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Everything posted by CU_Krow

  1. I was with a league going through all the colored secret rooms. The document were were using had all colors except orange. Just to confirm , the orange "secret room" is now known as the Font trial, is that correct?
  2. Thanks for what you did in the community, V!
  3. Songseven, Snarky lives up to his name. He just tends to be snarkier on some days more than others! Kaizen offered you solid feedback. ---------------------- @OT, IMO, as someone who has done countless badge runs, raids, TF/SFs, trials, and pretty much all content CoH has to offer.....tanks still hold a crucial and important role in teams/leagues. I play on Everlasting, and lot of the regs on there know me for long history of raid/trial leading, and many know when they join my team, I guarantee close to 100% success rate. There are certain trials/tasks that I form, that I will refuse to run if I do not have a sturdy tank/brute on it. I will literally reserve that spot or ask someone to switch their toons.
  4. Welcome back home, BABs!
  5. lol nice congrats on getting it! and ty for posting, itll help others who go through similiar troubles.
  6. When you look at your badge progress bar, what does it say?
  7. Inside Castle Chaos, six secrets lie Hopes to solve these puzzles remain yet nigh, These challenges are not meant for all, Many will give up, stumble, or fall But to the ones who seek the castles hoard, Endure! For surely great is thy reward! ================================== Base=CHAOS-4222 (Base event. 6 challenges. 6 huge rewards. All are welcome to try!) Further details found on CU's discord. https://discord.gg/chaosunited
  8. yes, hopefully fixed in tomorrows patch. the HC team is aware
  9. Neat lil tool, thanks for sharing it!
  10. Everlasting- Chaos United SG! Feel free to message me here, contact me in-game @CU Krow, or come to our discord to join! https://discord.gg/chaosunited
  11. The locations marked below are grouped by their zones for easier convenience. You can use either the thumbnail/LOC or follow the hints below. ================================== 1. Rudolph Augustus Seifort (Atlas); 330.5 0.6 398.0 [105yds NW of Vanguard marker] 2. Spirit of Freedom (Atlas); 999, 0, -602.8 [543yds North of Skyway City marker] 3. Vietnam War (Atlas); -1592.3, 0, -1952 [423yds North of The Hollows marker, next to a tree] 4. 200yrs of Paragon (Kings Row); -771.4, 32, 1280.7 [Right in front of Blue Steel contact/trainer] 5. Great Depression (Kings Row); -208.2, -0, -2230 [Approx 247yds SE of High Park marker, on elevated section of road] 6. Statesman (Kings Row); -235, 0, 2274.4 [Right outside of the hospital] 7. End Rail Riot (Independence Port); -2140, 0, 3650.8 [Found in front of South Tram] 8. World War II (Independence Port); -1399, 16, -4910.3 [98yds SW of the North Tram, in front of some green benches] 9. Paragon Times (Steel Canyon); -3085.9, 0, 2574.3 [147yds SE of university marker. on wall near doors to a building] 10. Brass Monday (Steel Canyon); -3664, -84, 136 [381yds NE of Copper District marker, next to Exchange Bank building/lion statue] 11. Hamidon (Founders Falls); 4908, 0, 4539.5 [99yds East of Eden marker] 12. Rikti War (Founders Falls); 1831, -0, 2569 [Right outside of Vanguard building, on wall] 13. Cold War Paragon (Bricks); -235, -0, 876.2 [53yds SE of Seven Gates marker, angel statue] 14. Paragon Pride (Kallisti Wharf); 5339, 47.9, 4544 [106yds NE of Blackwing HQ marker, behind some rainbow benches] 15. The Outbreak Hollows (The Hollows); -701.7, -0, -4771.7 [237yds north of Four Seasons marker] 16. Galaxy City (Perez Park); 347.1, -0, 1773.2 [Near base portal, on wall next to police drone] 17. Dark Astoria (Talos Island); -3704.3 96.0 8692.0 [219yds W of Dark Astoria marker] 18. Humanitarian (Skyway); 99.8, -42.0, -5502.3 [103yds slightly NE of base marker, along wall of building 19. The Ferry (Peregrine Island); 1709, 0, -837.4 (Near the ferry **shocker**) 20. Terra Volta (TV); 1189.2, 184, -7145 (At entrance when you enter TV) ================================= CREDITS TO FOLLOWING EVERLASTING PLAYERS: Lady Battlesprite, Jane Zim, Thunderbolt Boy, Diamond Cutter, Kancer, Emissary of Justice, Burk, and Krow. (If any errors found on above info, plz let me know so edits can be made).
  12. Like many others, I met Punchy through Atlas. There's quite a bit I could say, but I'll just share what I feel is honorable to Punchy. Punchy had a quirky personality. He was one of those people that either oddly attracted you and made you smile; or he rubbed you the wrong way and you walked the other direction. For me, he was the former. Most enjoyable memories were some of the banter we did in Atlas. He also farmed a couple of my toons. Other times I would join his farm "just because" and just banter/chat with him. We talked about RL, music, and other miscellaneous things. I remember one day he surprised me when he said he enjoyed talking to me because I was one of the few "friends" he had on CoH. A title I now hold with pride. /e torch RIP Punchy
  13. CHAOS UNITED HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST!!!!!! WHEN: A very ghouly night, Friday the 13th! 10/13/2023, 11pm eastern!! WHERE?! None other than Atlas Park! WHAT?! Over 2,000,000,000 inf in prizes! Theme is **HALLOWEEN**! Bring your best Halloween-inspirsed costume! No pre-made CoH halloween costumes ofc! Keep those for ToTing! C U there!
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  14. *Redirects you to 4chan for all you LUE needs*
  15. If you're a regular/frequent attendee of the Everlasting MSRs, this news may seem redundant, so you can ignore it. ---------- For quite a long while now (many months), CU has pretty much stepped away from leading the 730 and 1030 eastern evenings raids. Outside a few occasional times where a CU member may lead, a good majority of the current raids are led by independent/non-CU members. If for whatever reason, there's a concern/question/complaint/inquiry etc, just message the respective leader of that particular raid. Thats all. 🙂 Happy raiding!
  16. People easily forget that HC staff and reps are dedicated staff on a pure volunteer basis pouring into the community and game that we all love. These are not teenagers. Great majority of these volunteers are likely working adults putting aside considerable time into these events. I recall a business owner who once put his business on temporary hold and actually lost some profit as a result, but he did so in order to re-check his quality of products; ensuring that what was coming out was the best product possible not only for the environment, but his customers too. Over time, his business grew exponentially. Similar case, I can respect the judges decisions on this. Dacy shared this decision was weighed in cost, but it was from a source of integrity and keeping things fair. That speaks volumes right there about the character of the judges who do these events and what you can expect in the future.
  17. Few of them, found em for some of the other folks too.
  18. Last mission of the Troubled Times Arc for the badge, in the Drs secret lab. When fighting Gyrm and Flambeaux, their info says "BOSS_1_DISPLAYINFO". Something you'd see in an unifinished AE arc, im guessing not intentional? Figured id report it just in case.
  19. Character name: KrowGlobal: @CU KrowBase or SG Name: Chaos United (Base: Chaos Castle)Shard: EverlastingPasscode: CHAOS-4222Item Count: 12,953Category for Contest: Multipurpose, over 7kOther associated contributors; up to 4 more people (don't forget to credit the Builder if different from the Owner!): @ZealAdditional Info / Must-See Areas of Note: Home base of the Chaos United SG. The base houses a garden, labyrinth, graveyard, port,. town/night city life, secret cave, port/harbor, and rooms for all of the elite officers.
  20. Awesome turnout! Thank you for posting these Crystal!
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