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Posts posted by DougGraves

  1. Burn is not overpowered on tankers.  Fire armor basically makes a tanker an aoe scrapper.  Light defenses but lots of aoe damage.


    FA tankers can be built to be as tough as other tankers.  That's because IO's are overpowered.  Almost any build that has ridiculous power gets it from IOs.

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  2. Boy Piers Anthony - yeah, Xanth is fun stories as a kid.  On a Pale Horse was fantastic.  But the pedophilia was strong in so much of his works.  I have avoided them.


    I loved Anne McCaffrey but have avoided re-reading them, worried they would not hold up.  I should try them though.


    The D&D novels I read as a young adult.  There were a few I enjoyed a lot.  Rather than seeing them as poorly written, they clearly spelled out how overpowered D&D spellcasters were as the fighters became useless and the spellcasters became like gods.


    I read the first Dune book and did not like it.  I've never been a fan of chosen ones born with great powers and abilities.  I also can't stand Ender's Game.

  3. I got a gift certificate to Amazon and am using it to buy ebooks that I can't get from the library.  Mostly books I read when I was a teenager and loved but have not read since.  And the results have been mixed.


    Conan - I still love.  Fast paced, lots of action.  Endings are dramatic.  The attitudes are certainly from 100 years ago, but the stories hold up.


    Fafhrd and the Grey Mousesr - Very mixed.  Lots more telling than showing.  Some stories I just found too boring, a few were still good.  After one book I did not feel the need to read more.


    Thieve's World - I can't stand these stories now.  They are supposed to be gritty, but they feel like the authors are just substituting grit for story and character.  I am so disappointed, because loved the books as a teenager but could not even finish one book now.


    Conclusion - teenagers and old men have very different tastes.

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  4. Daredevil was the only Netflix show I really liked, and just the first 2 seasons.  Iron Fist had such good secondary characters, I watched it inspite of Iron Fist himself but gave up on season 2.  Luke Cage I ended up just having on in the background to run through the series.  I gave up on Jessica Jones halfway through the first episode, same with the Guardians and Punisher.


    The Netflix shows to me were "prestige tv".  Boring, dreary, tedious, and dull.  Only Daredevil even wore a superhero costume.  The others seemed to go out of their way to not be superhero shows.  Even Nolan's Batman for as boring and tedious as those movies are had Batman in costume facing villains in costume.


    I read and loved Powerman and Iron Fist in the 70's.  And read and loved Daredevil in the 70's and 80's.  I was so disappointed in those shows.


    And now Disney+ is making fun, adventurous superhero tv shows.  The feel like Marvel superheroes.


    I have to wonder who decided to make the Netflix shows that way.  They all have the same style and feel, so I can't believe it was an accident.


  5. 3 hours ago, SuperPlyx said:

    Why do players who do this need to tell everyone they do this?

    What is the seeming need to tell everyone with some smugness that they only play low level "pure" toons.

    Happy to extol on how they only play half the game. 


    I just don't understand it ....but there is a lot of these post on the forums.

    I am not knocking how people play. But there is a sense of self righteousness in these post.


    Because these forums (and most online game forums) are generally an echo chamber of min/max powergamers that do raids or pvp and who consequently think that everyone plays the game the way they do. 


    And the big concern is that the developers will think that everyone plays the game that way and change the game to suit that playstyle.


    There are multiple subforums dedicated to people trying to be as powerful as possible.  A thread every few days about  not wanting to be as powerful as possible seems a minor counterbalance to trigger such a reaction.

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  6. On 12/9/2021 at 9:41 AM, ZacKing said:

    I agree and that's a good thing.  The Black Widow movie was a stinker IMO.


    I think it was fine but not great.  I mostly enjoyed it but have no reason to watch it again.  And it did not feel like an epic climax to her movie career.  It felt like a by the numbers action movie made to pad out a series.

  7. I have liked Hawkeye.  They have done a great job as mentioned of portraying him as very  competent but not flashy.  He has more skills than just archery.


    She is interesting.  I don't know her from the comics so I have no investment in her - but she is more fun and interesting than the new black widow whom I didn't care about at all.


    I am just hoping that Jack turns out to be El Aguila.

  8. 18 hours ago, roleki said:


    SJ is still my favorite travel power, but Speed of Sound is so much more practical I end up using it on just about everything.  Attack from range, then Jaunt into the mob and start delivering the PBAoE stinks. Farmer running out of nerds to punch?  Jaunt to the next mob, let the stragglers catch up to you.  Teammate getting murdered somewhere out of your line of site?  Target them, then Jaunt over and dump the green on them.  Have no idea how to get from where you are on this infernal DA map to where all your teammates are?  Target a teammate who looks like they know what they are doing, Jaunt to them.


    I have not even tried speed of sound.  I really need to try the new pool powers.

  9. Praetoria *


    The missions are interesting and challenging.  It is great having new villains to fight and new maps.  But I could not figure out how to start a character in Praetoria until I got help on the forums, so I'm giving Praetoria one star.



    Marauder *


    It was a good introduction to Praetoria and the power group.  The missions were nearby and short but fun.  But I had to pick roses in one of the missions.  I once gave a girl roses and she broke up with me, so I'm giving Marauder one star.

    • Haha 3
  10. I want powersets to be on a sliding scale of doing several things.


    Blaster powersets should basically all do the same damage.  But they can do single target damage, aoe damage, control, and debuff.  So powersets should have a mix of these. 


    It would be fine for blaster powersets to have 5 powers that were essentially the same for all sets - single target attacks of different power but with a different secondary effect.  Then the other 4 powers provide the real customization.  AoE, control, or whatever. 


    You could have a set with 4 control powers, 4 aoe powers, a mix, etc.  So you  can pick a set that has the balance that you  want.

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