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Posts posted by Arc-Mage

  1. 10 hours ago, El D said:


    Stepping aside from the massive projection of personal insecurities onto fictional video game characters...


    Which Harry? Truman? Belafonte? Potter? Oh, what about Dresden! You might actually get him, since the author played City of Heroes back in the day.

    Yes, Harry Tru-Man.😀

  2. I would really like to see a basic base template that can be clicked on and set in place. Maybe a one room base with one salvage and one ENH storage spot. Maybe a recipe table also. The Teleporter can be set up with links to maybe four zones. 

    My thought on this is that it would be nice for people who just need a quick base for occasional use. It would also be a nice jumping off point for anyone just getting their feet wet in base building. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. 12 hours ago, Blackfeather said:




    Now a bus on the other hand...

    So you lose a portion of your INF every time you use a Taxi Temp Power. 

    The Paragon Public Transportation, i.e. Bus Authority has been on strike since 2004. So a bus temp power is unfortunately not possible in CoH.

  4. Yep, I posted the Deadpool video on the beta forums. The idea was well received by others. Not sure is anyone in charge looked at the idea tho. My suggestions was using the "Fist" version of Foot Stomp or the Incarnate Mighty Judgment animation on landing. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Black Zot said:


    You say that like it's a good thing to have escort missions (already objectively the worst quest type in gaming) require the player to shut down a chunk of their survivability to actually make forward progress.

    Oh, I hate escort missions. They are by no means the worst part of the game.

    There are plenty of other aspects of the game that negate a toons powers to progress. 

    Its called creating a challenging game. 

  6. 10 hours ago, Meknomancer said:

    Why do you say Voltaic is broken? Its a toggle, click it on when you enter mish and forget about it. 

    Except it doesn't. It is broken. VS will stop following in about half the maps I play. Forget about running any level ITF or most incarnate lvl content. Especially if it's one of the new ones. Superior version is to laugh.

  7. This is totally going to suck 😕 This is my main toon and I've been using the same build for almost 15 years. With that build minus Voltaic Sentinel (because it's currently broken) I can squeak out 1498 HP and 476 Regen. 


    I'm going to have to look at that build in a different way now and I hate it. 


    Thanks for the info guys. It's appreciated. 

  8. 22 hours ago, Drop Zone said:

    How is it broken? I have an Elec/Time and it seems to be working perfectly. 

    A pet that stops following randomly and continues to us END is just a waste on multiple levels. After complaining about this bug a while back I just dealt with it. Now that the new content is out the uselessness of this power is overwhelming. For the first time in 15 years I'm seriously considering on changing my primary build.

    If you have Voltaic Sentinel and are playing incarnate content or playing with the new difficulty system forget about it. The pet will stop following, you will continue to waste END and unless you keep looking behind you, you will wrongfully believe you are being supported to the fullest of your build.

    And as long as I'm Bitching about Voltaic Sentinel changes. Why is it that now when I get stunned it detoggles and turns off? The entire purpose of that pet has been changed. Voltaic Sentinel is now almost completely useless as a power due to the changes made to it.

    The tracking problem is a must fix. The detoggle is a close second. If Voltaic Sentinel is changed back to a timed cast at least ill know when it is working.


    I'm not the only one who has noticed this. it's been posted on the Bug Forums too.

  9. I'd remove that Preventative Medicine in Health and put that slot in in Cauterizing Aura. Then put a Numina in it. Grab that extra Regen.


    Switch the Impervium out of Tough for the Unbreakable Guard in Fire Shield. Again picking up the set bonuses of both.


    Other than that it's a solid build. 

  10. Elec/Energy Blasters are among the least powered Blasters in the Game. And one of the powers Voltaic Sentinel is Broken. VS probably wont be fixed any time soon as it s one of the least used powers in the game.


    Just something to chew on.  

  11. I want an opinion....or two.

    I am trying to rebuild my Elec/Energy Blaster

    My +Def build is 479 Regen and 1403 HP with mid 30's Def and 39-58 Resistance

    My +Acc build is 468 Regen and 1439 HP with upper teens Def but 30-51 Resistance

    My +Resistance Build is 236 Regen and 1444 HP with mid teens Def and 70-75 Resistance

    Anyone have an opinion on Regen over HP over Resistance on a Blaster? Please keep in mind this is one of the weakest Blaster sets in the game. So +DMG isn't much of a thing. Survivability is King.

  12. On 8/28/2022 at 4:46 PM, Galamane said:

    Its an old build before the changes. I know that VS is extra dps. I just wanted to know if the original poster had time to get back to the build since the change. I see that i worded it poorly. All good though.

    VS is pretty badly broken since the last update. I'm trying to work out a good build myself w/o VS. It's a shame. I've depended on VS for 15 years.

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