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Everything posted by The_Warpact

  1. True, maybe get rid of the option on the flying rat and once again go through the missions to rise to glory or fall from grace.
  2. @Ukase it's people that have posted several times that they are scaling back, quitting, etc specifically because of what is occurring. Some have been very vocal in other threads. In addition there are threads that specific ATs just arent working in hard mode aka masterminds, etc even spamming barrier. I never like Going Rogue, the blurred lines, as a way to rollout Praetoria and the Incarnates. Really it was the beginning of the end for me. Too much grind, to run hard stuff, meh not exciting for most. But, to each their own. Thanks for keeping it civil btw, something else that seems to be disappearing these days.
  3. Actually there should have been no back and forth between ATs would have solved this. But that's another thread.
  4. First, spoiler alert this is my opinion based on what I see and/or hear. Agree or disagree it makes no difference to me. A common mistake I see, maybe others do as well are the mistakes Live devs created that continue into the future. Which I think has led to our current dilemma(s). Namely "Going Rogue" and "Incarnates", there should have never been the ability to go back and forth for the ATs, this has created issues between the melee classes because of how close they are. Where do the different ATs fit in? Currently Tanks are the meta, scrappers and stalkers are close with only differences in stealth and crits really defining them, and brutes well they are lost in all this. At least with the other classes, the exceptions being Veats/HEATS, they are opposites, Controllers are control plus buffs/debuffs, dominator are control and damage. Same can be said of corrs/fenders, and sentinel are just the red headed step children of blasters. Yes, yes, I know some of you like your sents but seriously they need some love. Masterminds...well we are going to get to them. Incarnates, you see every comic book, DragonBall, and the TV show like Supernatural always think you have to go bigger and badder with things. While this might appeal to some, in this case it was a mistake and continues to be so. This whole route has just led to a host of issues in the balance department and I'm sure in game development. Hard mode created for the specific involvement of incarnate abilities is just a way to compensate for the stuff that the live devs unloaded. If you hadn't noticed the live devs made alot of bad decisions on game development and its future or lack thereof in their case. Which in turn has forced players regardless of AT although some more than others (namely Mastermind) to jump through hoops, become unplayable, or use a blend of ATs to create the ability to win this new hard mode. Minus, the content, stories are great, ASF is one of my favorites, the new Halloween stuff, IO sets, etc all great stuff and I enjoy it. But, this continuing path of forcing players to use incarnates abilities to win is just garbage. It's the main reason I quit the first time. The focus is lost on great game play and teams when steamrolling, leagues, and making sure team composition is specific classes and everyone has to have incarnate abilities to succeed. It's not fun. This is where the current devs are, I think the mistakes of the live devs have forced HC devs down a path that is just getting worse. I think the live devs instead of doing Going Rogue at least the going back and forth part should have been dumped and the focus should have been on co-op zones, fixing current issues, and grinding out better content aka missions, TFs/SFs, etc. This in turn would have canceled the incarnate grind and put the focus on good challenging content with new items, costumes, IOs, and quite possibly powersets and ATs. Goldside is a ghost town, redside is hardly better namely because the ATs don't have to stay where they should be at. I have no easy answer on how to proceed, but, when I see the people way back then who I learned from and looked to for advice no longer playing or scaling it back so much that they only play for special events. Then I know something is seriously wrong. Just my 2 cents.
  5. There were actually a few, Billz said rollback tank changes, Infinitum said fix ATOs, I said increase Brute damage/fix fury. They are there you just have to pick through.
  6. The Reward is ENJOYING the Game. (Fixt that for ya) You can play a game and absolutely despise it, you can play a game to connect with friends, you can play a game just to beat it. But, if you don't enjoy it, really what's the point? My play consists of checks and balances, I play with my friends and we do different things. So far it's enjoyable, sure there are things that annoy me, and there are things I hate. So far the enjoyable things outweigh the least enjoyable things. But, I have started looking at other servers, certain things are starting to go into a direction that I don't like. It affects my play and enjoyment and it affects my friends enjoyment. I have already covered several things in other threads and not to detract from the OPs thread or derail it.(not that much, but, hey people are talking about pop tarts so the door is open) I find I'm not a fan Boi or cheerleader for the devs, yeah, yeah I get it they volunteer their time Yada Yada Yada, and that's their decision, they made that choice that's on them and I'm not going to be guilted into blindly following them just because. I volunteer my time for Alzheimer charity should I get special treatment because of it...hell no. You have to enjoy it, I don't like coming onto the forums. Most threads devolve into pissing matches and get locked. Sure there are threads that are enjoyable but, for the most part it blows. But, I come back to joke around or shit in the middle of a thread if I think it needs it. But, it's getting less enjoyable which pushes me to do other things. Remember bigger population doesn't equate to a better or more enjoyable game.
  7. It was in General Discussion
  8. Nah saying it needs moved.
  9. They and the other person don't want stacked powers, not removing them per se. Or removed/halved from content outside if incarnate stuff. Which this restricts players who might be on a 4 man team running an lrsf or some soloing an AV or any of the myriad of other possible scenarios. As one of those people I say "no thanks".
  10. Off to the suggestion forum then.
  11. Worst Roman emperor name in history.
  12. Question? Suggestion?
  13. Hhhmmm it seems someone has slipped free from the stockade. THE AUTHORITIES MUST BE NOTIFIED AT ONCE!
  14. Aren't you still in the stocks getting pelted with rotten vegetables?
  15. Fire farms...
  16. Oh hell no that's what I posted, broots and MMs are in a bad place right now.
  17. Say what? You lost me.
  18. As someone who doesn't use them can you explain? But, these puts the burden of the issues on ATO procs. I believe tank damage is too close to brute damage. What's Fury topping out at these days?
  19. Meh...I'd still rather run my illusion troller on a hard ASF than a MM.
  21. @Erratic1 you actually brought up a point I was thinking of. I can use tough/Weave on a tanker just mule proc. On Broots I need tough/Weave to survive, especially pushing the envelope on the harder content. I was a die hard broot fan, now I have 3 broots all farmers. I run all tankers now, and use stalkers instead of scrappers. It falls to survival, Tanks should be unstoppable with so-so damage, broots should have great survivability but damage is higher that pushes through anything, scrappers less survival able but crit to make it up, and stalkers of course stealth and AS. Even my wife who is known in our VG for being at the forefront of any battle on a broot, has her first tanker that's in the 20s now. Because, the survivability makes up for the less damage. Broots need damage, fury, whatever fixed to compete as the opposite of what a tank is. If we didn't have access of bouncing back and forth so freely and ATs locked on each side broots would be the least played with hard mode.
  22. This thread is delicious...like popcorn. P4 has indeed brought out the drama like never before. I equate it to getting older...we just bitch more about everything, maybe we should sprinkle some politics in it to really get this bonfire going. 😉
  23. There are like minded people out there that do hard mode, level the old fashioned way, etc there are SGs dedicated to it. Having the devs modify something to suit your playstyle aka the minority is dead on arrival. Take the time, use LFG to promo the type of itrial you want to do, and give it a try.
  24. I agree the ATs pets have zero survivability regardless of buffs, slotting, etc. You basically become a corr/fender...
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