPC where created after the Badge went live. After their creation they forgot to update the Badge to count the new  NPC types. It's low priority over new content since you can still get he Badge by killing other Skulls.

  9. I'll tell you my reason. I'm a day one player who has been plying almost constantly for what, 18 years now.? I had over 100 lvl 50 characters on live and have played through every mish in the game multiple times on all three sides. I was and still am on  top ten Badge Hunter list on Live and here. I get PL'd, slot my toons with the Highest Set available, and go back and play the content I really enjoy with those toons.


    What's your problem with that?

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