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Posts posted by DougGraves

  1. 3 hours ago, Techwright said:

    I'm not sure "compelling" is the right word.  "Consistent" would be more like it.  Boba's first ground fight after recovering his armor in The Mandalorian was absolutely glorious, and everything the fans had hoped for.  Somehow in TBoBF, the writers have strayed from that path.  Not entirely, the Nikto slaughter proves that, but there's definitely a difference in what they give Tem to work with.  Here's hoping for a return to form for the final episodes of what is likely season 1.


    By compelling I mean I want to watch and see what Mando does next.  I don't care what Boba does next.

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  2. I will not complain that we got an episode of the Mandalorian instead of Boba Fett.  It was a good episode.


    But basically every complaint I make about the Boba Fett show I could make about the Mandalorian - except the massive use of flashbacks in Boba.


    So that makes me wonder if it is really the flashbacks that annoy me so much, or if Mando is just more compelling a character than Boba.

  3. Was there a thread on this?


    This is a movie for everyone who said that what the MCU needed was

    • more epic characters out of touch with regular humans
    • movies with lots of heroes in them so none of them get very fleshed out
    • heroes fighting other heroes


    I really don't know what the thought was behind this movie.  The story is not bad, but the structure is slow and semi-confusing.  


    The only things I liked were the post credit scenes.

  4. I continue to find the Ming Na Wen show of the "present" to be interesting and the Boba Fett show set in the past to be boring.



    Mandalorean did not seem to be forced into being a western.  The white guy living among the natives and helping stop a train just feels forced in this. 

  5. 13 hours ago, Greycat said:

    Eh, given the multiple things they were trying to juggle for a first episode, it worked, at least for me. Not the *most* exciting, but it's laying groundwork while answering some "ok, what happened between ROTJ and Mando?"


    And I don't like that but accept that.  


    When I want to try a new show, I normally skip the pilot.  The pilot is rarely good, even if the show is good.  It just tries to do too much instead of just being entertaining.

  6. I was not impressed with the premiere. A few bits looked good, but I agree that it felt phoned in.  


    I always have a problem with flashbacks when we know the outcome.  To me they are just filler.


    I will watch to see where this i s going, but I don't want to watch to see where it has been.

  7. I was satisfied with the wrap up.  It was a bit disjointed in parts but that fit the series.  And they fit everything and everybody in.



    I especially like


    They wrapped up Echo separately from Hawkeye.  She was part of the bigger story, but they didn't make her confront Hawkeye at the end.


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