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Bolt of Purity

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  1. Nah, I just turned my settings down from Ultra to High, seems to be decent. I'll have another tinker next time I'm on and try uninstalling the modder to see if it makes a difference 👍🏻
  2. It's because Excel doesn't know about that OpenXML schema the file is using because it doesn't need to. All the open source programs need to be able to run Excel functions, Excel is in the enviable position of other programs having to comply with it, rather than the other way around 😉 If you setup the filtering in Excel, then PK would be able to open it in OpenOffice. Some OpenOffice functions will work in Office, but not all 👌🏻
  3. Finally gave this a try and it's so much better than the original! Actually has some oomph now instead of the fizzle that was the old one, thanks mate 👍 On a side note, I got a big FPS hit after installing the modder tool and a few mods...it may just have been a coincidence though as I haven't played in a few months and there's been a few patches in between. Turning my graphics settings down has helped some...but that's for another forum 🙂
  4. Wow, thank you so much! I'll try it out when I get home tonight 👍 Thanks for all the hard yards you do for others, love your work 🙂
  5. I'll add my voice to the crowd for reducing the animation times to their previous greatness. EM used to be so fast and fun when it was unashamedly ST focused and the best at it, prior to the cast time nerfs. With the meta now steamrolling and AoE nuking everything, to make EM viable in groups again we'd need to either make EM have a bunch of AoE or some fancy mechanic to fit in with everything else or (please do this one 😉) leave it distinct and make it the ST damage king again. There's nothing wrong with having different sets have different flavours, I think most people will be fine with having no AoE on the best ST damage set, it's a common-sense trade-off... ...that being said, I could see the ET animation being set to 1s again (it already has a downside in the -HP) but leaving the TF time as-is while making it have splash damage like Electric Melee's Thunder Strike. Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer just a lower cast time for TF and leave it ST but that might be a middle ground? 🙂
  6. Agreed, I use that same method rather than files and find it easier and using the auto means you don't get the thrum when the power isn't recharged 👍 Thanks for the info on the extra power though nightchrome, I find the not sticking issue with the Shields mez power and hasten as well. I'l try that out later 🙂
  7. Thanks for the sounds and effort SV, great work! I really like the ranged elec sounds and wondered if you could do a similar update for the melee set? Especially Jacob's Ladder, I've always found that SFX very under whelming... Thanks heaps! 👍
  8. I think I'm up to 13 alts now? All on Excelsior: Bolt of Purity - Elec3 Blaster (50+3) Time Winder - DP/Time Corr (50+3) Rod of Iron - Elec/Shield Scrap (50+3) Kool as Ice - Water/Cold Corr (50+1) Frozen Redemption - Ice/Regen Scrap (50+1) Blinded Purity - Staff/Rad Brute (50+1) StopOver - EM/EA Stalker (43) Redeemed Purity - WS (42) Plus a few more...👍
  9. Is this true? If so, I'm very sad to hear it. I enjoy the building nearly as much as the playing and MRB is a great tool...
  10. I personally like the ST nature of EM on my Stalker, we don't need all the sets to be AoE capable if they're ST focused. Sure the meta is heading towards AoE everything but I reckon make the ST sets more ST focused with slightly higher dmg and leave the AoE ones AoE focused with varying flavours in between...especially for stalkers, the ST kings. That said, Total Focus would be nice with some splash dmg like Electric's Thunder Strike but the best improvement to EM would be to put ET back to it's old version 😉 Thanks for these changes BTW, loving the direction Homecoming is going in 👍
  11. I notice this as well, it's a bit of a pain. It had stopped for quite a while but has started happening fairly consistently since the last patch. I put my Insp window at the bottom in the middle but ends up in the upper left after entering a mission, be great to get that little bug squashed 🙂
  12. Yeah in the planner, hence the post here and not elsewhere 😉 No problem, just wanted a way to quickly see which IOs I had +5ed or not rather than having to mouse over each one cause, as you mentioned Roderick, those 2 are mutually exclusive. Appreciate the responses though, thanks guys.
  13. Just wondering, is there a way to change IOs to attuned? I'm sure there is, I just can't find it... Also is there a user guide somewhere so I don't have to keep asking dumb questions? And if not, any common tips and tricks (like the + and - buttons for increasing levels on IOs pointed out to me earlier)? Thanks heaps! 🙂
  14. Thanks so much Grim, I had no idea! 🙂
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