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Posts posted by Arc-Mage

  1. 11 hours ago, GM Kal said:

    We are aware of the problem and looking into it!

    Admin staff (the folks that run and maintain the server) have created a new type of monitoring and logging program to see exactly what is wrong with Excel, and it's been getting good data the last few days. They have several ideas of what could be wrong, but do not want to change server code till they are sure that it is in fact the problem.

    I have every confidence in them, they have already solved some long standing server inefficiencies by fixing server code that have been around since live days.
    The 2020 Peregrine Island crash during trick or treat was one.


    lmao, Was that so hard?

    • Thumbs Down 1
  2. 6 hours ago, TrelNargil said:


       Thank you for the correction @srmalloy; yeah I have lower ping, not higher. Just my addled brain making a tech term error is all lol, so thanks again for the correction... 👍



       That was not the impression on what @Arc-Mage was saying there @Krimson as "Demand" is a very extreme term here I would think. However, for the sake of those who do not know where to find such info, nor that it even exists, a "Request" is not out of the order I would think, even if it's just a link to said web page (and thank you for posting it too @Arc-Mage). Understanding & empathy, on all sides of the isle here, is and would be good here I think... as well as COFFEE at this hour of the morning <em raises cup to you all in greetings>... Cheers! 🙂 



    Absolutely this. I was just suggesting communication.

  3. 3 hours ago, Krimson said:

    I'd rather they actually identify the problem, then addresses the problem, and THEN worry about explaining it. They could be busy at the moment. 

    I have to disagree. An acknowledgement of the problem goes a long way. How long does it take to post something to the effect, "We are aware of the problem and are looking into it."?

    A minute? If you don't you get exactly what we got, people guessing, complaining, arguing and getting upset and leaving frustrated.  


    3 hours ago, TheZag said:

    They have been on the forum giving updates.  It just wasnt a dedicated thread started by a team member.



    I never would have looked under "Help and Support" to find out if anyone knew there where problems. I never said it needed to be a dedicated thread started by a team member. It would have been nice to see a GM post someplace in this thread though acknowledging they where aware of the problem, that's all I'm saying.

  4. That may have been in Beta that it had a +Fly. Pretty sure it changed when Evasive Maneuvers was added. Infiltration is a nice way to have a Stealth without a -Speed Debuff. The description of Infiltration does not list a +Fly. If you scroll down a bit to the full description of Infiltration it doesn't list +Fly Speed either. 

  5. Yes, something fishy is going on. I had a 15 count towards the badge.


    In a group of 1 Boss, 1 Lieutenant and 5 Minions, I killed them all and got credit for 4 kills.


    Another group 1 Boss, 2 Lieutenants and 2 Minions I credit for 4 kills again. 


    Another group 1 Boss, 2 Lieutenants and 5 Minions I got credit for 4 kills again.


    It looks like the max credit out of each group you can receive is 4 kills.

  6. 10 hours ago, LQT said:

    It's been happening for a while now on several HC servers. I remember seeing it a few months ago on Reunion and Ms Liberty was doing similar things near her trainer spot as well.


    Like TheZag said. Ms. Liberty probably just finished fighting a Giant Monster that a GM spawned next to her. During Events, Giant Monsters that spawn next to any of the Hero Level Trainers will aggro them and they will leave their pedestals to fight them.  After the defeat the Hero sometimes does not return to the pedestal.

  7. Voltaic Sentinel has issues following, period. It doesn't matter the map. It has something to do with the last patch and the changes to Voltaic Sentinel in general. The Devs know about it because I've bitched about it on Beta. Not sure if it's going to be fixed any time soon however. It's not a power that is used too much.

  8. On 8/26/2021 at 12:27 PM, Greycat said:

    Yeah, I'd suspect the first step would be "fix whatever system from the pits of hell is used in text entry currently" with its behind-the-scenes almost-HTML, surprise vanishing (but still taking text, since it sticks it in when you click elsewhere!) cursors and the like.  Then work on tweaks like window size and scrolling - though those are also needed.

    I've heard the CoH code is comparable to a Pool of Sewage with a bucket of Clean Water thrown in.

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